How rich is the composition of cereal crops? Is it possible to harm health with cereals?


The cereal family is divided into more than 700 genera. The chemical composition is characterized by a large number of useful and indispensable substances for the human body. But knowing all the useful properties, you should pay attention to the fact that cereals can be harmed.

The benefits of cereals: what good is in each of them?

There are a huge number of cereal crops, and each of them has its own advantages and useful properties. The most common and useful are:

1. Oats It stands out from the entire list of cereals. Oats have a content of vitamins E, B, A, fats, minerals, and starch. Also in the composition there is a unique antioxidant avenantramide. It helps strengthen blood capillaries. The composition also has fiber, which helps food to be absorbed quickly and without any problems, removes toxic and harmful substances from the body. Oat also has an auxiliary effect in the removal of cholesterol from the body, while strengthening the immune system, lowering the numbers of blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

2. Buckwheat. Grain is of great benefit, as it contains a huge amount of iron and magnesium. From it, you can get the useful substance of rutin, which is actively used in the manufacture of drugs to strengthen capillaries. Helps wounds heal with ulcers. It is highly recommended that experts use with a large loss of blood. Buckwheat has a positive effect on blood reproduction. This cereal may well become a substitute in the diet of meat products, thanks to easily digestible proteins in the composition and a large number of important substances.

3. Fig. It is characterized by a satisfied amount of carbohydrates and starch in its composition. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system is normalized, thanks to vitamin PP. Extremely cares about the state of the dermis. Porridge is very easily and quickly absorbed by the human body. This is due to the content of protein and amino acids in the composition. Rice has a healing property in case of poisoning, as it helps to cleanse the intestines. It, like a sponge, absorbs all toxins, toxins and harmful substances.

4. Corn. This is a unique culture, as it contains a large number of amino acids. No more cereal has such an amount of anti-aging substance. The composition contains a satisfied amount of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, mineral salts, and B vitamins. Corn oil is indispensable for atherosclerosis, as it strengthens the walls of capillaries. The cornmeal mask can be actively used by people who have a very oily dermis.

These are only the most commonly consumed cereals that are found daily in the diet. The benefits are undeniable, therefore, cereal should be consumed daily.

The benefits of cereals: carbohydrates, fiber and something else

The benefit of cereals is primarily in the content of the correct carbohydrates and fiber, which helps cleanse the intestinal wall from harmful substances and toxins. But not only for this reason, the product is given an important place in the food chain. In addition to carbohydrates in the composition, you can see a huge amount of vegetable protein. You can also observe amino acids and minerals. Without them, the normal functioning of all body systems is impossible.

Cereals are very equipped with proteins, which are important for building and strengthening body tissues. In addition, there are a large number of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese and others.

Any of the cereals - barley, oats, wheat, rice - is useful in its own way and affects the human body in different ways. Nutritionists have highlighted the importance of cereals. They are observed in so many diets. Cereals actively help to control body weight. But cereals cannot be called low-calorie foods. But taking them lowers the risk of getting various diseases.

The benefits of cereals: how to eat without harm to health?

Like any other product, cereals can harm human health. But there are time-tested methods that help rid porridge of harmful properties:

1. Grain that has not been heat treated must be defended. To do this, you will need to soak it for 7-24 hours. During this time, more plant toxins and phytic acid will be consumed. But we must remember that buckwheat groats are the core - these are already fried grains.

2. Grains must be insisted for several hours in acidified milk or kefir. Beneficial organisms will fulfill their important mission.

3. The body urgently needs a sourdough. It is enriched with lactic acid bacteria and natural yeast, which eliminate phytic acid.

But what if there is no way to wait? You should purchase products from refined cereals, which contain a small amount of bran and germ. This is white rice and semolina. You can bake pancakes made from wheat flour or rye. Cereals will benefit if supplemented with high-quality nutritious foods. The Japanese, for example, eat rice every day, but they also remember to eat its seafood and vegetables saturated with ascorbic acid.

The harm of cereals: why not eat a lot

Any useful product, including cereals, can cause colossal harm to health. This can also be said for cereals, wheat oil, and grains. It is important to avoid abuse. When overeating baking, a person may experience pain in the abdomen, constipation, flatulence, and more. With special care to the use of cereals should be treated with:

• chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive tract;

• in the postoperative period;

• allergies.

Experts do not recommend giving the product to children under 12 years of age, as there is a large amount of gluten in the composition. An allergic reaction can occur to it. With a fairly frequent intake of germinated cereals, problems can also occur. Of particular danger is lectin, which penetrates through the walls of the intestine into the circulatory system. It can provoke the abnormal work of the endocrine system, liver and heart, metabolism.

Oil has fewer contraindications. It is believed that drying oil does not have them at all, but nevertheless it is recommended to use with caution those who have urinary or gallstone diseases. Cereals also contain tannins. These are substances that can reduce the absorption of iron and damage the membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

That is, in the first place, harm is caused by excessive consumption of cereal products in food. Cereals should be completely excluded from the diet of infants. If cereals are consumed, then only in whole, undenatured and unprocessed form. Even so, cereals should make up only a small portion of the diet. Eating cereals should always be combined with eating plenty of green and other vegetables. Other proteins should not be present.


Watch the video: Weed-killing chemical found in cereals, oat products, report says (June 2024).