Chicken with mushrooms is the best way to cook meat for garnish. How to cook chicken with mushrooms (recipe step by step)


Chicken is a delicious meat that can be baked, boiled or stewed. Especially tasty chicken is obtained with mushrooms. This fragrant dish will complement any side dish and will look spectacular even on the festive table.

Chicken with mushrooms - the basic principles of cooking

To cook chicken with mushrooms use any part of the bird. If you want a diet dish, cook it from the breast. From the legs and hips it will turn out to be fatter, and the taste of the dish will be more aromatic and rich. Chicken with mushrooms, a step-by-step fillet recipe is refined and tender.

The chicken carcass is washed, carefully examined for the presence of feathers, if any, be sure to remove them. Then cut it into pieces. Wash again. You can immediately start cooking. But in order to make it aromatic, and the taste more saturated, it is better to marinate the chicken first. For marinade, you can use olive oil, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, herbs and spices.

Mushrooms can be any. Mostly the dish is prepared with champignons. They can be bought at any store all year round. If you cook a dish with wild mushrooms, it will turn out no less tasty.

Mushrooms are washed from dirt, twigs and leaves. There is a little secret: it’s better to simply wipe the mushrooms with a damp sponge, as they quickly absorb moisture. It is advisable to soak forest mushrooms in cold water for half an hour.

Mushrooms are cut into small pieces and fried in butter or vegetable oil until light brown. Fried mushrooms spread in a separate plate. Add oil to the same pan and spread the chicken pieces. The meat is fried over medium heat until it turns white. Then the fire is increased and continued to fry until the chicken is covered with a golden brown.

Fried mushrooms are spread in a pan with meat and pour sauce. Best for this dish is a sauce prepared on the basis of cream, natural yogurt or sour cream. Red or white wine will make the sauce taste brighter.

Stew meat with mushrooms in a sauce until it thickens. All season with spices, and add freshly chopped greens. At the end, you can add hard or soft cream cheese.

You can cook chicken with mushrooms on the stove, in the oven or slow cooker.

Recipe 1. Chicken with mushrooms - recipe step by step


kilogram of chicken;

Provencal herbs;

400 g of champignons;

fresh parsley;

300 ml cream;

olive oil;

200 g of cheese;

two cloves of garlic;

salt and freshly ground pepper.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the chicken fillet. Trim excess fat, film, and skin. If you don’t have the fillet, you can use the legs, cutting off all the meat from the bones. Cut the fillet into small pieces. Dry the chicken lightly by placing it on a napkin.

2. Place a large cast-iron pan or small cauldron on the stove. Turn on the fire to a medium level. Pour in olive oil and heat it. Put the chicken in a pan and fry it, stirring constantly, until half cooked.

3. Wipe the champignons with a damp sponge. Remove the thin peel from the hats. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Do not wash champignons under the tap. These mushrooms quickly absorb moisture, and during frying they will give it away. As a result, the mushrooms will not be fried, but stewed.

4. Place the frying pan in which the chicken was fried again on the stove. Add olive oil and heat over medium heat. Put mushrooms in a pan and fry them, stirring regularly, until half cooked.

5. Peel the garlic cloves. Chopped peeled garlic with a sharp knife, grate on a fine grater, or pass through a garlic squeezer. Put the garlic mass in a deep bowl.

6. Add the herbs and cream to the garlic. Rinse the greens, shake off excess moisture and finely chop it. Add chopped herbs to a plate with sauce ingredients. Shake everything thoroughly with a whisk or a fork.

7. Add chicken to the pan with sauteed mushrooms. Shuffle. Pour the contents of the pan with cream sauce and mix again. Twist the fire and keep on the stove until it boils.

8. Grind hard or homemade cheese into small pieces or grate with large holes. Add cheese to chicken with mushrooms, mix and simmer for about seven minutes. Season everything with freshly ground pepper and lightly salt.

