Russian scientists activate the "source of youth" in the human brain


On an interesting invention of employees of the company SFM-Farm informs Interfax. The company, the first resident of the science and technology park in the field of biotechnology of the Koltsovo science city located near Novosibirsk, created a drug called “G5”. With the help of this medicine, according to company employees, the human brain can produce stem cells.

The invention, which has no analogues in the world, is a tool with full regenerative activity. Andrei Artamonov, co-owner of the company, says that preclinical trials of the drug have already been completed, and this year's plans are to begin clinical trials.

The child’s brain, unlike the adult brain, is able to actively produce stem cells that can find damage in various organs and repair them. The brain of an adult person believes that he no longer needs it. However, scientists decided to fix everything.

To date, all stem cell manipulations have been performed in the laboratory, outside the human body. The cells propagated in the laboratory are no longer completely native, and there are no guarantees that they do not mutate and will not lead to the formation of cancer in the most unpredictable places.

To take the drug, it is not necessary to be sick. For healthy people, it will become a means of prolonging youth and improving the quality of life. Experts believe that the sale of the G5 will not appear earlier than in a year and a half.


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