Pizza with cheese and tomatoes is different and very tasty! Recipes fast and original pizza with cheese and tomatoes


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Easy and fast to make pizza with cheese and tomatoes!

Pizza with cheese and tomatoes - the general principles of cooking

The process of making pizza with cheese and tomatoes is quick and easy, even if there are no blanks, as is done in pizzerias. On average, it takes no more than 40 minutes to cook pizza with cheese and tomatoes.

The main ingredients of pizza with cheese and tomatoes are:

  • Korzh;
  • Sauce;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Cheese.

Pizza cake with cheese and tomatoes

There are countless ways to make dough for a pizza base with cheese and tomatoes. Ideal when the dough is prepared in a special way. When the cake is delaminated and bubbles during baking. It depends on the ratio of some ingredients.

Four main ingredients in the dough:

o Flour - the bulk of the cake;

o Vegetable (or butter) oil - helps to exfoliate dough during baking;

o Salt - improves palatability;

o Sugar - helps the dough fermentation process.

Other ingredients may be replaced. For example:

o Water or kefir;

o Yeast or extinguished soda.

Various chefs brought variety to the palatability of pizza with cheese and tomatoes. The use of eggs was added to the basic principle, thereby making the pizza dough rich, with the exception of the techniques of cooking in a pan or without yeast.

Yeast dough - this is not always rich. Yeast can always be replaced with slaked soda. Soda can be quenched in two known ways or simply stirred in flour after sifting, soda with citric acid. Soda with citric acid must be taken three times the amount of yeast.

The dough prepared with soda should be baked immediately.

When using yeast dough must be allowed to rest.

Sometimes they use a recipe for pizza dough with cheese and tomatoes, as for thin pita bread. For faster cooking, you can buy ready-made pita bread.

Basic pizza sauces with cheese and tomatoes.

A variety of sauces rolls over. In different countries prepare their own unique recipes. But the main thing remains one common ingredient. There are exceptions in the form of white sauces.

Storage of sauces is allowed up to seven days in the refrigerator. It is possible to use for other culinary dishes.

If you do not want to use the sauce in the near future, then divide the amount of ingredients by the required amount of sauce.

Some examples of sauces that go perfectly with pizza with cheese and tomatoes:

Salsa rose classic sauce for pizza with cheese and tomatoes

Cooking time no more than 5 minutes.


• Dalphi (canned, blanched tomatoes in tomato sauce) - 0.195 kg;

• Tomato paste - 0,012 kg;

• Dry basil - 0.005 kg;

• Sugar - 0,003 kg;

• Dry garlic - 0.001 kg;

• White pepper - 0.001 kg;

• Tomato juice - 0.120 ml;

• Olive oil - 0,013 ml;

Mass at the exit: 0,350 ml.

Preparation Procedure:

We measure out the required amount of all ingredients, place them in a blender and grind. It is advisable to let the sauce infuse in the refrigerator.

White bianca sauce for pizza with cheese and tomatoes


• Olive oil - 0.025 ml;

• Onion - 0.150 kg;

• Fresh garlic - 0.015 kg;

• Fat cottage cheese - 0.150 kg;

• Fatty homemade cream - 0.100 ml;

• A bunch of fresh parsley - 0.050 kg;

• Thyme, ground - 0.010 kg;

Mass at the exit: 0,500 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

Mix the cream with cottage cheese in a blender until a homogeneous, smooth creamy mass. We shift to a suitable dish and set aside.

On medium heat set to heat the oil. It is advisable to use unrefined vegetable oil. If not, neither one nor the other, then take regular vegetable oil.

Chop the onion and sauté in a frying pan with heated oil for up to 5 minutes, until it becomes soft and transparent. Add crushed garlic, and still pass for several minutes.

Minimize the fire and add a creamy paste. When boiling, remove from heat. Add chopped parsley and other spices. Mix. The sauce is ready for use.

Universal red sauce for pizza with cheese and tomatoes

The maximum cooking time is 22 minutes.


• Olive oil - 0.050 ml;

• Tomatoes - 0.350 kg;

• Fresh garlic - 0.020 kg;

• Paprika - 0.150 kg;

• A bunch of fresh basil - 0.050 kg;

• A bunch of fresh parsley - 0.050 kg;

• Thyme, ground - 0.010 kg;

• Oregano dry - 0.010 kg;

• Black pepper, ground - 0.005 kg;

• Sugar - 0.005 kg;

Mass at the exit: 0,870 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

Preheat the oven until 1900. Pour baking sheet with high sides.

