The fastest kefir dough for pies - we will do it in minutes! How to make quick kefir dough for pizza


Kefir dough recipes are considered one of the fastest and most affordable. In addition, they are uncomplicated and accessible to beginner culinary specialists. Often such recipes are accompanied by headings in the style of "Village Pies" or "Grandmother's Secrets." And it's hard to argue with that.

Surely almost anyone can remember a picture from childhood - a matter of minutes, and on a grandmother's table there is already a bowl with a mountain of steaming, crunchy, insanely delicious pies. And when did granny have time?

In fact, everything is quite simple as ... kefir dough. It is in many ways the secret to making fast and tasty pastries.

Kefir quick dough - general principles of preparation

• Quick dough on kefir - an economical option for any baking and not only for it. To prepare it, you need a minimal inexpensive set of products that are always available at home. The main advantages of such a test is that it does not require long kneading and time for “proofing”.

• There are many cooking methods and each depends on what it will be used for. Quick kefir dough is kneaded for making dumplings, dumplings, manti. Pies and large pies are fried or baked from it. There are many recipes suitable for pizza.

• By its consistency, it can be liquid, sufficiently dense and not very.

• It is kneaded only on kefir and flour or certain components are added, due to the recipe.

• You can add eggs, sour cream, mayonnaise, high-quality vegetable or butter to a quick kefir dough. For splendor, baking soda is put in it, which is often quenched with vinegar. Yeast can be added to pies and pizzas. They do not need to be bred additionally, just mix with kefir.

• To make kefir cooked from quick dough on kefir always fluffy, soft and airy, you should take low-fat kefir and be sure to warm it slightly before kneading.

Yeast quick dough on kefir for pies, in the oven


• half a glass of vegetable oil;

• sugar - 1 large, full spoon;

• full, 250 gr., A glass of medium-fat kefir;

• powdered yeast - 11 g .;

• three glasses of wheat, high-quality flour.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve vegetable oil well in kefir and warm slightly. Salt, add all the sugar and stir it completely to dissolve.

2. In a wide bowl, mix the seeded flour with high-speed yeast. Pour in the prepared mixture and knead the dough. Then cover the bowl with a cloth and remove while filling.

3. Put the pies molded from such kefir dough onto a frying pan covered with parchment paper and be sure to grease their beaten egg.

4. Cook at 200 degrees to a deep blush.

Fresh quick kefir dough for pans fried in a pan


• about 1 kg of flour (how much dough will take);

• liter of medium-fat kefir;

• two tsp soda (full without a slide).

Cooking method:

1. At least an hour before cooking, put the container with kefir in the refrigerator and let it warm. You can preheat the product in the microwave, in this case, make sure that it does not overheat, otherwise it will collapse.

2. Pour warm kefir into a bowl, mix baking soda well in it and leave the mixture to stand for three minutes.

3. Salt, if the filling for the pies is sweet, add a little sugar, about half a tablespoon. Add a third of the flour and mix well. Continue until the flour spreads evenly over the kefir and its lumps remain in the batter.

4. Then, without stopping mixing and adding small portions of the remaining flour, knead a little sticky dough.

5. Cut it on a slightly powdery table. The filling can be either sweet - jam, berries or fruits, or more hearty - mashed potatoes, meat, cabbage, etc.

Thin, quick pizza dough on kefir


• two glasses of wheat, with high gluten, flour;

• fresh eggs - 2 pcs.;

• vinegar and quench soda;

• 200 ml of high-calorie kefir.

Cooking method:

1. On a small fire, melt the margarine in a small saucepan. Cool it slightly, and mix with warm kefir.

2. Pour soda into a large spoon, add table vinegar to it. Stir the mixture well with the tip of a knife and wait until it stops bubbling. Then pour the slaked soda into a bowl with the rest of the products and mix thoroughly with a spoon.

3. Add flour, salt and knead thoroughly with your hands.

4. Place the thinly rolled pizza cake on a well-greased baking sheet.

Kefir pizza quick batter


• one and a half glasses of flour;

• a glass of low-calorie kefir;

• soda and vinegar for quenching

• two eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Transfer the flour through a rare sieve into a deep wide bowl, pour all the kefir into it at once, put a spoonful of sugar, three pinches of salt and stir with a mixer. You can use a whisk to whom it is convenient. The main thing is to achieve uniformity of the mass, so that it does not have flour stray into lumps.

2. Redeem 1/4 tea. tablespoons of baking soda with vinegar and add a sizzling frothy “cap” to the dough and stir well again.

3. Kefir batter for pizza is ready. Now moisten the mold with oil or cover it with parchment, pour the future cake of the desired thickness into it and send it to the hot oven for five minutes.

