8 ways to tune your brain for wealth. Creative approach to saving money


How to gain financial freedom, in which there is an opportunity to earn more and get good profit? What needs to be done for this, what steps to take? It turns out a big role in a positive result, our desires and thoughts play.

It has long been noted that our consciousness has great power, if something is strongly desired and thought, it will certainly come true. The thought is material. The right direction of the idea in the right direction attracts positive events, good luck.


To achieve a particular goal, affirmations (short phrases) help. They need to be repeated periodically to oneself mentally or aloud many times a day.

This is like a spell when a series of phrases drives the task that it must solve into its subconscious.

With the help of these phrases, the attitude is given to obtain a positive life result or personality quality, for example, I want to become lucky; I will be lucky, I will become lucky, etc. up to 8-10 phrases. Remember how in one of the films the heroine kept repeating: "I am charming and attractive ...".

Specific actions

Other methods of raising money include fairly well-known and not very well-known ones.

1. Clear statement of purpose, which will serve as motivation in your future successful enterprise. Determine the date for yourself and the amount of accumulation (3 million rubles). By this date, you should have this amount of money in your account. You must always keep this figure in mind, and when you go to the store for shopping, you will not allow yourself to waste your money, but will do it more economically by comparing prices in other stores.

2. A dream should not be superreal and impossible, but be realistic and feasible. Otherwise, you will be disappointed by the effort spent on obtaining transcendental desires. In doubts about success, it is impossible to tune thoughts with a focus on a positive result.

3. Use of additional income (bonuses, bonuses, cash gifts) in the formation of the accumulation fund.

4. It is not recommended to go to shopping centers that are tired, especially in food supermarkets hungry. Temptations will defeat strong-willed attitudes. It is much wiser to plan business related to rested finances, full of strength and energy, respectively, purchases purchased in the markets will be beneficial in time.

5. Connection of automatic payment of a certain amount to a deposit for accumulation. An inconspicuous replenishment of money is collected in a certain, considerable amount, which over time will surprise and please.

6. Get rid of different loans, if any. Start closing small amounts, moving gradually to paying off large loans. Debt relief gives you a sense of freedom and desire to move on.

7. Use a special service and write a message for yourself in the future with the delivery date, it is advisable to choose the end of the year when the annual premium is paid. In the message, remind yourself that it is recommended to put this money on your contribution or on interest, as an addition to the received pension.

8. When closing your loans, try make the same amount of the monthly payment, but only on your deposit at the bank. This will allow you to increase your capital.

And one more wish - turn the process of saving into creativity, look for ways to spend money wisely, profitably and add savings for your future.


Watch the video: 8 Free Things You're Probably Paying For. The Financial Diet (June 2024).