10 conditions for losing weight: weight loss is impossible without them. What do you need for weight loss besides sports and proper nutrition?


Most people who are trying to get rid of extra pounds and get their body in good shape, naively believe that in order to achieve their goal they will only need to follow a diet for a certain period of time, which they often just download on the Internet and not get from professional nutritionists.

However, in reality, everything is much more complicated and successful weight loss depends on many factors and conditions, only compliance with which will really help to achieve the desired result. It’s not enough to just strive to lose weight, it’s much more important and correct to change your lifestyle, which, as a rule, is the main reason for excess weight and body fat. Below are 10 simple conditions, following which everyone can not only adhere to a healthy lifestyle, but also make it an important component of their regime, a good habit.

1. Awareness

The solution to any problem associated with physical form begins in the human head. The realization that the problem lies precisely in the wrong way of life, and not in genetics, the environment, stress or any disease, as many people think, is the first and most important condition on the way to a beautiful figure. Of course, these reasons also make their "contribution" to an increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat, but they somehow stem from the person’s lifestyle. This is not only about the diet, a sufficient amount of sleep time or additional physical activity, but also about the worldview, the nature of relations with people. In other words, in order to cease to be weak, fat and unsuccessful, a person needs to realize that it was he who made himself that way, and if he made himself that way, he can create a fundamentally new himself, even if it takes a lot more effort.

2. Determining the reasons for the desire to lose weight

There are 2 types of overweight people: those to whom it absolutely does not interfere in any sphere of life and those whose failures in their personal lives, careers or something else are directly related to their appearance.

In the first case, if people think about losing weight, it’s not in order to change dramatically, but only in order to feel even better and more comfortable.

In the second case, the situation makes a person constantly think about his excess weight and often provokes depression. And, when it is decided to lose weight, it is important to determine for yourself the ultimate goal, the pursuit of which will constantly stimulate the person to improve himself daily. It can be something abstract (respect of others, pride of loved ones, etc.), or something quite concrete, tangible, material, for example, a new, well-paid position.

3. Action Plan

Under the action plan here is meant not so much the compilation of a diet and training regimen as the definition of goals for several periods, namely the reduction of weight by a certain amount of kilograms for certain periods of time. It is important to understand here that when reducing weight by a few kilograms, the body needs some time to get used to the new weight, so the process of losing weight proceeds stepwise, interrupted for periods of adaptation of the body to the need to function in a new mode with a new weight. Therefore, to set a new goal for a new period is necessary only after achieving the previous goal.

4. Elimination of bad habits

The next important step should be the rejection of bad habits, on which a person spends not only his health, but also time and money. It is not only about smoking or drinking alcohol, but also about the unreasonable distribution of their time. After all, as a rule, watching TV shows or surfing the Internet is accompanied by eating something tasty and high-calorie, which, in turn, naturally affects the increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat.

5. Diet adjustment

Although it’s more correct to speak here not about adjustment, but about a complete change in your diet, by eliminating harmful, high-calorie foods from it, which must be replaced with healthy products, rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, as well as fiber and micro and macro elements. It is also important to achieve the correct balance of BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It is important to know and understand the properties of each element in order to choose the right products for your diet for a day, week, month, etc.

6. Physical activity

Any physical activity within reasonable limits will benefit the body. This can be a trip to the gym or pool, or just some activity in nature: a walk in the park, cycling or skiing, etc. The frequency and intensity of the load depends on the speed of elimination of extra pounds, but it is important to monitor how the body reacts to a particular type of physical activity and, if necessary, adjust the level of load.

7. Additional procedures

At certain stages of weight loss, the body may need additional help, in addition to the above-mentioned diet and physical activity. It can be any procedures that help speed up the metabolism and normalize digestion: massage, contrast shower, the use of special creams or fiber in granules. However, it is important to understand that any of these procedures should be reasonably integrated into the general mechanism of losing weight, without interfering with other tools to combat overweight.

8. Change in worldview

As mentioned earlier, extra pounds is the result of not only a sedentary lifestyle and eating harmful food, but also a person’s attitude to the world around him and to himself.

You must learn to tune yourself in a positive perception of the world and everything that happens around. It is important to convince ourselves that any event, whether it is positive or negative, gives us experience, analyzing which we draw certain conclusions and learn to solve a particular problem that previously seemed insoluble. The formation of a morally strong personality is due to a positive attitude towards all people around and to oneself, the ability to find positive moments in any situation and the ability not to attach importance to trifles. Such stress resistance will help to achieve success in any endeavors, including the desire to lose weight.

9. Acceptance of one’s appearance

As mentioned above, it is important to have a positive attitude not only to others, but also to oneself. Complexes about their appearance often prevent revealing truly talented and gifted young people. For example, sometimes a guy or a girl is embarrassed to sign up for a gym, simply because he thinks about how he / she will look against the background of those who have been engaged in this gym for a long time. But after all, they once came here for the first time, and they once looked weaker than the more experienced visitors to the hall. And if they were able to start practicing and achieved good results, then why are you worse? Visitors to gyms do not laugh at each other, because they all come there to achieve one goal - to become better.

10. The correct reaction to achieving the goal

Having reached an intermediate goal, for example, dropping 5 kilograms, people sometimes allow themselves to relax and for some time violate the diet, training regimen, etc. Such an approach can cross out all the results already achieved, because it is known that kilograms return faster than they leave. And temporary relief can become systematic and return a person to the starting point.

Of course, you can encourage yourself, but without harming the process of losing weight. So, as a reward for losing 5 kilograms, you can go on a weekend to rest in another city or in a museum, an amusement park, a cinema. This not only does not hurt, but on the contrary, it will have a positive effect on the body and the nervous system in particular.


Watch the video: The science is in: Exercise isnt the best way to lose weight (July 2024).