Senna for weight loss: recipes for weight loss, rules for use. Is Senna effective for weight loss: the secret of bitter weed


Nutritionists and doctors have developed a huge number of various means intended for weight correction.

However, not all of them were effective.

Kilograms in most cases come back, giving the fair sex discomfort and destroying a sense of self-confidence.

Senna for weight loss began to be used almost recently, despite the fact that its grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew about its properties.

The plant has a strong laxative effect, which allows to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the intestines. However, it is worth remembering that even a safe herbal remedy, if used incorrectly, may not produce the same result as we would like.

Senna for weight loss: useful properties

Overweight is a much more serious problem for women than it might seem at first glance. He does not allow the lady to feel confident and attractive, provokes the appearance of complexes.

In addition, extra pounds adversely affect overall health. Metabolism significantly slows down, legs and arms often swell, headaches torment. Also, overweight women often suffer from constipation, which poison the body.

The use of senna can significantly improve the overall well-being of the fair sex.

Among the beneficial properties of the plant, the following can be distinguished:

• improves the absorption of fats;

• stimulation of bile;

• toxins and slags are removed;

• Peristalsis of the colon improves.

Senna is also known as Cassia or the Alexandrian leaf. The leaves of the plant contain glycoside - a substance that stimulates the best effect on the body. Senna can be brewed like tea, make decoctions and infusions. On sale, the plant is sold in dried form or in the form of tea. Also, modern pharmacological manufacturers produce special tablets, the main component of which is senna.

Senna for weight loss: recipes

1. In pharmacies, tea is sold, the main component of which is senna. The bag is brewed with boiling water in a mug, covered with a saucer, which is better infused. You need to drink such tea in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime. The course period is no more than 10 days, after which you need to take a break. Repeat the course again is allowed after a week.

2. Cassia, blackberry leaves (2 tablespoons) and a little well-washed prune are put in a small saucepan. Everything is poured with cold water (500 ml) and brought to a boil. Drink should be allowed to stand for 2 hours. After this, the infusion is divided into three equal parts and is used immediately after eating. Such a drink will remove toxins from the intestines and allow the body to maintain vitamin balance.

3. Senna (200 grams) is mixed with the same amount of fresh figs, dried apricots and prunes. A glass of honey and 2 large lemon fruits are added to this. Everything is grinded in a meat grinder. It is necessary to use the mixture one tablespoon before the planned meal. It perfectly cleanses the intestines, does not provoke spasms, and has a choleretic effect.

4. Senna in the amount of 100 grams is added per liter of water. Everything needs to be cooked for 20 minutes. After this, washed raisins (150 grams) are added to the broth. The mixture is infused, filtered through tight gauze. Such a drink is allowed to drink a long time field of food in half a glass. To avoid getting used to the body, it is recommended to take a break of 2-3 days every 10 days.

5. In equal proportions, mixed chamomile, fresh mint, senna, dill, dandelion and nettle. For 100 ml of water, one tablespoon of such a mixture is brewed. You can drink the drink only after cooling completely with food. The course of admission is one month. A break is made for a week, then the use of the infusion can be repeated.

6. Three teaspoons of senna are mixed with calendula and chamomile in a ratio of 3 to 1. Herbs are steamed with boiled water (1 liter). The resulting collection is insisted for three hours. You need to drink a drink every two hours in one cup. The main advantage of the recipe is that you can make a fasting day on it. Depending on the initial weight of a woman, from 2 to 4 kilograms per day leave.

These are the most popular and effective recipes that will support the tone of the body and help get rid of a few extra pounds.

The modern rhythm of life does not leave a woman time to engage in herself. Not surprisingly, many ladies do not use senna-based recipes because they need to be cooked. However, there is a way out of the situation. In pharmacies on sale, you can find tablets based on this plant, which also give an excellent effect. The course of administration is 10 days, the daily maximum dose is 6 tablets. It is important to understand that you can not take them more than necessary because more weight will not go away from this. Senna is a grass with a pronounced laxative effect and its excessive use can lead to discomfort during work or walk.

Senna for weight loss: rules for use

1. Senna for weight loss washes out potassium, magnesium and a large amount of liquid from the body. So that a woman during the diet does not feel bad, this balance must be replenished. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. You can also purchase special vitamin complexes, enriched with minerals and vitamins that are important for the female body.

2. Consuming grass longer than the prescribed course can be addictive. This affects the work of the intestine very badly and in order to "make" it function again normally, it will take a very long time.

3. Some women may think that the more they drink decoctions based on the plant, the more kilograms will be lost. This is not true. Excessive use of senna-based infusions can cause severe cramping, vomiting, and irritation of the intestines.

4. Despite the fact that senna is a herbal laxative, pregnant women need to protect themselves from teas and infusions with its addition. The intestines of the expectant mother should work independently so that there are no complications after childbirth.

Senna for weight loss: contraindications

Senna is a herb with a pronounced laxative effect. If a woman decided to use recipes based on it in order to lose weight, it must be done wisely.

It is important to understand that only the first few days truly harmful substances will leave the body with feces. After 2-3 days, they will begin to wash and useful. This leads to dehydration, in some cases to serious diseases.

Losing weight with the help of decoctions and infusions with hay occurs only by cleaning the intestines from excess fluid and feces. Fat deposits will not go away, therefore, to maintain a toned figure, you need to maintain a proper diet and try to play sports for 15-20 minutes a day at home, if it is not possible to visit the gym.

If you do not take a break in the use of senna, kidneys may suffer or even intestinal degeneration may develop. After prolonged use of grass, the body gets used to it and “relaxes”, therefore it is not surprising that in the future there will be a problem with bowel movements, constipation will torment.

Senna for weight loss can be used only after long holidays and feasts. It is advisable to make decoctions on its basis not more often than 2-3 times during the year.

Also do not forget that the plant has a number of contraindications.

1. The lactation period and the period of bearing a child.

2. The presence of cholelithiasis.

3. The presence of acute diseases of the stomach of an inflammatory nature.

4. Acute bowel disease.

It is important to remember that senna belongs to the category of medicinal plants. Therefore, if a woman decided to lose a few extra pounds, it is advisable to consult with your doctor in order to avoid further side effects.

Senna for weight loss has a positive effect on the state of the body only the first few days of use. In order not to cause intestinal addiction, you need to finish the course of getting rid of excess weight in time and fix the result with proper nutrition and sports.


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