April 14th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 14th.


Holidays April 14

Air Defense Day (date for 2013)

Air Defense Day (Air Defense Forces) is a professional holiday of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, established by the presidents of the two states (in the Russian Federation - by presidential decree of 05/31/2006, in Belarus - by presidential decree No. 175 in 1998) and celebrated annually on the second sunday april. Despite these dates, the event itself began to be celebrated in Soviet times. And this is due to the fact that the formation of the air defense forces was precisely in April. The history of the development of air defense in Russia dates back to 1914, when during the First World War the army of the Russian Empire first used machine guns and guns to shoot Austrian air targets. Air Defense Day is celebrated by all military personnel of the Russian Federation and Belarus, one way or another related to the defense of state air borders.

Traffic Police Day in Ukraine

Six years after Ukraine gained independence, an order was approved in the country to document the approval of the State Automobile Inspectorate. Kambin’s decree of April 14, 1997 in Ukraine issued the “Regulation on the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”. Since that time, traffic police officers annually celebrate their professional holiday. The responsibilities of this service are very extensive. The competence of the traffic police includes the implementation of many tasks of maintaining order on the roads: the service, day and night, monitors the implementation of traffic laws, suppresses violations of the rules on roads, and partially participates in state policy in the field of preserving the environment from the harmful effects of vehicles. Today, about 25 thousand traffic police officers work in Ukraine.

April 14th in the folk calendar

Marya - Empty cabbage soup

On April 14, people commemorate the Monk Mary of Egypt, who was a Christian priestess - the patroness of repentant women. Reverend Mary was born in Egypt in the fifth century. The hard life pushed her to leave her home at a very young age and become a harlot. Once, on one of the Christian holidays, she tried to enter the temple, but some unknown force restrained the girl. Then she repented and began to pray intensely to the Virgin. After some time, Mary was able to freely cross the threshold of the temple. She took communion, settled in deserted places, where she lived the rest of her life in complete solitude, repentance and prayer.

In Russia, Mary of Egypt was addressed in order to protect the family from the evil eye and spoilage. Empty cabbage soup was not nicknamed this day. As a rule, by mid-April, the last stocks of cabbage ran out among the peasants, so we had to forget about cabbage soup for now. However, inventive housewives knew how to replace cabbage. Instead, they put sorrel or nettles in the soup, which by this moment were already green. It turned out tasty and very healthy.

Spilled waters were also watched on Mary. If the rivers spread widely, then the meadows will now be rich in greenery and grass - the cattle will be satisfied, and hay reserves can be made in full. They also paid attention to how ice flows from rivers. Its easy and quick convergence symbolized a good year, but the resulting ice jams said the opposite - the year will be very difficult.

Historical events of April 14

April 14, 1801 - Abolition of the Senate Secret Expedition and the abolition of the system of torture during interrogations

On April 14, 1801, Alexander the First eliminated the Secret Expedition in the Senate and abolished torture during interrogations. From that moment on, all cases of violations of the law were referred to local judicial institutions. For ordinary people, court decisions were considered and approved by the governors, and the fate of the "highest ranks" was finally decided by the Senate.

April 14, 1961 - Establishment in the Soviet Union of the title "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR"

In 1961, a new honorary title "USSR Pilot-Cosmonaut" was introduced into the USSR award system by the Presidium of the Supreme Council in honor of the first manned flight into outer space, which took place two days earlier. The first person awarded the honorary title, of course, was Yuri Gagarin. Soon it was received by other Soviet cosmonauts. In addition to the title "USSR Pilot-Cosmonaut," the heroes were also awarded a letter from the Presidium of the Supreme Council and a badge poured from silver. And it was customary to wear it on the right side of the chest, above all the other icons (if there were any).

In total, before the beginning of the 90s, 72 citizens of the USSR visited space. All of them were ultimately awarded the title of "Cosmonaut". In March 1992, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, this title was reissued for "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation." The badge also underwent some changes: in particular, instead of the old inscription "USSR" a new one appeared - "Russia".

March 14, 1993 - The fire that swept the Kama Automobile Plant actually destroyed the enterprise

The fire that engulfed the building in a matter of minutes destroyed not only the production building, but also modern expensive technological equipment. From the very first hours of eliminating the consequences of the terrible fire, work went in two directions. On the one hand, it was necessary to restore capacities for the production of 100 thousand engines, and on the other, to create the ground for the production of power units based on modern equipment. Thanks to the support of the Russian authorities, the Kama plant literally in the shortest possible time rose from the ashes, and already in December of the same year the enterprise released its first products after the fire.

Born on April 14

Denis Fonvizin (1745-1792) - the founder of Russian comedy, who said the famous phrase: "Live a century, learn a century ...". The stunning success of the first production of the play "Undergrowth" is evidenced by many facts, including the opinions of the audience themselves. And the works of Fonvizin provided an impetus for creativity to such great Russian writers as A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, L. Tolstoy and F. Dostoevsky.

Peter Stolypin (1862-1911) - one of the largest statesmen-reformers in the history of Russia. Since 1906 he was the Prime Minister of Russia. His main merit, according to Minister Maklakov, was that Stolypin was well aware of the need for radical social reform, he comprehended and calculated its significance for the whole people. Stolypin had many ill-wishers seeking to “sweep” him from the political scene. As a result, in 1911, Peter Stolypin was mortally wounded, after which he died.

Christian Huygens (1629-1695) - Dutch mathematician, mechanical physicist and astronomer. Huygens had rich knowledge in many areas, he was a man with a wide range of interests. The scientist managed to develop many theories (for example, the wave theory of light), construct a pendulum clock and patent a pocket watch, invent an eyepiece, etc. With the help of a telescope, Huygens studied Saturn in detail, having discovered its rings and several satellites. In addition, the scientist developed the first prototype of the planetarium, and also came close to the discovery of the law of gravity, but, alas, did not have time.

April 14th

Name day is celebrated on April 14 by representatives of the names: Maria, Efim, Valery, Abraham, Sergey, Makar (Makarii).


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).