Okroshka in tan - freshness with sourness. Recipes of delicious cold soup: okroshka in a tan with meat, sausage, seafood


In the summer, especially if there is unbearable heat on the street, there is absolutely no desire to eat hot and heavy food, which means that the time has come when you can cook a simple and light soup - okroshka.

Okroshka in tan is one of many variations of a delicious summer soup, where, regardless of the ingredients included in the dish, one component remains indispensable - the fermented milk drink tan.

Thanks to this refreshing drink, the okroshka turns out to be especially tasty, with a slight unobtrusive sourness, which is a feature of the okroshka in tan.

Okroshka in tan - general principles of preparation

Cold soups on sultry summer days perfectly saturate and quench your thirst. Okroshka in tan belongs to the category of such dishes. The basic principle of preparing such a soup is preliminary heat treatment and boiling of almost all okroshka ingredients, pouring prepared foods with a liquid base. As a liquid, housewives prefer kvass, mineral water, kefir, whey. But once having tried to cook okroshka in a dance, few people are already returning to the classic fillings.

The composition of cold soup can include almost any product, so do not be afraid to experiment and bring something new to your dish, your own - there are no strict limits and restrictions. Okroshka is cooked in tana and with meat, and replacing it with sausages, fish, seafood and even vegetarian options without meat components are popular. Of vegetables, potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, radishes, sometimes carrots, beets, and tops are often used. In addition, they lay eggs and a lot of greens.

It is really easy to prepare okroshka in tan, all the ingredients are crushed in cubes of the same size, then mixed, seasoned with salt, spices, mustard, sour cream, lemon juice, vinegar, horseradish are added. After which everyone pours a cold tan.

Tan can be used either carbonated or not. If you purchased the product without gas, to give okroshka a special taste, you can mix the tan with mineral water.

Recipe 1. Okroshka in a tan with beef


• 500 grams of young beef;

• 1.5-1.7 liters of tan;

• three large potatoes;

• 10-12 radishes;

• five eggs;

• 3-4 fresh cucumbers;

• salt pepper;

• greens (onions, parsley).

Cooking method:

1. Rinse beef thoroughly. If necessary, cut off the fat and film, put the meat in a pan. Pour the beef with cold water, boil until tender. If the meat is young, it will take no more than one hour to cook it. Once the beef is cooked, remove it gently on a plate, cool, cut into small cubes.

2. Rinse the potatoes, put in a pan with water, boil. Cool, peel, cut into small cubes.

3. Boil hard-boiled eggs, also cool and cut lightly.

4. Rinse the radish, cucumbers and all greens, slightly dry and chop.

5. Pour into a pan of a suitable size tan, lay out all the prepared ingredients. Pepper and salt to taste, mix. If desired, you can add a little spicy mustard, which will give the dish a special piquancy.

6. Serve okroshka in a tan cold, for this put soup for an hour or two in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Okroshka in a dance with sausage


• liter of tan;

• four potatoes;

• three eggs;

• three cucumbers;

• feathers of green onions, dill;

• salt, spices;

• 350 grams of boiled sausage.

Cooking method:

1. First, rinse and shake the green onions, cut them into rings, put in a bowl, rub with salt so that the onions highlight juice.

2. Wash and cut cucumbers and radishes into medium-sized cubes.

3. Boil eggs and potatoes separately from each other until cooked, cool, cut into the same slices as vegetables.

4. Cut the sausage into small cubes.

5. Mix vegetables, eggs and sausage with pre-prepared green onions, add black ground pepper and chopped dill.

6. Pour all the ingredients with a tan.

7. If there is enough salt, remove okroshka in a tan before serving for an hour in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3. Spicy okroshka in Tan


• three eggs;

• 8-10 pieces of radish;

• three fresh cucumbers;

• 850 ml of tan;

• salt, black pepper;

• greens (dill, onions, parsley);

• a tablespoon of 3% vinegar;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a tablespoon of grated horseradish;

• 10 grams of hot mustard;

• dried herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and peel garlic, radishes, cucumbers. Boil eggs, cool, peel.

2. Cut all cooked foods except garlic into small cubes. Pass the garlic through a press or crush in a mortar.

3. Pour the tan into the pan, add a little salt, pepper, sugar. Pour in the vinegar, put the mustard, dried herbs and grated horseradish, mix.

4. Pour the resulting mixture into a large bowl of vegetables and eggs.

5. Rinse all greens, shake off excess moisture, chop with a sharp knife.

6. Put dill, parsley and onion in okroshka on a tan. Put the cold soup in the refrigerator for an hour, then serve on the table, pouring into serving plates.

Recipe 4. Okroshka in tan with green peas and olives


• 150 grams of canned green peas;

• 10 black olives;

• 200 grams of boiled sausage;

• 0.5 liters of mineral water;

• 0.5 liters of tan;

• four eggs;

• two fresh cucumbers;

• a small bunch of green onions and dill;

• salt;

• carrot;

• two potatoes.

