Diet in the treatment of psoriasis on the head at home. Home treatment options for psoriasis on the head at home


Psoriasis on the head is a chronic disease of the skin. Patients appear flaky rashes of red color. Sometimes rashes may occur, which are blisters with purulent contents. Treatment of psoriasis on the head at home is aimed at correcting inflammatory changes in the dermis.

Causes of Psoriasis on the Head

The cause of psoriasis is the body's reaction to external factors. The pathological process is accompanied by a very fast death of the skin in the affected area. Typically, the cell division cycle is 3-4 weeks. With pathology, it is reduced to 5 days.

The causes of the disease are not clear, but scientists are inclined to the hereditary factor. That is, the basis of development is not one reason, but a whole complex:

· Genetic predisposition;

Violation of metabolic processes;

Immunological changes

· Changes in the functioning of the endocrine system;

Neurological disorders;

· Stressful situations.

The disease is not contagious, so it is impossible to become infected.

Diet for the treatment of psoriasis on the head at home

Diet with this pathology is a traditional method of providing assistance by regulating internal metabolic processes in order to suspend new allergic reactions. The nutrition of all patients should comply with a number of very important principles:

1. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages.

2. Eating should be fractional.

3. It is necessary to search for unacceptable products through a personal approach.

4. It is important to refuse fried and smoked food.

5. Refuse to ingest dyes, synthetic additives.

6. Eliminate carbohydrate intake.

7. To exclude vegetable food from the diet, except for legumes and citrus fruits.

8. Actively consume vegetable oils.

9. Dairy products should be only low fat.

10. Resort to grain diets.

You need to learn how to eat simply, but do not limit yourself to vitamins and minerals. Before this, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.

Home remedies for treating psoriasis on the head at home

Folk remedies in the fight against pathology are very effective and harmless. Many recipes can be used not only to treat psoriasis, but also to strengthen hair.

1. Turmeric powder. It is characterized by immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action. To prepare a useful product, it is necessary to mix the powder together with the liquid to make a sticky mixture. It must be applied to the affected parts of the head daily before bedtime. Wash off the composition from the head in the morning. Also, the powder can simply be used as a spice. Add it when cooking various dishes. It is also useful to make a healing composition from the product powder. Add a teaspoon of powder and the same amount of honey to a cup of warm milk.

2. Coconut oil. It has valuable fatty acids and vitamin A and E. They eliminate the inflammatory process. Vitamins help the skin recover. Wash your head with warm water. Apply oil on the skin and wait half an hour. After wash your hair with shampoo.

3. Aloe. It acts as a natural antibiotic and analgesic. The leaves of the plant must be washed and peeled from them. Rub aloe and after washing the hair on the affected areas, apply gel from the plant. In addition to using a fresh plant, you can also prepare a decoction and consume it daily.

4. Argan oil. This recipe is as effective as possible. Oil contains a lot of acids and vitamin. 5 drops of this drying oil are mixed with argan and massage movements to rub into the hair roots. After the procedure, wash your hair well with plain water. Repeat manipulations daily.

5. The banana. The peel and pulp have in themselves microelements and vitamins, due to which tissue recovery occurs. You can just grind both parts and rub it into the affected areas. You can also prepare a cosmetic mask by mixing the pulp with any oil. After application, itching and inflammation pass.

6. Baking soda and water. 1 teaspoon of baking soda pour 4 teaspoons of water. Rub the mixture into the skin and leave to dry. Then wash your hair with warm water.

7. Garlic. It is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. It has a relaxing effect on the walls of the capillaries. It also has antiflogistic and analgesic effects. Aloe juice must be mixed with garlic in a ratio of 1 to 1. Such a healing composition is applied to the dermis on the head and left for a quarter of an hour. After this period of time, wash your hair. Garlic is effective in prevention. It is enough to eat 2 cloves per day to protect yourself from psoriasis.

8. Medicinal plants. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of nettle, sage, celandine, calendula, succession, licorice. Herbal decoction must be used to rinse the head a couple of times a day. After manipulations, do not rinse the skin.

9. Tea tree oil. The components of this oil have an antibacterial effect. Oil helps get rid of all the symptoms of the disease. When washing your hair in a shampoo, add a couple of drops of drying oil. The resulting mixture must be rubbed into the epidermis. After five minutes, wait and rinse off with warm water. To get the maximum result, you need to purchase a medical shampoo.

10. Sea salt. It is rich in beneficial minerals that have a positive effect on the skin. Salt must be dissolved in a small amount of liquid. Rub the drug into the hair roots. Leave the mixture on your hair for half an hour. After all, rinse with warm water. Repeat this procedure several times a day.

11. Hot peppers. Thanks to this tool, you can very quickly get rid of pain and itching. A glass of cosmetic oil must be mixed with 3 tablespoons of hot pepper. Place this composition on low heat for 10 minutes. After add half a glass of beeswax. Stir the entire mass gently. Put the resulting product in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then mix again and pour into containers. Store the mixture for 2 weeks. The drug is applied daily for half an hour.

12. Castor oil. Drying oil softens the skin and nourishes it. You can just take a couple of drops of oil and rub it into the skin. It is also possible to apply this oil as part of cosmetic masks.

13. Sea buckthorn oil. It can reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease. It helps with tissue regeneration. It acts as an antimicrobial drug. It can be used as a separate remedy against the disease. It is also possible to include other funds.

Therapeutic baths and ointments in the treatment of psoriasis on the head at home

It is very useful to make baths in the treatment of psoriasis on the head at home. This is an integral part of general therapy. It is useful to make the following baths:

1. Baths with medicinal herbs. Every day you need to take a bath with the addition of herbs such as sage, celandine, chamomile, and a succession. The procedure should last no more than 20 minutes. After manipulations, do not rinse or rinse hair.

2. Ointment with tar. In a glass container, mix 20 g of petroleum jelly, 50 g of tar, 30 g of bee honey, 10 g of fish oil, 1 egg yolk and 10 g of boric acid. Thoroughly mix the whole mass and place in a dark container. Apply ointment to the affected parts of the scalp. Wash head first with tar soap.

3. To prepare egg ointment, mix 4 chicken eggs and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Beat all the ingredients thoroughly to make a homogeneous mass. After add a tablespoon of acetic acid. With the resulting agent, lubricate plaques and affected areas of the cover.

4. Propolis ointment. For 100 g of butter, you need 5 g of a bee production product. Put all ingredients on low heat for 10 minutes and stir constantly. The resulting composition is applied to the affected areas of the epidermis.

5. Ointment from the meadowsweet root. The root of the plant should be grated, and then chopped with a blender. As a result, combine it with petroleum jelly. Mix the whole mass well to get a homogeneous mixture. Means to put on a small fire. The medicine is to cool and lubricate the painful parts.


Watch the video: What is Psoriasis and the Best Psoriasis Treatment at Mayo Clinic (June 2024).