DIY wedding bouquet (photo): how to collect fresh flowers or combine, how to insert greens in a homemade wedding bouquet


Preparing a solemn event, future newlyweds are considering many small things. Everything on holiday should be perfect. The groom buys a new suit with a needle. Is the bride a dress? No matter how. The girl should think more about the veil, about the jewelry for the dress, about the shoes, about the garter, about the hairstyle, about the manicure and ... about the chic wedding bouquet. Shops are full nowadays with a variety of colors and decorations for them. Therefore, a wonderful bouquet is truly possible to make with your own hands and to your liking and save a decent amount of money on this.

Wedding bouquet "French kiss" with fresh flowers do it yourself

The bouquet includes flowers of tulips, roses and peonies. These are very beautiful flowers and exude a delicate pleasant and distinguishable aroma.

Tools and supplies: bright yellow bush roses, purple tulips, yellow peony roses, fuchsia matthiolas, Asian buttercup, green tape (decorative paper tape with an adhesive side), burlap, lace ribbon, scissors, glue .

Step 1

The central part of the wedding bouquet is being assembled with your own hands. It consists of tulips, matthiola, peony roses. The stems of these flowers are wrapped with decorative ribbon.

Step 2

The remaining flowers are added to the bouquet. Dark buds are located at the light. Large buds are adjacent to small. After a successful combination, the stems are again wrapped with decorative tape.

Step 3

Stems of all colors are cut to the same length.

Step 4

Now you can decorate the bouquet for the bride with your own hands with decorative elements. For this purpose, prepared burlap and lace are taken. They wrap around the stems, as in the picture. You can fix the textile with glue. It is not recommended to use pins, which can be unfastened at the most inopportune moment, and scotch tape, which will create unnecessary glare on wedding photos in portraiture. In addition, scotch tape somewhat spoils the impression of an expensive bouquet.

Do-it-yourself wedding bouquet at the portbuketnitsa

In case of a very long celebration, it is recommended to use a portbasket for flowers. It has a supply of water to preserve the freshness of the flowers. This device weighs a little and looks very aesthetically pleasing. Most often used at European-style weddings.

Tools and materials at hand: flowers and greens (roses, aspidistra), portbuketnitsa, sponge, satin ribbon, twisted lace, double-sided tape, tape tape (decorative paper tape with an adhesive side), wire, glue gun, scissors.

Step 1

A floral sponge is lowered into the water, inserted into the portbasket.

It is recommended that paper towels be inserted into the leg of the portbasket so that water from the sponge does not flow out and moisturizes fresh flowers for as long as possible.

Step 2

Insert the leaves of the aspidistra into the bouquet and fix them with a teip tape. The leg of the portbuketnitsa is wrapped in a satin ribbon, the tip of which can eventually be bent under the tape tape.

Step 3

Making a flower arrangement for a wedding bouquet with your own hands. Long stems of roses are cut to 6 cm. Flowers are inserted into the portbasket. It is recommended to do this in the direction from the edge to the center. Small flowers will be fixed last.

Necessarily tight fit of buds to each other. Otherwise, it is worth fixing them with a wire.

The bouquet is decorated with greenery, the use of which in large quantities suppresses the delicate shades of the flower petals. Everything should be in moderation.

The finished wedding bouquet is stored in a cool place until the solemn event.

DIY wedding bouquet with snow-white chrysanthemums

Such an amazing bouquet will suit a wedding dress with a pronounced lace pattern. In this case, others will create a feeling of unity and integrity of the whole image of a gentle bride.

Tools and improvised materials: chrysanthemums in the amount of 3 pieces, artificial flowers in white in the amount of 7 pieces, floral, tweed and jute wire, braid or brown ribbon, glue gun, nippers, stapler, buttons.

Step 1

Artificial flowers have clipped leaves.

They add up to three pieces. The last flower is inserted into the center of the wedding bouquet with your own hands. It should be located above the rest.

Step 2

Chrysanthemums are inserted in different places as harmoniously as possible.

Step 3

Flower wire wrapped the stems in a floral bouquet in several places. If necessary, the stems can be cut to the same length.

Step 4

Dressing a bouquet. The tape wraps around the stems from the bottom up, where it is fixed to the button with glue, as indicated in Figure 6. For reliability, it is recommended to additionally fix the elements with a stapler.

Stems tweed wire. This process is already completely creative. The ends of the wire securely hide inside the bouquet.

Wedding bouquet "Forest fairy tale" do it yourself

The bouquet is made of artificial flowers. If desired, you can add several live roses.

Tools and improvised materials: flowers, birch bark, glue, twine, decorative wire, teip tape (decorative paper tape with an adhesive side), wire cutters, decorative ornaments.

Step 1

Flowers and leaves are carefully selected for the bouquet. The stems and extra leaves on them are cut.

Step 2

The stems of large flowers are wrapped with teip tape.

Step 3

A harmonious bouquet is going. Large flowers are combined with small, dark - with light.

Step 4

The stems of the wedding bouquet are wrapped with teip tape, and then cut to the same length.

Step 5

The bottom of the bouquet is decorated with birch bark, the edges of which are fixed on glue. Birch bark is decorated with twine, wrapped around in several layers. If desired, you can glue a decorative element in the form of a brooch.

It turned out a tender and cute bouquet to match any bride.


Watch the video: How to Make a Wedding Bouquet - DIY Wedding Flowers (June 2024).