Puff samsa - hearty, juicy and incredibly tasty! Cooking real homemade samsa from puff pastry in the oven


Samsa is a triangle with amazing filling, which is usually cooked in a tandoor. But since this item is not in every yard and even in the city, more and more often baking is done in the oven. Samsa is also very good in it, especially when using a stunningly tender and soft puff pastry. Here are the most interesting options with different vegetable and meat fillings.

Puff Samsa - General Cooking Principles

Puff pastry is not very difficult to prepare, there are many homemade recipes, one of the options is given below. But it will take a lot of time to bring it to life. That is why many housewives prefer to make samsa from the purchased dough. You can take a yeast or fresh product at your discretion. The dough will need to lie down and thaw a little, after which they begin to form products with filling.

What is used for minced meat:

Meat or poultry;

Onions and other vegetables;


Fat or fat tail fat.

If you use purchased dough, it’s difficult to sculpt triangles from it, you will first have to cut out circles, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of waste. Therefore, at home you can do just envelopes. They are easy to sculpt from a square cut formation. As for the size, there are also no clear rules. Samsa is small or large, we do at our discretion. But the products should be similar to each other, then the baking will be even. In the oven, samsa is cooked at 200 degrees.

Homemade puff pastry samsa in the oven

In this recipe, the dough will be cooked at home. It will take time and a little effort, but the output will be amazingly tasty and flaky samsa. The filling is traditional for her from lamb, onion and fat tail fat.


400 g of oil;

· 500 g of flour and a little to add;

260 g of water;

1 tsp vinegar

· Salt.


400 g of onion;

· 500 g of mutton;

80 g of fat tail fat;

1 tsp black pepper;

· Salt.

Cooking method

1. Measure the flour, add a teaspoon of fine salt and 60 grams of softened butter, grind and gradually introduce chilled (preferably even ice) water with vinegar. Sometimes add citric acid or juice. Knead a tough and strong dough. We leave it for five minutes, so that gluten swells a little. The mass will straighten, rolling out will become easier. Be sure to cover it with a bag or just put it in a bag.

2. We put the oil on one sheet of parchment, cover it with the second, roll out the layer. But you can just cut it into slices with a sharp and large knife.

3. Roll out the dough, put oil plates on the central part, bend the edges inward, hide the filling.

4. Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll out a little along with the butter, you should get an elongated rectangle. We turn it three times, put it in a bag and put it away in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then also roll out and fold again. Let’s lie down a bit, and then proceed to the formation of samsa.

5. For minced meat, dice the onion, lamb and fat tail fat. If the meat itself is fatty, then you can exclude it. If necessary, replace fat. Season it all with spices, stir.

6. Roll the dough to a thickness of three millimeters, cut, spread the filling and sculpt samsa. Transfer to baking sheets, bake until cooked at 200 degrees. Often it is sprinkled with sesame seeds before baking. You can do this, you need to moisten the surface with water or grease with an egg so that the seeds stick well.

Puff pastry samsa

One of the simple recipes for puff samsa. It is also prepared from a homemade, but simplified version of the test. For the filling we will take beef, but also lamb and pork will do. If necessary, add a little fat or just fat.


· 0.35 l of water;

· 0.5 kg of flour;

1 egg

· 1 tbsp. l sesame seeds;

· 700 g of meat;

200 g butter or margarine;

4 onions;

· Spices.

Cooking method

1. Salt water, add flour, add about a spoonful of melted or softened margarine to improve the plasticity of the dough. Knead and let lie for a quarter of an hour.

2. You can immediately make the filling, let the meat and onions marinate and soak in spices. Just cut everything into cubes, season with salt, pepper.

3. Roll out a large layer, grease with soft margarine, make a greasy layer, and then twist the roll. We cover, let him lie down for half an hour in the cold.

4. Cut the twisted roll into washers. We dust the slices with flour, roll out. We distribute the filling, sculpt the triangles.

5. Place samsa on a baking sheet with a seam down, grease with egg and sprinkle with raw sesame seeds.

6. Bake samsa until cooked. The temperature for such a test is 180-190 degrees. After cooking, you need to cover the triangles with a towel so that they become softer.

