How to get rid of edema under the eyes at home? Causes of edema under the eyes, home methods of dealing with edema


Even the most famous public people with personal beauticians constantly appear in public with bags under their eyes.

So the point is not in money, craftsmen, but in something else.

To fix the problem, you should find the reason for its occurrence.

We study the causes of edema under the eyes, how to get rid of them will prompt conclusions.

Swelling under the eyes: causes

Only in 2008, the leading cosmetologists of the world managed to establish the real reason for the appearance of permanent bags under the eyes. The whole thing turned out to be in periorbital fiber, which, increasing in volume, extends adipose tissue beyond acceptable limits. Bags under the eyes, obtained in this way, can be reduced by getting rid of the cause of the swelling.

- Many actresses who did not dare to lie under the surgeon’s knife are shown in public with bags under their eyes. This type of edema can be attributed to genetic formations and you should not even fight them.

Very often, getting up in the morning, we see swelling under the eyes, how to get rid of them, we decide, analyzing yesterday.

- Our eyes will look swollen after a stormy night, during which there was a lot of tobacco smoke, alcohol, a variety of carbonated drinks.

- The desire to eat herring or pickles for the night will “repay” bags under the eyes in the morning.

- Recently appeared swelling under the eyes I can signal the onset of the disease in the form of:

• inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;

• allergies;

• kidney disease;

• viral infection.

- During the period of PMS and menopause, women often suffer from edema under the eyes. You can consult a gynecologist to get rid of this problem.

- The fans of tanning may become the owners of edema under the eyes. Ultraviolet rays contribute to the retention of fluid throughout the body, under the eyes, including.

- Age-related changes in the elasticity of the skin of the face often lead to the appearance of bags under the eyes.

- Many hours of sitting in front of a computer, TV, cause eye fatigue, a rush of lymph, and as a result, morning swelling appears.

- Stressful situations sometimes cause tears, which sometimes lead out of stress, but do not decorate the face, especially if you cry before a night's rest.

Swelling under the eyes, how to get rid: we change the way of life

Whatever methods and methods we come up with, to remove the swelling under the eyes, nothing will help if you do not change your lifestyle.

1. With a tendency to the formation of bags under the eyes, a full sleep is a prerequisite for combating edema, it does not matter if you lie down before midnight or after, most importantly, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

2. You can believe and prove a lot of how much fluid we should take in one day, but for good kidney function and proper fluid removal from the body, you need clean, and only clean water at the rate of 35 - 40 ml per 1 kg of weight. The implementation of the drinking regimen can be put at number 1 in the list of ways to get rid of edema under the eyes.

3. With the appearance and persistent retention of bags under the eyes, specialists should go through to exclude the disease.

4. You should make it a rule to sleep in a well-ventilated area, limiting the intake of alcohol, coffee, tea at night.

5. Regular eye massage, which you can learn to do yourself, the use of lotions, eye masks will soon signal a decrease and disappearance of edema under the eyes, how to get rid of which until recently we did not know how.

6. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were also not alien to looking after their eyes, and, rummaging in their notes, you can find unique recipes that help to get rid of swelling under the eyes for a short time.

7. Cosmetics during the day will not cause swelling under the eyes, but at night it should be washed off with special makeup removers so that the skin around the eyes rests.

Swelling under the eyes, how to get rid of: drugs and devices

Recently, the media has been flooding with information about the use of podiums by the stars as an anti-edematous anti-hemorrhoid cream, as a result, many followers of this innovation, not fully understanding this method, received new swelling after allergies and eye contact.

Trying to remove fluid from the body, taking diuretics hard, you can harm not only the kidneys, but also the cardiovascular system by eliminating potassium, calcium and other necessary components. Arranging for yourself, fasting days do not be too lazy to consult your doctor

Cosmetologists-surgeons have made great progress in carrying out operations to remove the fat layer under the eyes, but there is no guarantee that the fat will not start to accumulate again if you do not change your lifestyle.

Special rooms offer several methods to choose from.

- Qualified cosmetologists offer to fight with wrinkles as well as bags under the eyes with beauty injections, which include pinoxide, which contributes to the resorption of edema.

- Electrical stimulation improves the speed of outflow of lymph, normalizes the process of cell recovery using electrodes and electric current.

