Brondirovanie on dark and blonde hair photo before and after


Booking this season is very important, so the masters of hairdressing decided to please us with the novelties of the season.

Brondirovanie dark and blonde hair photo

Today, one of the main fashion trends is the fashion for naturalness. This applies to manicure, makeup and hair color. It is known that in nature there is no ideally even shade and color, for this reason the coloring in one color has lost its relevance. Techniques of coloring came into fashion in several shades at once. For example, in the summer, our curls are exposed to the sun's rays and partially "burn out" - they become lighter. It is this feature that formed the basis of the reservation, which will be presented in the photo.

Technique brondirovanie hair - what is it?

Bronding is the highlighting of hair with the use of two or three additional colors. In the photo it can be seen clearly.

Initially, hair was a priority, only among owners of dark hair, but today it is also successfully used for light curls.

You can see all the advantages of booking in the photo.

What advantages did this type of coloring light and dark curls, so popular?

1. When dyeing, paint is applied not to the entire volume of the hair, but only to individual strands. Due to this, it is possible to minimize damage to the curls.

2. Full masking of light gray hair.

3. Reduced staining frequency. With proper selection of colors, colors have smooth transitions with the effect of sunshine on the curls. Due to this, regrown roots become noticeable much later than usual.

4. The combination of light and dark shades gives your image freshness and rejuvenates for several years.

5. Fits any hair length and face type.

6. The most important advantage of this type of coloring light colors is a visual increase in volume.

How much does a good master's hair bronding cost today?

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the cost of booking is from 4,000 rubles to 7,000 rubles. A more accurate price depends on the skill of your chosen master and on the brand of paint used. To obtain the most attractive end result, you should not save on this procedure.

On dark hair brondirovanie

The most interesting this technology looks on dark and chestnut strands. Less advantageous are the options for black and red hair. When lightening red curls, it is likely to get unwanted red.

Like any cosmetic procedure, brondirovaniya has its own contraindications:

1. Damaged and dry curls. The structure of this hair is broken and the coloring can lead to even more damage. The result of such actions will be uncontrolled strong loss. In addition, to achieve the desired effect of the game of the rays of the sun, will not succeed. The most vulnerable blond curls.

2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. During this period, the woman's body is subject to strong hormonal changes. As a result, it is impossible to predict the reaction of the colored curls. For example, fair-haired, can get a strange green shade.

3. Curly or curly hair. The data structure of the locks differs from other types of high porosity. This makes them less resistant to damage.

Brondirovanie on dark hair photo before and after photo

What are the types of reservation?

1. Classical - natural shade is taken as a basis. Then, 3 additional shades are selected to it, as close as possible to the natural color. The most popular on the dark and blond. An example can be seen in the photo.

2. Zoning - it is used both natural, and on a dyed hair. All the curls are divided into two zones, the upper ones are painted in light colors, and the lower ones in dark ones.

3. Ombre - in this case, the color changes from tips to roots. See the photo for an example.

Brondirovanie on dark hair

Photos before and after booking

Coloring on blonde hair

Today, bronding of hair is widespread, especially on blond hair. We offer to consider the photo before and after.

So, the brondirovanie hair on blonde hair photo before and after

Photo before and after brondirovaniya - brondirovanie on the short and long hair

It should be noted that on short curls, the color transition is more frequent and less smooth - this is clearly seen in the photo.

On long curls the color transition is smoother and less noticeable. This allows you to use more coloring options. Examples of staining are presented in the photo.

Reviews of girls after bronding hair

If you have not yet decided to make a reservation or not, reviews of girls who have decided to take this step will help you.

“... The effect exceeded my expectations. The hair began to look more lush, and her face looked younger by a couple of years ... "


“... I did not dare to make a reservation for a long time. After the summer, the curls faded, which helped me take the first step. I have blond hair and the master picked me up shades from a warm gamut. The lower curls are painted in chestnut color, and the upper in lighter. The result is amazing, it feels like my volume has doubled ... "


“... I have light curls and it is very difficult to choose a color other than a blond. Particularly affected by my curls from constant staining. After bronding, I have to dye my curls much less often, which helped to restore the hair structure and make it more shiny. Absolutely lost the effect of straw or overdried curls.

Booking-style painting - step by step video

Want to learn more about the technology of coloring, watch the video.

Coloring at home - master class

The technology of armoring hair at home is very simple, just follow the procedure presented by us.
1. Be sure to before treatment is necessary to treat dark or light curls. For maximum effect, your hair should be healthy.

2. When choosing shades it is necessary to take into account several basic parameters simultaneously: skin color, eyes and face type. For example, the owner of blond hair and blue eyes is better to choose cold shades.

3. All shades are taken from the same series from the same manufacturer. The maximum difference of shades is no more than 3 units. Contrast combination of tones from a dark gamma and brown tones can not be used when brondirovanii.

4. Coloring is done on the finished haircut.

5. The strands are not painted from the tips, but begin to color 2-3 cm below.

6. Curls are divided into strands of different thickness.


Watch the video: Балаяж схема 2 Balayage scheme 2 (June 2024).