Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter - you can’t buy one in the store! Recipes of the most delicious beetroot caviar for the winter: boiled and fried


Beetroot caviar is an appetizer, a sauce, a dressing for borsch, and a spread for sandwiches. So many wonderful ways to use a simple, but very tasty and healthy workpiece. There are even more recipes, the most interesting options are collected here.

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter - general principles of preparation

Caviar can be made from boiled, baked or fresh beets. The root crop is cleaned, crushed, combined with other ingredients. Harvested, stewed or fried. Often combine several methods of heat treatment.

What is usually added to beetroot caviar:

• garlic;

• bow;

• tomatoes;

• carrots.

Since the appetizer is prepared for the winter, vinegar is often put in it, which can be replaced with lemon juice or dry acid. Sugar is added to improve the taste. For smoothing, pour vegetable oil. If all or individual ingredients are fried, then the fats are added to the pan during pre-treatment. Any spices are allowed, often hot pepper and horseradish are added to caviar.

Winter harvesting requires sterility. Not only cans with lids are processed, but also other utensils used. Cleanliness is the key to the preservation of caviar.

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter with tomatoes

The simplest and most famous recipe for delicious beetroot caviar for the winter. We choose the most juicy and dark root crops, so that the workpiece turns out bright and fragrant.


• tomatoes 300 g;

• kilogram of beets;

• 4-5 onion heads;

• 80 ml of oil;

• head of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• salt;

• 20 ml of vinegar 6%.


1. Soak the beets in cold water for several minutes, so that the dirt is saturated, rinse with a brush, boil in a peel.

2. Once the root crops are easily pierced, drain the broth, pour cold water. Cool, clean.

3. Chop onion finely, put in hot oil, fry. Use a large stewpan or cauldron.

4. Grind boiled beets in any way, usually the root crops are twisted through a meat grinder.

5. Add beets to the onion, cook together.

6. Grate tomatoes, remove the skin. Pour the resulting tomato to the vegetables. Boil the mass until thick.

7. The head of garlic needs to be peeled, chopped, added to beetroot caviar.

8. Pour in the vinegar immediately and season the snack with sugar, salt to taste.

9. Stew for about five minutes.

10. Place the boiling stock in sterile jars. Roll up immediately, cool.

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter with carrots (on a grater)

A very interesting version of caviar with a bright taste and color. For cooking, you do not need a meat grinder, not a blender. Both carrots and beets can be prepared in advance, root vegetables are boiled in the peel.


• beet kilogram;

• a pound of carrots;

• garlic 3-4 cloves;

• 5-6 tomatoes;

• 300 g of onion;

• 120 ml of oil;

• 15 g of salt;

• 30 g sugar;

• 30 ml of vinegar.


1. Onion cut into cubes, put in a large stewpan with hot oil. Fry.

2. After a few minutes, add chopped tomatoes. Cook the onion and pasta until the tomato is cooked. It should become dark and thick.

3. Rub the carrots finely, add to the onion, cook another couple of minutes.

4. Now add the grated beets, fry together.

5. As soon as all the water has evaporated, you need to pour 150 ml of boiling water, add sugar, salt. We put paprika to taste, hot pepper and any other spices.

6. Stew caviar under the lid for 15 minutes.

7. Add vinegar, stir.

8. We’ll wait another minute. Now you can lay out the workpiece in jars, spin.

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter from baked root vegetables

A method of preparing healthy and tasty beetroot caviar for the winter without frying. Root crops are baked in foil. Apple cider vinegar is used.


• 2 kg of beets;

• 1 head of garlic;

• 110 ml of oil;

• 4 carrots;

• 4 onion heads;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 50 ml apple cider vinegar;

• salt to taste.


1. We put the washed beets in foil, wrap, lay on a baking sheet. We also pack carrots.

2. Put the baking tray with vegetables in the oven. We bake beets for 60-80 minutes at 180 degrees, carrots are removed earlier.

3. Cool vegetables, peel and grind through a meat grinder.

4. We also twist the onions through a meat grinder along with peeled garlic cloves. We put everything in a pan, add vegetable oil.

5. Put caviar on the stove, cook for 30 minutes, stir regularly.

6. Season with sugar, salt and other spices, taste.

7. Add vinegar to beetroot caviar, stir, simmer for a couple of minutes and pour the workpiece into jars. Cork immediately.

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter "Spicy"

For sharp caviar, capsicum is used. If it is not present or not enough, then you can use hot ground pepper. In this case, add spices to your taste. Cooking recipe.


