Cervical erosion during pregnancy: how dangerous is it? Is it necessary to treat cervical erosion during pregnancy?


Cervical erosion. A similar diagnosis is popular for Russia, but in the Western countries and in the USA such a disease does not exist at all. When a doctor tells a pregnant woman that she has erosion, anxiety arises: will pathological processes in the internal organs of the reproductive system during pregnancy lead to serious consequences?

Do not worry too much. Today, more than half of pregnant women have erosion to one degree or another. Almost all of them normally bear and give birth to perfectly healthy wonderful babies!

Cervical erosion during pregnancy - causes

Only laboratory tests can establish the true cause of erosion during pregnancy. But the main prerequisites for the appearance of pathology are:

1. Various genital infections. Pathogenic microbes destroy the mucous membrane and provoke inflammatory processes, which leads to ulceration.

2. Decreased protective properties of the body. According to statistics, weakened women often have cervical erosion. Against the background of a decrease in immunity, infection of the reproductive system is provoked, and this leads to a thinning of the mucous membrane of the cervix.

3. Constant stress. They generally weaken the body of a woman.

4. Hormonal changes. Hormonal imbalance can occur against the background of other diseases, such as the thyroid gland.

5. Genital injuries. Any mechanical or chemical damage to the cervix can lead to erosion.

Often, due to the natural physiological increase in the size of the uterus during pregnancy, erosion appears in many expectant mothers. In medicine, this type of pathology is referred to as eversion of the cervix. The use of hormonal contraception can also contribute to this problem.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy - diagnosis

When a woman bearing a child is registered, she is examined by a gynecologist, as a result of which cervical erosion during pregnancy is visually diagnosed. The doctor directs the patient for analysis, after receiving the results, an accurate diagnosis and the causes of the disease are established.

During the examination, the doctor assesses the size of erosion, its edges, the bottom, makes a test of Krobak. This breakdown refers to the pressure of a metal probe into the center of the damaged epithelium, which allows us to determine the density of erosion.

The main analysis is the study of flora. It is taken from a woman at each examination by a doctor. If the patient's gynecologist has determined a mucosal disorder, but the test results are good, then a qualified specialist will recommend not to remove erosion before childbirth, and after the baby is born, conduct an additional examination, which will make it possible to determine the degree of damage and choose the appropriate method of erosion treatment.

Additionally, the doctor sends the patient for colposcopy, the meaning of which is to examine the uterus with a microscope. If there is a suspicion of degeneration of cells into malignant, a biopsy is performed and a piece of the ulcerated part of the cervix is ​​taken for research.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy - what to do?

Such a disease requires mandatory treatment, but radical measures are applied after the birth of the baby. The doctor prescribes drugs that slow the violation of the integrity of the walls of the uterus. Such a cautious treatment regimen is recommended during the bearing of the baby and it is aimed at keeping the lesion in order to avoid further spread.

Local therapy is understood as the use of lotions in a place affected by erosion. The attending physician will advise doing baths with medicinal herbal infusions. With erosion of the cervix in pregnant women, therapeutic vaginal suppositories are widely used. Antibiotics and antiviral drugs are contraindicated, they can be used only in exceptional cases.

Effective methods of therapeutic therapy in this case are:

1. Laser surgery. The basis of this procedure implies surgical intervention using a special laser.

2. Diathermocoagulation. Treatment of cervical erosion is carried out using electric current. This method is considered aggressive, since after surgical intervention, rough scars remain on the uterus.

3. Cryosurgery. The meaning of this surgical method is local tissue freezing.

4. Thermocoagulation. The principle of this procedure lies in the cauterization of erosion by chemicals or special medicines.

5. Radio wave treatment. This is the most recommended and most gentle modern method of cervical erosion in pregnant women, in which there is neither cauterization, nor excision of pathological cells. They evaporate during the procedure, which eliminates the need for side effects. The patient will not have pain, unpleasant odor and copious discharge in the postoperative period.

To date, the most affordable method is cauterization. But an experienced gynecologist will not advise him to do it during pregnancy, but only after a certain time after birth, when the female body is restored. During such an operation, there is a high probability of bleeding followed by a miscarriage.

It is important to establish the real cause of erosion. It is possible that after the birth of a child she will pass on her own. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

If a woman intends to become a mother, then she should adhere to preventive measures, which are:

• healthy and balanced diet;

• lack of casual sexual intercourse and frequent change of partners;

• regular visits to the gynecologist;

• observing the daily routine;

• absence of stressful situations;

• compulsory physical activity;

• personal hygiene;

• rejection of abortion;

• timely treatment of any inflammatory processes and infections;

• maintaining a moderate life rhythm.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy - how dangerous is it for an unborn baby?

For a baby in the womb, cervical erosion can be a real threat. A pregnant woman may develop anemia against the background of constant blood loss due to discharge from the damaged epithelium. In this case, the hemoglobin level drops, and this will negatively affect the proper nutrition and growth of the fetus. Oxygen is also delivered to the child through hemoglobin.

Damaged mucous membranes become defenseless against infections that can cause infection of the fetus and subsequently lead to its pathology. The appearance of erosion during pregnancy can provoke an untimely discharge of water, and as a result, premature birth.

Cervical erosion is also considered dangerous for the woman herself, because she is fraught with dangerous consequences. A child needs a healthy mother. The inflammation itself will be reflected in the reproductive function of the woman and may cast doubt on the next planned pregnancy. Non-healing epithelium creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, which is fraught with complications:

• the appearance of cancer cells;

• chronic inflammatory process of the reproductive system;

• infertility.

The main thing is not to panic. Cervical erosion most often does not significantly affect the course of pregnancy. In the same way, pregnancy itself cannot worsen the state of erosion or increase its size. During childbirth, this pathology of the cervical mucosa does not interfere. But this problem cannot be ignored.


Watch the video: Cervical Cancer During Pregnancy. Ashley's Story (July 2024).