Seasonal tips for a better life. Winter


Winter was probably created in order to analyze its past on long, winter evenings, take a fresh look at some situations and start life from scratch. In the saddest months of the year, you can put in order not only your emotional state, but also the whole family. Nature herself took care of this, you just need to properly dispose of her prompts, which she generously shares.


Rituals are carried out from the first days of December, and they will gradually begin to act, directing the flows of positive energy in the right direction.

For wealth

As soon as the first snow begins, they touch a coin and whisper: "How many snowflakes the sky gave, so much money has arrived." You can repeat the words on subsequent snowfalls, but the first is considered the most effective.

When rubbish is swept away, it means that poverty is swept out, and coins laid out in the corners of the room attract cash flow.

The power of imagination enhances money rituals. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic.

They collect a handful of the first snow, bring it home, put it in a white dish with several coins. Put the dishes on the windowsill so that the light of the month falls on it. If there is no month in the sky, let the snow melt until it appears.

In the morning they whisper to the water: "Melted water, give my house the energy of heaven and the power of wealth and help save them. As I ask, it will be so. Amen." Go around the house clockwise and spray with this water. Coins do not spend a month.

On New Year's Eve, they put money everywhere, saying: "Let money be born, multiply every day and all year." Coins must be hung on the tree so that they attract wealth.

For family well-being

At the beginning of winter, December 7th, Orthodoxy celebrates St. Catherine's Day - one of the few holidays that Catholics and Orthodox worship. Catherine is considered the patroness of the family hearth. If the family quarrels often, they turn to St. Catherine with a request to maintain peace, the well-being of the house and harmony between family members.

Unmarried girls and single guys ask for mutual love. Turning to St. Catherine, they light 3 candles, in their clothes should be present the favorite color of the Holy - blue.

St. Nicholas Day, December 19, is especially revered in many religions.

It is not for nothing that he is called the “Assistant”. He is asked for peace and harmony between spouses, for the pacification of naughty children, for help traveling. They turn to Nikolai in their own words, the main thing is sincerely and with faith.

On the last day of December, they describe on paper all the bad deeds committed during the year and sincerely apologize for them. Paper is burned above the candle, saying: "Burn the fire is all bad, remove the mental burden." The burnt paper is dispelled in the wind.

After that, they clean the house and go around all the rooms with a burning candle, while reading a prayer. This ritual will cleanse the house of heavy energy.


The most mystical time of the year. Fortune-telling in January is true, and conspiracies have tremendous power.

For wealth

From the first day of January, for two weeks in a row, they utter the following words for food and drinks: "Bless me, Heavenly Father, let me live this year in wealth, satiety and health." Before that, they baptize food and themselves, calling their name.

On the first day of January, they are symbolically “washed” with paper bills in the morning, afternoon and evening. Coins must be laid out in pockets; the wallet is also full of money.

A money pot will help you forget about material problems. On Christmas Eve, fill a small pot with coins to the top and speak it with these words:

"The star of Jesus lights up

The soul is filled with joy

As the bells ring

People are pleased

So the Angels put money into me. "

The pot should stand under the tree for a week, then it is removed from prying eyes.

The baptismal rite of passage for wealth has great power. Late in the evening, Christmas Eve is sprinkled with holy water on the walls, windows, doors and asked the Heavenly Father to send wealth and prosperity. On this night, all requests are fulfilled, conspiracies are of particular importance, so you need to ask carefully and only about the good.

On this night, it is customary to swim until dawn in order to wash away all the failures. And washed with melted baptismal snow for beauty and attract good luck.

For family well-being

As soon as the New Year arrives, you need to face east and say three times: "The old year is gone, but left me luck, the New Year has come and added. Happiness will be in my house and joy will be in it."

For the materialization of desires, the best time is Christmas time.

Christmas night filled with magic, this night the sky is “open”, and all requests will be heard by the Universe. Looking at the starry sky, they make wishes, ask for the urgent.

This night you can adjust your fate. To do this, write on paper, painted in red, their data. On the second side, not painted over, 3 cherished desires are written. They put the paper under the pillow and say: "What is said, written, will be done." At night, a dream foreshadows the future. The paper is hidden from prying eyes until the wish is fulfilled.


In the leap year of February 29, they do not start any business, do not arrange noisy holidays, this is an energetically difficult day.

For wealth

There is one magical day this month that is created to attract money.

On the day of the Holy Great Martyr Basil, 24 February, they put all paper money on the table in 4 rows and read such words 4 times above them.

"I put coin to coin, I call to profit in the house."

Coin sticks to coin, collects profit in the house.

To money is augmentation, but to me a blessing riches. "

After such a ritual, every business will be profitable and successful.

To get rich without doing anything is unlikely to succeed. Wealth and laziness do not live nearby. Rituals only help any business become successful.

For family well-being

In each house there lives an invisible "master" - a brownie. If he is given honor and respect on his birthday, then he will protect the house and residents from troubles and troubles for a whole year.

February 10 in a secluded corner put a plate with sweets and cookies, pour milk.

They offer a bow with a request to accept from the heart, say warm, affectionate words, trying to appease the "master". On this day, you can not kill insects in the house, so as not to anger the brownie.

Protect the home from fire, lightning and evil spirits Sretinsky candles, which are consecrated in the church on February 15.

Light them during a severe thunderstorm and to clean the energy of the house.

Rituals to return lost happiness are carried out on February 21.

On this day, they say protective prayers, go around the house clockwise with a lit candle, sprinkle the house with Thursday salt and sprinkle with blessed water.

These simple rituals will help strengthen family ties and bring peace and prosperity to the home. Conspiracies have great power, you need to take them seriously, pronounce them with love and faith, and direct them only for the good.


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