• 1.5 kg of boiled beets;

• 0.5 kg of tomatoes;

• 0.4 kg of onions;

• 0.3 kg of carrots;

• 4 pods of hot pepper;

• 2 heads of garlic;

• 20 ml of vinegar;

• 40 g of sugar;

• salt;

• a glass of oil.


1. Rub onions and carrots, spread in hot oil, fry together for about five minutes. It is not necessary to bring to full readiness, it is enough to give the vegetables a pleasant aroma.

2. Add the grated beets, but you can twist the vegetable.

3. Grind tomatoes and hot pepper pods. Pour into vegetables, mix. Cover and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Do not forget to stir so that the mass does not burn.

4. During this time, chop the garlic, prepare all the spices, vinegar. We sterilize the banks.

5. Add everything to the pan with caviar, mix, let the spices dissolve, and adjust the taste.

6. Boil another five minutes.

7. Now you can put the snack in sterile containers. Twist and done!

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter from raw vegetables

For this recipe, delicious beetroot caviar for the winter, root crops do not need to be boiled in advance. Everything is laid raw and cooked. Instead of tomatoes, tomato paste is used.


• 1.5 kg of beets;

• 300 g of onion;

• 200 g of carrots;

• 150 ml of oil;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 spoon of vinegar;

• spices to taste.


1. We clean all vegetables. We rub the carrots and beets, chop the onions with diced cubes or straws. We do as we like more. Chop the garlic finely.

2. We take a stew-pan, preferably a large one, either a cauldron or a thick-walled pan. Heat the oil.

3. Add at intervals of 3 minutes: onions, then carrots, at the end of beets.

4. After adding the beets, cook the vegetables for another five minutes.

5. Add a glass of boiling water.

6. Close the lid, cook until soft vegetables.

7. Open, add chopped garlic, followed by spices and sugar with vinegar.

8. Stir, add tomato paste. If the product is concentrated and thick, then you can put less than the norm.

9. Boil another five minutes and you can pack beetroot caviar in sterile jars.

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter with bell pepper

Pepper for this caviar is not necessary to use only red, green pods can also be put into action.


• 1 kg of boiled beets;

• 0.5 kg of pepper;

• 2 onions;

• 2 carrots;

• 1 tbsp. l vinegar

• salt to taste;

• 120 ml of oil;

• 70 g of tomato paste;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar.


1. Onion cut into small cubes, fry in oil.

2. We twist the raw carrots through a meat grinder, transfer to the onion, fry until soft.

3. Add diced bell pepper, cook everything together for another five minutes.

4. Now the turn of beets. We clean root vegetables, we pass through the meat grinder, we add to other ingredients.

5. Fry caviar over low heat for about ten minutes.

6. Dilute the paste with 100 ml of water, salt and pepper, dissolve the sugar and vinegar in it. Pour the beets together.

7. Stew for five minutes, packaged in sterile containers, screw the lids.

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter with nuts

Another variant of spicy beetroot caviar. For this preparation you will need a minimum set of ingredients. Everything is very simple, but tasty.


• 1.5 kg of boiled beets;

• 3 onion heads;

• 0.5 cups of oil;

• a glass of nuts;

• 2 pods of hot pepper;

• salt;

• 15 ml of vinegar.


1. Cut the onion as finely as possible, fry in oil.

2. We twist the beets in a meat grinder with hot pepper. Spread onion. Fry over low heat. If the mass starts to burn, you can pour in a little hot water.

3. Cut the nuts into small pieces, put them in an empty and dry pan, fry them a little.

4. We shift nuts into caviar.

5. Immediately add salt. If desired, put chopped garlic.

6. Stir, continue to simmer over low heat for another five minutes, season with vinegar, stir well.

7. Put caviar in jars.

Tasty beetroot caviar for the winter - useful tips and tricks

• To make caviar more tender, all the ingredients are smashed with a blender or twisted through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. But you can cook a snack with slices, you get an original salad, which is also tasty and bright.

• Beets do not have to be cooked for several hours. It is enough for small root crops to boil for half an hour, then they are poured with ice water and left to cool completely. The fluid must be periodically replaced with cold. Large root crops are allowed to boil for 40-45 minutes.

• Table vinegar in winter preparations can be replaced with apple, but taking into account the percentage of acid. In any case, it is added at the very end of cooking beetroot caviar, otherwise you can slow down the process and the vegetables will remain stiff.

• Winter beetroot blanks are always wrapped in a blanket; they are kept upside down until completely cooled. This technique allows you to avoid additional sterilization of the workpiece, increases the shelf life.


Watch the video: Kale and chickpeas Vegan Salad How to Easy salad. (July 2024).