Cut tomatoes into large slices. Peeled paprika also cut into large pieces. Put everything on a baking sheet. Add finely chopped garlic, season with pepper, thyme, oregano. We mix all the ingredients. Turn the tomatoes and paprika with the skin to the top. We put in the oven for 5 - 7 minutes.

Grind greens. Take out the baking sheet. Add greens and set for another 10 minutes. Then grind all the blender. Put in a saucepan, add sugar and heat to a boil.

Sometimes use other sauces purchased in the store. For a better taste, it is advisable to prepare the sauce yourself.

Pizza Tomatoes

It is recommended to cut the tomatoes into thin slices, because the taste can be harmoniously distributed throughout the cake, will not fall off the cake when eating pizza with cheese and tomatoes. If you prefer coarsely chopped pieces of tomatoes, then in this case, use the "Cherry". Sliced ​​tomato slices add juiciness to the dried crust. You can not use sliced ​​tomatoes, as most will choose a sauce with tomatoes.

Cheese in pizza with tomatoes

It's hard to imagine pizza without cheese. Different types of cheeses give a variety of flavors.

Cheese is usually distributed on a pizza basis immediately after the distribution of the sauce.

Cheese harmoniously combines all the ingredients in various recipes.

Recipe 1. Pizza with cheese and tomato "Paperoni"


For the test:

• Water - 0.080 ml;

• Dry yeast - 0.003 kg;

• Sugar - 0.007 kg;

• Salt - 0,003 kg;

• Olive oil - 0.008 ml;

• Flour - 0.156 kg;

Mass at the exit: 0,256 grams.

For filling:

• Universal sauce - 0.050 kg;

• Tomatoes - 0.120 kg;

• Cold-smoked sausage - 0.100 kg;

• Cheese - 0.150 kg.

The total mass of the semi-finished product: 0.676 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

The foundation.

Turn on to warm up the oven to 2200.

We take the appropriate capacity. We mix yeast, sugar, salt and olive oil into the water. ½ tablespoons leave on the dust and a few grams on a baking dish. Sift the flour, add to the container in small portions, gradually kneading the dough. After forming a ball, put in a small bowl, cover with wet gauze and let stand in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes.

The baking dish must be taken as large as possible. Optionally, round, square or rectangular. Lightly crush the form with flour.

After we take out the dough, sprinkle the table with flour, stretch it into a thin layer, less than 1 cm. Carefully place the base on the mold.


We rub cheese on a fine grater. Cut tomatoes, sausage as thin slices as possible.

Form and bake.

The base is evenly greased with sauce, generously lubricated along the edge. Part of the cheese is evenly distributed. We try to crush the edges of the pizza with cheese well. Lay thin tomato slices on top, then distribute sausage slices.

Set to bake for 5 minutes. During baking, the cake will bubble, so keep an eye on and pierce the resulting bubbles.

Recipe 2. Vegetarian pizza with cheese and tomato "Sambrero"


For the test:

• Flour - 0.300 kg (plus 0.100 kg per heat);

• Water - 0.125 ml;

• Vegetable oil - 0.050 ml;

• Dry yeast - 0.005 kg;

• Butter - 0.075 kg;

• Sugar - 0.015 kg;

• Salt - 0.010 kg;

Weight at the exit: 0,580 kg.

For filling:

• Bianca sauce - 0.050 ml;

• Cheese - 0.120 kg;

• Cherry tomatoes - 0.100 kg;

• Beijing cabbage - 0.050 kg;

• Fried champignons - 0.050 kg;

• A mixture of herbs - 0.010 kg;

• Soy sauce - 0.050 ml;

• Olives - 0.050 kg;

• Asafoetida at will;

The total mass of the semi-finished product: 1,060 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

The foundation.

Dissolve yeast, sugar, salt in water. Pour in vegetable oil, sift half the flour. Stir until smooth and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes under a plastic wrap, in a warm place.

The rest of the flour is mixed with softened butter. Then roll into the reservoir. Distribute dough mixture on top. Mix thoroughly, form a ball. Let’s rest another 10 - 15 minutes.

Roll the ball into a round layer, very thin. Cut into four parts. We smooth everything in layers, form a ball again. We repeat this manipulation four more times.

After the last time we form the basis for pizza.


It is better to cook the filling between the two stages of preparation of the base. So you can save time.

