Green cabbage soup - a vitamin charge and a bright taste! Recipes of different green cabbage soup with sorrel and cabbage, mushrooms, fish, nettle, beans


Green cabbage soup is a dish with an unusual appearance and a very bright taste, which is achieved by adding sorrel.

The soup turns sour, aromatic and special. Usually it is cooked in spring and summer, but you can cook it in winter, if you managed to buy fresh sorrel or find canned, frozen leaves.

Green cabbage soup - general cooking principles

• Sorrel. Fresh greens are usually used, leaflets are sorted, cut, but not finely. You need to add them to the finished soup before turning off, as with a long boil, the greens become sour, spoil the look and taste of the dish. Sometimes canned or frozen sorrel is used, it is also added at the very end of cabbage cooking.

• The base of the broth. It can be meat or poultry, but there are also lean variants of green cabbage soup. They are also cooked with mushrooms, fish, these recipes are a little lower.

• Vegetables. Usually it is potatoes, onions and carrots, cabbage, sweet peppers are often added. It all depends on the recipe. Vegetables are peeled, cut in the same way as for other soups.

• Eggs. Often present in recipes, can be added to a plate in a boiled form or in a pan. Sometimes they are poured into the total mass in raw form and boiled.

• Greens, spices. These ingredients are added to your taste. Usually salt, pepper, dill, laurel, parsley are put in cabbage soup.

Green sorrel soup on chicken stock

A recipe for easy-to-cook but very tasty and sour green cabbage soup. For the broth, you can use any part of the chicken. Recipe with boiled eggs.


• chicken 0.5 kg;

• 0.25 kg of potatoes;

• 3-4 eggs;

• 1 onion;

• 2 bunches of sorrel;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 1 carrot;

• 1.5 liters of water.


1. Pour washed pieces of chicken with water, boil until cooked. If the bird is factory, then it will take 30-40 minutes. Farm carcasses will need a little more time. Take out the pieces in a bowl.

2. Cut the potatoes, toss in the chicken stock.

3. Peel the onion, chop finely, pour over to the potato

4. Carrots also need to be peeled, cut into strips or small cubes, sprinkled with other vegetables. Cook until tender, add five minutes cabbage soup.

5. Sort the sorrel, cut. Chop dill.

6. Hard-boiled eggs, peel.

7. Disassemble the chicken into pieces or remove the meat from the seeds, as it happens. Throw back into the pan.

8. Add sorrel to the cooked soup, bring to a boil and turn it off. Insist under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

9. Cut the egg into cubes or in half, you can quarter it, put it in a bowl. Pour with green cabbage soup, add fresh dill, and at the request of sour cream and can be served!

Green cabbage soup with cabbage

To prepare such green cabbage soup, it is not necessary to use meat broth, you can make a lean option. White cabbage is used.


• 2 l of broth;

• 400 g of cabbage;

• 1-2 potatoes;

• 2 large beams of sorrel;

• 1 bell pepper;

• 2-4 eggs;

• 100 g of onions and carrots;

• 20 ml of oil, herbs.


1. Boil the broth on the stove, put chopped potatoes in it. Quantity at your discretion, you can cook soup without it.

2. Onion needs to be peeled, cut. Grate the carrots.

3. Heat a little oil in a skillet, fry vegetables until rosy.

4. As soon as the potatoes boil for 5-7 minutes, you can add chopped cabbage and Bulgarian pepper to it. But if it is young and cooked quickly, then the potatoes should be brought almost to readiness.

5. Salt cabbage soup, boil potatoes with cabbage until tender.

6. We transfer the vegetables from the pan to the pan first.

7. After a minute, we throw the sorrel, let the cabbage soup boil.

8. Now any greens, bay leaf is added and can be turned off.

9. Serve cabbage soup with boiled egg, you need to add it immediately to the plates.

Green cabbage soup with mushrooms

Lenten version of green cabbage soup, which are prepared with simple mushrooms. If desired, use any other mushrooms, but they will need to be boiled before adding to the pan.


• 0.3 kg of champignons;

• 1 onion head;

• 3 potatoes;

• 200 g of sorrel;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 1 carrot;

• boiled eggs, spices, sour cream.


1. Cut the mushrooms into large pieces, you can halves.

2. Pour oil in a skillet, heat well and add mushrooms. Fry for about three minutes over high heat.

3. Transfer the mushrooms to the pan, pour boiling water and put on the stove.

4. When boiling, add chopped potatoes and a little salt to the mushrooms. Cook until the pieces are soft.

5. In the pan after the mushrooms, fry the onions and one small carrot.

6. Cut the sorrel and other herbs, separately cook the eggs.

7. Run the fried vegetables into the cabbage soup, stir and boil for a minute.

8. We taste green cabbage soup to taste. If there is enough salt, we throw the prepared sorrel and other greens.

9. If desired, season cabbage soup with pepper, laurel, and serve, put the egg and sour cream in the plates.

Green cabbage "Rakhmanovsky" on fish broth

For the preparation of such cabbage soup you will need a saturated broth of river fish. You can take a trifle, ridges with heads or other parts, it does not matter.