- Pressotherapy is aimed at eliminating stagnation of fluid in the tissues.

In cosmetics stores you can buy helium masks, which are cooled in the refrigerator and, if necessary, applied to the eye area.

Swelling under the eyes, how to get rid: massage and other procedures

Puffiness of the face is often caused by stagnation of lymph, so regularly used lymphatic drainage massage will help not only to remove swelling under the eyes, get rid of sagging skin, but also to restore tone and youth to the face.

Spoon massage in this case it will be the most affordable and easy to use.

For work, we need:

- A special cream around the eyes. In no case should you use face or body products, since their texture is much coarser than an eye cream and is not suitable for thin skin around the eyes.

- a glass of rather warm, but not hot water;

- 2 metal, teaspoons, if desired, silver, cupronickel, but steel ones are also suitable.

With morning and evening eye care 2 to 3 times a week, and if necessary daily, do a spoon massage. To do this, apply a sufficient amount of cream to the area around the eyes, in the absence of which you can use vegetable or butter, heat the spoons in warm water, wipe and begin to drive them around the eyes, along the massage eye lines. We put warm spoons on the outer corners of the eyelids, slowly lead to the inner corner of the eye along the lower eyelid, move to the upper eyelid, and return to the starting position.

The effect of massage can be enhanced by the use of masks, which you can either buy or cook yourself.

Swelling under the eyes, how to get rid: folk remedies

Bags under the eyes, as a rule, are especially visible in the morning, when the moisture accumulated from the night has not yet left the face. Our task is to improve the outflow of lymph, and folk methods will help in this.

1. Knowing the tendency to form edema under the eyes, you should prepare infusions of herbs in advance, it can be:

• chamomile;

• fennel;

• sage;

• Dill seeds;

• Black tea.

In the morning, divide the prepared infusion into 2 cups, heat the liquid in one, and cool in the second in order to be able to compress the heat and cold contrasts, increasing blood flow and lymph outflow.

2. Ice cubes prepared in advance from the same infusions will also serve to quickly relieve swelling. Instead of a contrasting compress, we take a frozen cube of herbal infusion and drive it along the same massage lines as the spoon massage until a feeling of cold, but not frostbite, appears.

3. Do not have time to brew the grass, then mix a few drops of vitamin E with 2-3 tablespoons. cold water. It turned out not only a means for compress, but also a healing balm for the skin around the eyes, which gives nutrition, smoothing, softening.

4. In the evening, when we have a little more free time, you can prepare buckwheat tortilla from freshly ground raw buckwheat and a small amount of water, which we apply to the surface of the eye for 15 minutes.

5. Cotton swabs dipped in cold milk and placed on the eyes will also help get rid of bags under the eyes. As it warms up, the compress should be cooled again and again for 15 minutes.

6. A unique mask of pumpkin and cucumber with the addition of honey works wonders for swelling under the eyes. To prepare it, we should mix in equal proportions the pulp of cucumber, pumpkin and slightly warmed honey. Apply the finished mass to swollen eyelids for 15 minutes, preferably before bedtime, rinse with non-hot water and apply a nourishing eye cream.

7. The composition of this mask is surprising at first. To prepare it, take 1 tsp. following components:

• grated potatoes;

• squeezed juice of sauerkraut;

• cosmetic clay.

We smear the oily mixture around the eyes for literally 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water, you can wipe with a cube of ice and apply cream.

8. A mixture of honey and egg white is the basis of another mask. Take 1 tbsp. melted honey, wheat flour and protein of one egg, mix thoroughly and apply for a quarter of an hour under the eyes, rinse with warm water or milk, after which you should wipe the skin dry and apply a cream.

9. An excellent lifting effect is exerted by masks of egg white, fresh strawberries and gruel from parsley. In this case, the simplicity of cooking impresses. Apply a mask under the eyes for 15 to 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, after which a cream intended only for the eyes is applied. For extremely sensitive skin, any of these components can be mixed with sour cream or butter.

Any defect in the skin of the face can be removed with regular care and the use of a variety of methods, most importantly, be patient to bring the matter to a successful result.


Watch the video: PuffyDry Under Eye Home Remedy. Cruelty Free. AirahMorenaTV (June 2024).