What is the dream of photography: new, old, children’s, group. Why dream to watch photos in a dream alone or in a company?


In a dream, deceased relatives, old friends, strangers may appear to a person.

But what is the dream of photography? Why dream to watch photos in a dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What photography is about - basic interpretation

If you dream of someone’s photo in a dream - It is important to remember all the details of sleep:

• Where did the photo appear in your dream;

• Who is pictured;

• What is the quality of the photograph;

• That is happening in the photo;

• What emotions does your dream arouse?

It is important to interpret the whole dream in order to understand what hidden meaning is stored in it. It is important to remember who exactly you met in a dream, who exactly is shown in the photo. If this is you - a successful and long life awaits you. If you are alone in the photo, you will achieve everything in life yourself.

If in the photo you see yourself in childhood, you will have to fight with your old fears and feelings. If you can’t overcome your phobias, they will manage your life in reality.

If you dream that you find old photos in your desk - memories gnaw you. It’s important to remember where the photos came from. If they have nowhere to come from, remember what emotions your dream arouses. If old photos cause you joy - your old merits and victories will make themselves felt. You will experience happiness and joy because of your past successes. Perhaps some of the long-forgotten friends will remind of themselves.

If in a dream you feel grief and disappointment when you look at an old photo, you will also be frustrated in reality due to your past defeats. Perhaps your old friend will leave you, betray. If you have a dream in which someone disappears with a photo with you, that person will disappear from your life in reality.

If your image disappears from the photo - this is a very alarming sign. You will plunge into problems and sorrows, you will be covered with routine. Dream interpretation advises not to lose heart, otherwise you will not be able to avoid depression. You should try to keep your mind cool in making important decisions, otherwise they will fail.

Tearing a photo to pieces - trying to hide your true feelings. If you dream that you yourself are tearing your photo - you feel a certain dislike for yourself. You do not accept your shortcomings and are not proud of your virtues. If you tear apart someone else's photo - this person will bring you a lot of sorrow and disappointment that you do not deserve. You have to say goodbye to him in reality.

If you break your photo with your sweetheart, sweetheart - in reality you will really think about ending the relationship. Dream Interpretation advises not to get excited and not to make hasty actions. You have yet to look at these relations from the other side, to understand them. The best option now is not a break in relations, but a search for a point of common interest with a partner.

To dream about how your partner breaks your joint photo - he is tired of endless quarrels and clarifications, he is burdened by the situation, he no longer seeks reciprocity in relations, he no longer wants them. If you dream that your photo with your partner faded and became dull - such a dream means that your relationship will become colder, not so sincere.

To dream about how someone else appears in the photo - to feel rivalry, to feel that someone is stepping on your heels. Perhaps you are not mistaken, and you really have an enemy. But perhaps this is just the fruit of your wild fantasy. The dream book advises to understand the situation, and not to speculate.

If you show a photo in your dream - in reality you will try to get to the truth, find the truth. You will succeed if the photo appears in a dream. If in a dream you do not succeed, then in reality your desire to learn more will not succeed. If you play the role of a photographer in a dream - in reality you will become an observer of someone’s life. It is important to understand that in the near future you can really influence someone’s fate.

To become a model for a photo in a dream - in reality, to be under the gun of others' eyes. Your life will be evaluated and discussed. It’s time for you to prepare for gossip and intrigue, although you don’t have such behavior, it’s time to show character.

To give a photo album with photos - you let into your life a very important and valuable person. Teach a gift album with photos - someone treasures you very much and does not want to ruin your relationship with you.

If you are trying to find a photo in a dream and do not find it - in reality you will miss important information, an important meeting. The dream book advises not to allow fuss in this matter, advises to concentrate on such an important result.

Why dream of watching photos in a dream from Freud’s dream book

If you dream about your photo in a dream, you are too selfish. You devote too much time and attention to yourself, completely forgetting about the needs and desires of your partner. This applies not only to communication, but also to sexual life.

The dream book advises you to change your attitude towards your beloved, otherwise you will be disappointed in the relationship. If in a dream you see your photo with a lover, an unpleasant showdown awaits you. No one will be right, it will be an empty quarrel, which can lead to a crisis in relations. The dream book advises to prepare for clarification, not to escalate the situation and not to intensify the conflict. You can emerge victorious from this situation if you act wisely.

To see a dream in which you are trying to throw your photo together with your beloved - you will in reality try to free yourself from these relationships, free yourself from this connection. If in a dream you suddenly find your joint photo - memories will flood over you. You are waiting for a repetition of pleasant joint situations, travels.

Print photos in a dream - the secret will become apparent, and very soon. If you have secrets from your soulmate, they will be made public. You cannot hide a secret. If you are flipping through photos in an album, then it's time for you to prepare to meet a wonderful person, your future beloved. It will have a certain uniqueness, originality, which will attract you.

Retouch photos - you will try to adapt to your partner. The dream book warns you against radical changes, because they can cause conflicts and disappointments. If you can’t process the photo in any way, you will try to change the partner, adjust it for yourself. You will not succeed. Do not waste time.

Why dream to watch photos in a dream on the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it says what a dream is about. Such a dream carries a clear negative connotation, because through a person’s photo dark forces can harm him. If a woman sees her photo in a dream in which she is expecting a baby, such a dream means that she has health problems. She will not be able to get pregnant in the near future.

Seeing your lover in the photo is fearing for his health in reality. And these fears will not be in vain. Chronic disease will prevail over him. If you see your photo fading, you will find nervous tension and a nervous breakdown. The reason for this will be a heap of troubles and petty problems that will lead to nervous strain.

The dream book advises you not to overstrain in advance, not to shoulder too many responsibilities, otherwise all your work and efforts will go down the drain. Search your own among others' photos - try to milk justice and truth. You are unlikely to succeed. If in a dream you still find your photo - in reality you will have a chance to defend your interests.

Why do you dream about photography from other dream books

In the summer dream book it is said that to see one’s photo in a dream is to self-dissatisfaction. Your complexes and fears govern your reality. The dream book advises you not to accept criticism of others at your own expense. You better establish yourself in your uniqueness and exclusivity, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals.

In the Women's Dream Book it is said, if in a dream you look at your photo, you do not feel pleasure from either work or personal relationships. It's time for you to take a break, throw off the burden of responsibility. If your work will not suit you further - it's time to change it. Life has prepared a wonderful replacement for you.

To see a dream in which you are trying to restore a torn photo - trying to restore old connections that have long been obsolete. The dream book advises to give up this venture and follow only forward in life. Dreams only suggest the right decision, but take it to you.


Watch the video: Disney Dream Photo Session & Carly Rae Jepsen on "Shake It Up"! (June 2024).