• 0.7 kg of fish;

• 4 potatoes;

• 2-3 beams of sorrel;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 2-3 tablespoons of oil;

• 2 carrots;

• 2 boiled eggs.


1. Pour fish with cold water, boil for a minute. Drain the broth into the sink. Add clean liquid, toss one onion and carrot, peppercorns if desired. Put on the stove and cook a saturated broth.

2. Remove all fish from the pan. You can remove pieces of meat from the bones and then add to the soup or use only the broth.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut, add to the broth. Cook for 15 minutes.

4. There are still onions with carrots. They also need to be cleaned, the head cut. Grate the carrots. Fry in oil. Transfer to the finished potato, salt the cabbage soup.

5. Cut the sorrel and dill, toss in the pan after a couple of minutes.

6. Bring green cabbage soup with sorrel to a boil and immediately turn it off. Add eggs, optionally pieces of fish.

Green cabbage "Vitamin" with sorrel and nettle

Very healthy and vitamin-rich green cabbage soup, which will especially please in the early spring. It is at this time that you can find fresh young nettles - a necessary product of soup. It is not necessary to prepare the dish on the broth; you can use water.


• 1.5 l of water or broth;

• 1 small onion;

• 2 bunches of nettles;

• 2 bunches of sorrel;

• carrot;

• 2 potatoes;

• 2 eggs;

• spices.


1. In boiling broth or water, add chopped onion into small cubes and carrots.

2. Salt. After boiling, add potatoes cut into small pieces.

3. Cook the soup for about fifteen minutes, separately prepare the eggs.

4. Cut the sorrel.

5. We sort out the nettle. Hard and thick branches need to be removed, we leave thin and soft stems. We work with greens carefully so as not to get burned, you can use gloves.

6. Cabbage soup needs to be salted, pepper and you can add greens. Let it boil and turn it off. We insist.

7. Cut the eggs, lay them in a pan or directly in a plate.

Green cabbage soup with eggs

A recipe for cabbage soup for which you do not need to boil eggs in a separate bowl. Preparing a dish is much simpler and faster, but it turns out very tasty and unusual in appearance.


• 0.3 kg of potatoes;

• 1.5 l of water, broth;

• 1 head (small) of onion;

• 2 large beams of sorrel;

• 1 carrot;

• 200 g of cabbage;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 pepper (Bulgarian).


1. For such cabbage soup you can use any meat, chicken or fish broth, for example, as in the recipe above. Throw chopped potatoes into boiling liquid, cook for 10-12 minutes.

2. Fry vegetables: onions and carrots. At the end, we throw the chopped pepper into the pan, cook for a minute and turn it off.

3. We transfer slaw cabbage to potatoes, cook until tender, add salt.

4. Add the boiling, bring to a boil.

5. Cut the sorrel and other greens, in this case it is dill, we throw it into the pan.

6. Shake the raw eggs with a fork until smooth.

7. Pour a thin stream into the soup, quickly stir, let it boil and turn it off.

Green cabbage soup with beans in Belarusian

Recipe for Belarusian green cabbage soup with sorrel and boiled beans. You can use white or dark beans for the dish.


• 400 g of pork ribs;

• 100 g of dry beans;

• 150 g of sorrel;

• 200 g of cabbage;

• 200 g of potatoes;

• onions, carrots;

• spices, oil.


1. Soak the beans in cold water for at least 10 hours. Boil in a saucepan until tender, drain the liquid. You can use canned beans, it will be faster.

2. Pork ribs pour 3 liters of water, boil for an hour.

3. Cut the potatoes large, pour into the broth, continue cooking soup for another 15 minutes.

4. Chop the cabbage. Pour into a pot of half-finished potatoes. After boiling, add salt, add previously cooked beans.

5. Fry onions with carrots. Add oil or pork fat to the pan.

6. Transfer vegetables to green cabbage soup, salt and boil for a couple of minutes.

7. And this time, wash the sorrel and other greens (optional), cut into small pieces.

8. Pour everything into a saucepan, bring to a boil and immediately turn it off. Insist 20 minutes for the sorrel to release acid.

Green cabbage soup - useful tips and tricks

• Cabbage soup on the water will not be liquid or tasteless if grated potatoes are added to the pan at the very beginning. The vegetable will boil, make the broth tastier.

• If the soup turned out to be very sour, you can add more boiled eggs, sour cream, they pick up excess spices well.

• You need to boil cabbage soup after adding sorrel over the biggest fire, otherwise the tender leaves will become limp, lose their shape, the soup will be ugly.


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