9. Serve chicken with mushrooms with a side dish. Boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes are perfect.

Recipe 2. Chicken with mushrooms and red wine - recipe step by step


400 g of chicken breast, or three legs;


large onion;

a glass of red wine;


15 g of wheat flour;

400 g oyster mushroom.

Cooking method

1. Wash the chicken breast. If there is skin, cut it off, remove films and excess fat too. If you are using chicken legs, remove the skin from them and separate the meat from the bones with a sharp knife. Dry the fillet, and cut into small pieces. Put the chicken in a cast-iron cauldron.

2. Peel the onion. Wash the onion head and chop it finely. Place the chopped onion in a cauldron with chicken. Pour the contents of the cauldron with red wine. Season with spices and mix by hand. Leave the meat to marinate for half an hour.

3. Put oyster mushrooms in a bowl of cold water. Soak them for an hour. Then wash the mushrooms well under running water and cut them into small pieces.

4. Place a cast-iron frying pan on the stove, pour in some vegetable oil. Put the oyster mushrooms in the pan and fry them, regularly stirring with a wooden spatula, until lightly browned. Put the fried mushrooms in a pan with chicken. Add boiled water so that it completely covers the chicken with mushrooms.

5. Add wheat flour to the pan. To prevent lumps from forming, dilute it with a small amount of flour, pour into a pan and mix well. Cover and simmer for about forty minutes.

Recipe 3. Chicken with mushrooms and creamy garlic sauce - recipe step by step


a pound of chicken breast;

250 g of champignons;


20 g of thyme;

50 ml of milk;


70 ml of dry white wine;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

two cloves of garlic;

freshly ground black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Wash the chicken breast, if there is skin, cut it with a sharp knife. Remove films and excess grease. Cut the fillet into small pieces. If you don’t have breasts, you can use your legs or hips. Rinse them as well, then peel them off. Use a sharp knife to cut the fillet from the bones. Pat the fillet with a napkin or paper towel. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly with your hands, rubbing the spices into the meat.

2. Wipe the champignons with a damp sponge. Cut the legs and remove the thin skin from the caps. Small mushrooms can leave whole. Cut large mushrooms into four parts.

3. Heat a cast-iron skillet over high heat. Pour in the vegetable oil and put the chicken into it. Fry the meat over high heat, stirring it a couple of times so that the chicken’s surface is covered with a delicious crust. Put the prepared meat on a plate.

4. In the pan where the meat was fried, add oil and put the mushrooms in it. Fry the mushrooms, constantly stirring with a spatula, until golden brown. At the beginning of cooking, the fire should be moderate. When the moisture evaporates, increase the intensity of the fire and fry for another five minutes.

5. Peel the garlic cloves. Finely chop the peeled garlic with a sharp knife, or pass it through a garlic squeezer. Add chopped garlic to a pan with sauteed mushrooms. Stir and fry for about half a minute. Then fill the contents with red wine. Stir and cook until it evaporates.

6. Add chicken to the pan with mushrooms. Shuffle. Pour cream and milk into the contents. Season with spices and mix with a wooden spatula. Keep on fire until the sauce thickens. Then twist the fire, cover and simmer a few more minutes. Try the sauce on the palate, if there is not enough salt or spices, add them. Rinse the greens, shake off excess moisture and finely chop it. Add greens to the chicken with mushrooms and serve with a side dish of potatoes or spaghetti.

Chicken with mushrooms (step by step) - tips and tricks

  • Sauce for a dish can be made from sour cream or cream.
  • To make the fillet juicy, fry it over high heat. The crust that forms on the surface will keep the juice inside.
  • Wipe the champignons with a damp cloth so that the mushrooms absorb moisture as little as possible.
  • Instead of thickening flour, you can use potato or corn starch.
  • To prevent lumps from forming, fry the flour before adding it to the sauce.


Watch the video: Creamy Mushroom Chicken Pasta. Pasta Recipes. Italian Food. Chicken & Mushroom Pasta by Neelam (June 2024).