What if the child refuses to eat?


Small children, in most cases, refuse to eat at home. If they attend kindergarten, they eat up to the last crumb for the company, and sometimes they ask for supplements. But as soon as they come home, neither tempting you with a tasty dinner or a fragrant breakfast.

And if a child is very small, then getting him to eat and not to hear a cry in response, and even a tantrum can be very problematic at all.

However, experienced mothers know the answer to the question of how to feed a disobedient child without crying and hysteria.

Even ordinary porridge can be turned into a masterpiece.

If the child refuses to eat porridge for breakfast, you can make a fairy forest in his plate or depict fairy-tale characters. It is not at all difficult to do this; it is enough to arm yourself with fresh fruit and connect the imagination. The child will be delighted with how his porridge turns into a palm island, in the center of which sits the evil Barmalei. Of course, your baby will instantly forget about his whims and begin to fight with an evil character, and with it he will eat porridge.

The child must have a choice

In order for the child to eat something, he must have at least 2 options of dishes to choose from. In this case, he has no opportunity to say "no", he will still choose one of the options.

You can agree on a promotion

Talk to the child about the fact that if he eats, he will definitely receive a prize. It can be a delicious dessert or anything else at your discretion. Just do not let the child dictate their terms.

The good old methods will not lose their power.

If you ask a child to eat 2 spoons for grandmother and grandfather, for uncle and aunt, and then remember about hungry cats and dogs, then the baby will not notice how the plate will become empty, and mother will be happy and happy.

You can not force a child

If you know that your baby does not like borscht, then do not force it. Undoubtedly, the first course must be present in the daily diet, but you can replace the soup, which is hated by many children, with a light and flavorful soup. After all, it does not matter which of the dishes your child eats, it is important that he was full and at the same time remained in good spirits.

Food for a child should not be a punishment, this is the only way to avoid hysterics during feeding and to preserve the psychological health of a young child.


Watch the video: My Child Won't Eat: Diagnosing Pediatric Feeding Disorders (June 2024).