Puff pastry samsa in the oven with chicken and onions

Samsa recipe from purchased or home made puff pastry. For the filling, a bird will be used. In no case do we throw away the skin, we cut it too. We use the hips, lower legs and any other parts where you can remove the bone.


600-700 g of dough;

5 onions;

650 g of chicken meat;

· salt and pepper;

100 g butter;

Sesame as desired.

Cooking method

1. Dice the onion, salt and mash with your hands. You can immediately add pepper to it, it will be even tastier.

2. Cut the chicken, send to the onion, stir. For juiciness, we introduce softened butter. Or replace it with about the same amount of fresh bacon. Set aside the filling.

3. The dough should be allowed to thaw, then rolled out, cut into squares.

4. Immediately distribute the entire filling between the pieces, then samsa will turn out to be about the same size. We make envelopes or give products any other shape.

5. Before sending to the oven, grease with water, decorate with sesame seeds. We send for half an hour or a little more in the oven.

Puff Samsa with Potatoes

You can make samsa with minced meat, but with vegetables it also turns out pretty good. To keep the filling juicy, be sure to put the fats in this recipe oil. In the lean version, you can take margarine or other vegetable fats.


A pound of dough;

Five potatoes;

· Two or three onions (the amount depends on the size);

100 grams of oil.

Cooking method

1. Cut the onion, season with spices, stir. Peel the potatoes and also turn them into small cubes.

2. If the butter is soft, then just add and mix with vegetables. If it is harsh, then you need to cut into cubes. We ship to the total mass.

3. We roll out the puff pastry bought or independently made. Distribute the filling on it, sculpt. Transfer samsa to a baking sheet, greased or covered with parchment (silicone rug).

4. Before baking, you can pierce each samsa from above so that a hole appears for the steam to exit. Vegetables are juicy, very often such samsa bursts or sticks. Bake at 200 degrees.

Puff pastry samsa in the oven with pumpkin and meat

The meat is simply indicated here. You can cook puff samsa in the oven with pork, beef, lamb and even poultry. In any case, it turns out pretty well. This recipe will help out if there is not enough meat.


300 g pumpkin

200 g of onion;

300 g of meat;

100 g of fat;

1 tsp mixtures of peppers;

500 g of dough.

Cooking method

1. Let the test thaw if it is from freezing. In the meantime, we begin to prepare the filling.

2. Cut the pumpkin finely, onion into about the same cubes, and cut any meat. You can take ready twisted stuffing. Add fat (replace with fat, oil), salt, add pepper. Stir the filling thoroughly.

3. Divide the rolled out dough into small squares, distribute the pumpkin forcemeat.

4. Make samsa, send to the oven to bake.

Puff Samsa with Chicken and Raw Potatoes

Another hearty and fairly economical version of puff samsa. To make the filling juicy and perfectly baked, it will be prepared with a little secret. We take any homemade or purchased dough.


· 700 g puff pastry;

300 g of chicken;

250 g of onion;

· 3 potatoes;

· Spices, sesame seeds at will;

100 g of oil.

Cooking method

1. Onion cut into large cubes. Melt the butter, you can take ghee. Add onions and fry a little, but over low heat, no need to brown. Once the vegetable reaches transparency, let’s cool. Thanks to this onion, the filling will be juicy, it will have time to cook.

2. Cut the chicken and the recipe potatoes into approximately equal cubes, season with prepared onions and spices, stir.

3. Cut the thawed or just cooked dough, roll it out or vice versa, first roll it out and then divide it into pieces. We distribute the chicken stuffing with cooked onions. We form samsa of the same size.

4. We lay out on a baking sheet, you can grease and sprinkle with sesame seeds. We send for baking, bring in the oven until ready.

Puff Samsa - useful tips and tricks

· To prevent the filling from turning dry, grated butter or lard cut into small cubes is added to the minced meat. By the way, a smoked product is also suitable, it turns out deliciously with pieces of bacon.

· If suddenly samsa is not baked, you do not need to re-send it to the oven, especially after cooling. The dough will be hopelessly spoiled, it just dries. It is better to warm in the microwave for 3-5 minutes, everything will certainly reach readiness.

· In order for the samsa to bake evenly, you need to leave a distance between them on the baking sheet, do not lay tightly to each other.


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