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes and carrots until cooked. To give the okroshka in the tang a special flavor, vegetables can be baked in the oven in their uniforms. Cool potatoes with carrots, cut into cubes.

2. Boil eggs, cut into cubes the same size as vegetables.

3. Sausage and washed cucumbers cut into small pieces, olives into rings.

4. Remove the peas from the jar.

5. Mix all the ingredients, fill them with a cold mixture of mineral water and tan. Salt to taste, add a few drops of lemon juice, mustard, black pepper if desired.

6. Put finely chopped greens in a soup that is almost ready. Serve the dish, keeping half an hour in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5. Okroshka in a tan with beetroot


• large beets;

• 230 grams of cooked sausage;

• two fresh cucumbers;

• liter of tan;

• five eggs;

• two potatoes;

• 5-6 pieces of radish;

• 350 ml of mineral water with gas;

• chives and dill.

Cooking method:

1. Boil beets, potatoes and eggs until cooked in three different pots. To make the beets cooked faster, you can take two small ones instead of one large fruit.

2. Cool the potatoes, eggs and beets, peel and shell, cut into small cubes.

3. Rinse cucumbers and radishes, peel, cut into slices the same size as the previous ingredients.

4. Put everything in a bowl, add chopped herbs and diced sausage.

5. Put some salt, chopped greens.

6. Pour everything with mineral water and tan, mix well.

7. We stand okroshka in a tan for about 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator, so that the soup turns into a pleasant pinkish color of beets.

Recipe 6. Okroshka in a tana with seafood


• fresh cucumber;

• five radishes;

• two potatoes;

• two eggs;

• feathers of green onions;

• five cherry tomatoes;

• six crab sticks;

• 130-150 grams of peeled shrimp;

• two to three mint leaves;

• 5 grams of mustard;

• salt pepper;

• a pinch of finely grated ginger;

• 750 ml of tan.

Cooking method:

1. Grate in a deep bowl or in a pan chopped onion with finely chopped mint and salt.

2. Rinse and rinse the cucumber and cut into small cubes, cut the cherry into four parts.

3. Boil hard-boiled eggs, boil potatoes, or bake until cooked. Cool, peel, crumble.

4. Cut the crab sticks into small cubes.

5. Boil water in a small saucepan, add a little salt, lemon juice can be added for taste, add shrimp to boiled water for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately discard into a colander.

6. Mix tan with salt, pepper, mustard, grated ginger in any convenient container. If you wish, you can add chopped dill, parsley or other herbs to your taste here.

7. Pour the prepared mixed vegetables, eggs, mint with onions and seafood in a spicy tan, cool for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Recipe 7. Okroshka in Tan with a green apple


• 1.5 liters of tan;

• large sweet and sour apple;

• three fresh cucumbers;

• 100 grams of sour cream;

• a teaspoon of mustard;

• 10 radishes;

• salt, dill, green onions.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse apple, radish and cucumbers under running water. If necessary, carefully remove the skin. Cut the apple and vegetables into thin strips.

2. Put the prepared foods in a bowl of a suitable size, salt, add mustard and finely chopped greens.

3. Pour okroshka with tan, serve cold.

Okroshka in Tan - tricks, tips

• Okroshka in tan will turn out tastier and prettier if all the ingredients are cut into equal cubes.

• To prevent meat from tearing and slicing evenly, it is recommended to cool it in the refrigerator after cooking.

• Okroshka in tan is a cold dish, so in no case take fatty meat or sausages. Ideal options are lean cuts of beef, veal, chicken, as well as cooked sausage or ham without fatty layers.

• The eggs should be boiled hard-boiled, and then cooled under a stream of cold water, so the shell will be removed easily, and it will turn out to cut the egg beautifully without much difficulty. The only exception is the yolks, for the rich taste of the soup, they can be grated or knead with a fork.

• So that the greens do not crunch into okroshka and do not interrupt the taste of the remaining ingredients, put only leaflets without twigs. Grind greens as finely as possible, you can even grind it with your hands, adding a small amount of salt.

• Cook vegetables: beets, carrots, potatoes separately from each other. Potatoes and carrots can be pre-peeled, but it is better to cook beets in their skins so that it retains its rich color. In addition, vegetables can be baked in the oven.

• To make it hotter, you can put a little chopped chili pepper, ground pepper, hot mustard, grated horseradish, or ginger into okroshka in a tana.

• If you decide to cook a large amount of okroshka, do not rush to fill all the ingredients at once, this will reduce the shelf life of the soup. Better mix chopped foods with tan as needed.

• Tan is a sour product in itself, but if you weren’t short of acid, use vinegar, citric acid as an additive.

• If you have already eaten okroshka and the products are still left, you can mix them with mayonnaise or sour cream and you will get a wonderful light summer salad.


Watch the video: Nagorno-Karabakh cuisine. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).