Hyperactive child - signs of hyperactivity in children and what parents should do


In medical practice, hyperactivity is a complex behavioral disorder that does not require any medical intervention and manifests itself in early preschool years.

The disorder can affect a child’s success in school, affect interpersonal relationships, and be noticeable due to excessive mental and motor activity.

Signs of disorder in different children can be found in different ways. In most children, the disorder is associated with spontaneous reactions that the child cannot suppress. Reactions affect the mobility of the child, his speech and attention. They are considered signs of an unbalanced nervous system, among adults they are called excessive emotionality.

When hyperactivity of the child has difficulty concentrating, can not sit still, wait in line. He shouts answers before other children, pulls his hand to be the first to answer a question, shows disorganization, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

Due to over-activity, the child has a bad time at school, is not able to carry out tasks efficiently, he moves a lot, talks a lot, interrupts the conversation between peers and adults.

The signs and symptoms of the disorder usually begin to appear before the age of seven. They can be confused with another disorder - attention deficit disorder, as well as the normal behavior of the child. Therefore, if the parents notice one or more signs of disorder in a child, this does not mean that the child is hyperactive. Conversely, if signs are present in all situations - at home, at school, during extra-curricular activities and on walks - it is time to get to know the psychologist and the doctor closer.

Causes of hyperactivity in a child

The root causes of hyperactivity can be:

• various infections;

• birth trauma, difficult childbirth, early or late birth;

• poisoning with heavy metals and hazardous chemicals;

• unhealthy diet, poor daily routine.

Studies show that hyperactivity is more common in boys. It may be accompanied by a violation of sleep, enuresis, various speech disorders, cardiac disorders. The disorder is often found within attention deficit disorder.

The main signs of hyperactivity

Recognize hyperactivity in a child by the following features:

1. The child almost always has restless movements of the limbs. He cannot sit on a chair, gets up, turns, fidgets, turns, pulls clothes when he has to sit quietly.

2. The child exhibits high motor activity for no reason. He runs aimlessly, jumps, climbs on chairs, sofas, armchairs, and even in situations where it can not be done.

3. The child can not concentrate on the game, quietly and quietly to do anything. He screams, squeaks, performs sudden unconscious movements.

4. In conversation, a child is very unrestrained, cannot fully listen to a question, answers questions not in vopad, without thinking.

5. The child can not stand and wait in the queue in any situations, begins to get nervous and naughty.

6. The child interferes with other children, sticks to others, wedges in someone else's game, interferes with his behavior.

7. At night and day, the child is very restlessly sleeping, turning over from one side to the other, knocking over the sheet, throwing off the blanket and at the same time loves the pose in a ball.

8. The child is unable to recognize other people's needs and desires.

9. The child is prone to emotional turmoil and cannot control emotions, both good and bad. A child may experience anger at an inappropriate time or roll up tantrums, with no reason at all.

10. A child shows interest in many things, but almost always has problems understanding things. For example, he begins to be interested in drawing, but leaves the drawing unfinished and switches over to a ball game, while completely losing interest in drawing.

11. The child is unable to concentrate attention, even when turned to him looking to the face. He hears a speech, but cannot repeat the conversation, or what was said to him.

12. The child often makes mistakes through negligence.

Symptoms and abnormalities are clarified by specialists through observation and evaluation of the child and his actions.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity in a child

If people say that a child is hyperactive, it can mean that he has also attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD can only be determined by a doctor on the basis of the conclusion of several specialists - a psychologist, a psychotherapist and a pediatrician. The doctor in the process of examination will also try to find out the signs of other disorders and diseases that are similar to ADHD and need different types of treatment.

If the doctor determines that the child has ADHD, he offers parents to help solve the problem. Many children are prescribed medications to help control their behavior. At the moment there are a huge number of medicines that can completely cure this condition. Medicine can help children: focus attention, calm the nervous system, balance behavior, improve memory and attention.

The child will take some medications just before school, some every day as part of a course of treatment. Medicines are offered to children in the form of sweet liquids, tablets, capsules, and chewy candies. Prescribe treatment can only doctor, after consultation with the parents.

Children with ADHD need not only medicine, but also a lifestyle change. In this case, the therapist and psychologist can offer parents an individually developed plan for lifestyle changes, advise on what will be useful and what should be avoided.

Children are also very helpful relaxation and behavioral therapy. In relaxation therapy, the doctor will teach the child to relax, calm down, do deep breathing exercises, relax various muscle groups. Behavioral therapy can teach children to set goals and achieve them.

If a child is overactive (that is, such a diagnosis has been made), not only relatives and the doctor, but also the teacher and the principal who the student attends is required to know about it. Then the child will be able to receive additional tuition assistance if necessary. The school can offer parents an individualized study plan, a quiet place in the classroom, and provide additional time for completing assignments.

In most cases, children with ADHD have a normal, happy childhood, and with the right approach completely eliminate the disease.

Positive effects in children with hyperactivity

In addition to problems, attention deficit disorder has positive aspects. In the course of numerous studies, it was found out that children with ADHD are usually:

1. Very creative and creative. A child who dreams and has dozens of different thoughts in his head may in the future become a great master solving complex problems and throwing out a fountain of ideas. Children with ADHD can be easily distracted, but, unlike others, they see things that others do not notice.

2. Very flexible and dodgy. The child can simultaneously consider several options for solving the issue and is open to different ideas.

3. Enthusiasts. Children with ADHD are rarely boring. They are interested in a lot of things and bright personalities. They attract others to themselves, have a huge number of friends.

4. Very energetic and not predictable. When children are motivated by an idea, they work and perform tasks much faster than ordinary children. They can be difficult to distract from the solution of the problem, if they are interested in it and if it is associated with an active lifestyle.

It is worth noting that ADHD has nothing to do with intelligence and talent. Many hyperactive children are very intelligent and artistically gifted.

Hyperactive child: what to do - advice from psychologists

Psychologists around the world believe that if children have signs of hyperactivity due to a behavioral disorder, they should be eliminated, the sooner, the better. This will avoid frustration and difficulties that may arise from low self-esteem, as well as friction and stress that accumulates in the family and others.

If a child has symptoms of hyperactivity that are similar to ADHD, do not neglect the help of a qualified doctor and psychologist. You will be able to eliminate hyperactivity in time by applying simple, publicly available measures.

Variants of eliminating the disease today there are a huge variety. As a therapeutic measure can be assigned to change the diet, a set of physical exercises, changing the home environment, visiting children's clubs, any other distractions that will reduce the problem to a minimum.

A hyperactive child requires a lot of strength and attention from adults. You must always listen to the child, help him complete the tasks he has begun, and teach him to be diligent. Hyperactive children need effective parenting strategies that develop structural, systematic and clear interaction with the outside world. They need rewards and encouragement, a large amount of parental love, support and approval.

Psychologists advise:

1. Clearly organize the daily routine of the child and not change it for a long time. In this situation, the child will be able to acquire the necessary reflexes, for example, go to bed after reading a fairy tale.

2. Create a calm, predictable environment for the child, without any irritants. This will minimize the incidence of energy release.

3. To organize an active physical mode for the child with a visit to the sports sections and classes.

4. Do not restrict the child to perform activities, when the situation allows. This will allow you to spend extra energy.

5. A hyperactive child should not be punished, forced to sit for a long time on the spot or perform any tedious work.

Experience has shown that eliminating children's hyperactivity problems is doable. The child should be given to expend excess energy outside the walls of educational institutions, to awaken interest in learning and creativity.


Watch the video: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of ADHD in Children (June 2024).