4. Then put the filling on it and return to the oven for 15 minutes.

5. The baking temperature is not lower than 200 degrees.

6. According to this recipe, pizza can also be baked in a pan on the stove.

Quick pizza dough on kefir (with mayonnaise)


• medium calorie kefir - 300 ml;

• one fresh egg;

• half teaspoon evaporated salt and baking soda;

• two tablespoons of low-fat mayonnaise;

• two glasses of high-quality flour.

Cooking method:

1. Stir the egg well with soda and salt. Do not whisk, but only slightly shake with a fork.

2. Enter kefir, add mayonnaise. Mixing the resulting mixture well with a large spoon, introduce a little sifted flour into it.

3. The peculiarity of this recipe is that you should only knead with a spoon or special nozzles for the dough on the mixer. The mass is not cool, a little thicker than for fritters.

4. After the dough is kneaded, it is laid out on a pizza dish lightly sprinkled with flour. Evenly distributed along its bottom so that there are no bumps on the surface, and only then spread the filling.

Universal quick dough on kefir for pies (with sour cream)


• two tablespoons of 20% sour cream;

• 30 ml of refined oil;

• 2 fresh eggs;

• quick baking soda;

• 750-800 grams of white wheat flour;

• half a liter of medium-calorie kefir.

Cooking method:

1. Pour soda into a bowl of kefir and wait 2 minutes to make it foam well.

2. Shake a little and pour sour cream, salt, put a large spoonful of sugar and eggs, stir into a homogeneous mass.

3. Pour in the oil and mix well again. Pour flour in two parts and knead soft dough that is not too steep, put it on the table and knead a little.

4. Next, you can sculpt pies with various fillings. They can be fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil or baked in the oven on a baking sheet. Cakes can be as sweet - with fruits, berries, cottage cheese or jam. And not sweet - with onions and eggs, cabbage, mashed potatoes or meat.

Kefir quick dough for grated shortcake


• creamy margarine or 72% butter - 200 grams;

• a third of a glass of 2.5% kefir;

• a glass of sugar;

• a small pinch of soda, about a third of tsp;

• three full standard glasses of high-grade flour;

• two eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Put margarine or butter in an enamel container and melt a little. Strong heating is not necessary, it is enough that it softens and only slightly blooms.

2. Break the eggs into the butter, put the sour cream with sugar and mix everything thoroughly. Then, gradually pouring flour, knead uncooked thick dough. Put it on the table and knead it well with your hands.

3. Two-thirds of the finished shortcrust pastry is smoothed over a baking sheet slightly crushed with flour, and the remaining part is rubbed with a coarse grater over the filling.

Cottage cheese quick dough on kefir for pies


• one raw egg;

• 200 gr. non-grained 9% cottage cheese;

• one glass of warm kefir;

• ripper - 1 tsp;

• three full glasses of high-quality flour.

Cooking method:

1. Wipe the cottage cheese through a rare sieve, there should not be any grains at all.

2. Add warm kefir mixed with a cultivator, a slightly beaten egg, an incomplete tablespoon of sugar to the cottage cheese and add salt. Stir, add the flour in parts and, slowly, knead the dough. It will turn out a little sticky, but if you leave it on the table for at least five minutes, its structure will noticeably change.

3. Pies according to this recipe will be equally good both fried and baked.

Cheese quick dough for unsweetened bulk cake


• 250 gr. sifted quality flour;

• 100 gr. cheese;

• three tablespoons of low-fat mayonnaise;

• 50 gr. 15% sour cream;

• four eggs;

• soda;

• juice from 1/8 lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Break the eggs into a wide bowl and slightly shake them with a whisk, but do not beat. Rub the cheese into eggs on a coarse grater, mix and cover the sifted flour.

2. Add mayonnaise mixed with sour cream and mix well.

3. In a tablespoon, collect the required amount (approximately 0.5 tsp) of soda and extinguish it with lemon juice. When the mixture stops sizzling and takes on a froth, pour it into the dough and stir in it.

4. Unsweetened pies are baked from yogurt on kefir. Half is poured into the mold, then I spread the unsweetened filling, which is also poured with dough, but with its smaller part.

Economy version of the quick test for kefir for dumplings, dumplings and manti


• 200 gram cup of kefir;

• 350 gr. white flour.

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl with warm kefir, transfer all the flour and knead the dough without delay.

2. At first it is convenient to do this with a fork and only after it has received sufficient density, knead well with your hands.

Quick Kefir Dough - Tricks and Tips

• If you are afraid that yogurt may curl when heated, warm it in water. To do this, lower the container with the fermented milk product for a while in a bowl of warm water and periodically replace the cooled water with warm.

• Baking is more fluffy and softer from a little reclined or slightly expired kefir.

• The lower the fat content of the fermented milk product, the airier the dough.

• Allow the products to mix to the same temperature before mixing.

• Put dry soda in kefir first of all, it should extinguish it well.

• Kefir for all of these recipes can be done by yourself. Sourdough is inexpensive and affordable, and the quality depends only on a little patience, adherence to technology and, of course, the quality of milk.


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