Is it possible to be poisoned by sea water: causes of poisoning. First aid for poisoning


Poisoning after swimming in the sea is an infrequent occurrence. Sea water has many healing properties. It is often used to treat sinusitis, rhinitis, respiratory diseases and other ailments. But, despite all the positive aspects, health damage can be caused.

Poisoning after swimming in the sea: the main causes

Experts say that sea water in its composition has a large amount of food and salt, therefore it has antiseptic properties. That is why it is impossible to be poisoned with sea water, since in such an environment microbes and harmful substances cannot multiply. The reasons for this process are a hot climate, a dirty coastline, a large concentration of people with various diseases.

Since the ecological situation is not very good, there is a favorable environment for the multiplication of microbes and bacteria. That is why seawater can become toxic if sanitary standards are not followed. As a result, the water on the coastline becomes very dirty and hazardous to health.

Insufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation can provoke water poisoning by harmful organisms. And UV rays help neutralize the negative effects of bacteria.

Poisoning during sunbathing can be caused by overheating. An increase in body temperature occurs due to a violation of thermoregulation. The patient begins to experience headaches and general malaise. Single vomiting may occur.

A person can also get poisoned if he encounters a poisonous inhabitant of the deep sea. Most often, people become victims of poisonous jellyfish. Even a small dose of poison can cause severe poisoning. In mild cases, the patient can recover in a couple of days, and in severe cases can not do without medical assistance.

Great care must be taken by people when relaxing in exotic resorts. A person may encounter mollusks that are outwardly very beautiful, but poisonously insane. Even the smallest dose of poison causes convulsions, profuse salivation and confusion.

An equally common cause of poisoning during rest is food. In extreme heat, they deteriorate rather quickly and accumulate dangerous microorganisms. A moist and warm environment is an excellent soil for multiplying bacteria. In any case, whatever the cause of the poisoning, it is important to know how to properly provide first aid to the victim.

Poisoning after swimming at sea: first aid

It is impossible to distinguish between a viral infection and an indigestion that appeared due to the ingestion of salted water, it is still necessary to know how to provide first aid to the victim. It consists in such events:

1. The patient must do gastric lavage. The procedure is done using 1-1.5 liters of warm liquid or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. The liquid should be drunk and, pressing on the base of the tongue, cause vomiting.

2. Be sure to give the patient enterosorbent. Activated carbon, Polyphepan, Polysorb are irreplaceable.

3. It is necessary to replenish the fluid that is lost along with diarrhea and vomiting. Salt solutions such as Regidron, Oralit or Hydrovit. You can just give the patient tea or water.

To drink poisoned need 50-100 ml for children under two years old, from 100 to 200 ml for children over two years after each attack of diarrhea or vomiting. Adults drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. In order not to provoke an increase in vomiting, give the baby 1-2 teaspoons of the liquid every 5-10 minutes.

It is still recommended that you seek medical help to prevent complications. Treatment consists in restoring the water-salt balance. In case of infectious processes, the use of antibiotics is indicated.

Is it possible to be poisoned by sea water: what to do if you feel unwell

If, in addition to swallowing sea water, a sunstroke occurs, the patient should be dragged into the shade as soon as possible. It is important to cool the body temperature. If necessary, wrap the victim in a towel dipped in cold water. Another option is to put in a cold bath.

As soon as the body temperature drops to 38 degrees, cooling should be stopped. To the patient to provide plentiful drink. Self-medication should not be given to a child under five years of age. Immediate medical attention is needed if difficulty in breathing, rash, swelling of the skin are observed.

The treatment regimens for sea poisoning are as follows:

1. For rotavirus infection, Tsitovir is used.

2. If an intestinal infection occurs in children, then it is treated with enterofuril. Antibiotics in this case are prescribed very rarely.

3. Antipyretic drugs are prescribed only if the temperature is above 38.5 degrees.

4. A plentiful drink is necessary for the fastest removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body.

5. In the treatment of smecta is very often used. The drug fights against diarrhea, absorbs all toxins.

But still, you should not take risks, but it is better to consult a doctor.

Prevention measures so as not to be poisoned by sea water

When vacationing at sea, it is necessary to adhere to some rules that will help avoid poisoning:

1. Have a first-aid kit with you, which will contain all the necessary medicines.

2. On vacation, it is recommended to use only purchased water.

3. It is important to tell the child that it is impossible to swallow sea water.

4. Before eating, it is very good to wash fruits and vegetables.

5. Wear hats that will protect from the sun.

6. Wash hands regularly.

7. Do not buy food from private sellers.

8. Do not give the child eggs and poorly fried meat.

9. Eat only in quality and trusted establishments.

Only by observing such simple rules can you and yourself and your children be protected as much as possible.


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