Five days before the wedding: an effective diet for brides


The bride at the wedding should look like never before beautiful and elegant, because this is such a solemn day in her life. In order to impress all guests with their slim and fresh complexion, you can use a special diet for brides, which lasts only five days. The basis of this diet is the use of fruit - apples and oranges.

The beneficial properties of these fruits are as follows:

1. In apples and oranges a huge amount of useful minerals and vitamins: C, E, carotene, vitamins of group B1, PP, folic acid, C, E, vitamins of group B, PP and carotene) and minerals (iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus , magnesium, calcium). This will not only allow to accumulate useful substances in the body, but also to protect yourself from colds and other diseases before the wedding.

2. Orange is rightfully recognized as the strongest antioxidant known to mankind. The main task of its constituent bioflavonoids is to maintain body tone, even under conditions of a suddenly reduced diet. In addition, this fruit will help the bride to cope with feelings before the solemn day.

3. The orange contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which helps to ensure that the appetite decreases rapidly, and the weight steadily leaves.

4. Orange is a low-calorie product, but it is very nourishing. Having eaten only 32 kcal, you can easily get enough for a full three hours.

5. The apple contains the substance pectin, which actively burns fat. Thanks to him, you can lose unnecessary weight, one apple - 200 g of fat. In addition, it removes all harmful heavy metals from the body, reduces cholesterol levels.

6. Also, the apple contains fiber, thanks to which this fruit also nourishes the body for a sufficient time.

7. Apples also contain apple cider vinegar (malic acid), which is involved in activating the metabolism and all metabolic processes of the body, which together helps to quickly lose unnecessary kilograms.

8. Tartronic and citric acid do not allow carbohydrates to turn into fat, as it actively splits them.

Approximate version of the brides diet menu:

Products for breakfast:

  • Green tea,
  • 1 orange,
  • 2 apples.

Products for lunch:

2 tbsp. min water with released gas and an apple.

Food for lunch:

  • 2 oranges,
  • 2 apples
  • 2 tbsp. clean water

Dinner products:

  • A glass of clean water
  • 1/2 apple and orange.

This menu is repeated all four days, while you can drink water in the desired quantity during the day. After such a diet, it is desirable to eat exclusively low-fat meat, fruits, seafood and vegetables on the very solemn wedding day itself.


shreds 09/23/2016
I know the recipe how to lose weight by 10 kg in one week. There is such a diet tried and tested.

Natasha 09/15/2016
I think you can lose weight with Reduxine light enhanced formula. The main thing without harm to health and effective. I lost weight on the nm before the holiday, removed 4 cm in waist and hips.

Mara 09/08/2016
You can still wear magnets to suppress the appetite, in case you feel torment ... to improve the effect
I took them here ==> //

Marie 09/01/2016
I didn’t cope with diets, it’s not mine, only nerves and hungry forever, after the holidays I decided to lose weight on Reduxine light mustache. formula. I have a girlfriend on it in the summer almost 9 kilos threw off, now I took for my five.


Watch the video: How one bride lost more than 60 pounds before her wedding (July 2024).