Grate the cheese and chop the Cherry into halves. Peking cabbage cut in the form of cubes of medium size.

Stir the spices in soy sauce. We spread all ingredients except cheese and olives in a container with soy sauce. Leave to marinate for 15 minutes.

Form and bake.

Lubricate the baking dish with any fat and sprinkle lightly with flour. We spread the basis. Grease it with sauce. Arbitrarily pickled ingredients. Sprinkle with cheese, spread olives on top.

In a preheated oven to two hundred degrees, set to bake for 20 - 25 minutes.

Recipe 3. Pizza with cheese and tomato "Mascarpone"


For the test:

• Honey - 0.030 kg;

• Water - 0.050 ml;

• Butter - 0.050 kg;

• Flour - 0.150 kg;

• Dry yeast - 0.005 kg;

• Salt - 0.005 kg.

Mass at the exit: 0,290 kg.

For filling:

• Chicken fillet (boiled) - 0.100 kg;

• Cheese - 0.150 kg;

• Tomatoes - 0,100 kg;

• Fried champignons - 0.100 kg;

• Sauce "Universal" - 0,050 ml;

The total mass of the semi-finished product: 0.790 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

The foundation.

Preheat oven to two hundred degrees.

Honey is dissolved in water and add yeast. Leave for 5 minutes to let the yeast play.

Sift the flour, stir the salt and vegetable oil. Knead the dough to an elastic consistency.

We give the necessary size in shape and put it there.


Grind the chicken, cut the tomatoes into slices. We rub the cheese.

Form and bake.

Lubricate with sauce, distribute chicken fillet and mushrooms. Crush evenly with cheese, then bake for 10 - 15 minutes.

Recipe 4. Fast pizza with cheese and tomato "UFO"


For the test:

• Flour - 0.200 kg (plus 50 grams per dust);

• Salt - 0.005 kg;

• Vegetable oil - 0,050;

• Water - 0.050 ml;

Mass at the exit: 0,305 kg.

For filling:

• Universal sauce - 0.050 ml;

• Hard cheese - 0.120 kg;

• Bacon - 0.100 kg;

• Tomato - 0.100 kg;

• Eggs - 1 pc.;

Total weight of semi-finished product: 0.725 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

The foundation.

Stir in salt and vegetable oil in the sifted flour, then gradually pour water and knead the dough. Depending on the flour, it may be necessary to add a little more water. It depends on the gluten free flour.

Give "rest" 5 - 10 minutes under a cling film.

Form a layer of a circular shape, not more than 0.5 cm.


Cut the bacon and tomato into thin slices. Finely grate the cheese.

Form and bake.

On the prepared layer, evenly distribute the sauce, then cheese. In a circle, spread the slices of tomato, and on top of them lay the bacon. After we place in the oven warmed up to two hundred degrees, on a lattice. Quickly and accurately break the egg in the middle. We bake, not forgetting to pierce the forming bubbles. Five minutes later, the pizza is ready.

Recipe 5. Closed and fast pizza with cheese and tomatoes "Santi"


For the test:

• Flour - 0.250 kg;

• Kefir - 0.100 ml;

• Hard cheese - 0.100 kg;

• Eggs - 1 pc.;

• Sugar - 0.010 kg;

• Salt - 0.005 kg;

• Soda - 0.005 kg;

Mass at the exit: 0,510 kg.

For filling:

• Ham - 0.100 kg;

• Cheese - 0.100 kg;

• Tomato - 0.100 kg;

The total weight of the semifinished product: 0.810 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

The foundation.

We stir the egg, soda, salt and sugar in kefir. Add one hundred grams of grated cheese and flour. Stir thoroughly, divide into two parts. Roll out in the form of a large frying pan.


Three cheese, tomatoes and ham are cut as thin as possible slices.

Form and bake.

On one part lay out all the components. The other part is covered and fastened around the edges. Gently place in a pre-heated pan, greased with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides. Turn off the fire, cover with a lid for 5 - 10 minutes.

Recipe 6. Pizza with cheese and tomato "Cassiator"


For the test:

• Milk - 0.100 ml;

• Flour - 0.200 kg;

• Olive oil - 0.030 ml;

• Dry yeast - 0,004 kg;

• Salt - 0.015 kg;

• Sugar - 0.010 kg;

Mass at the exit: 0,359 kg.

For filling:

• Salsa rose sauce - 0.050 kg;

• Cheese - 0.120 kg;

• Bacon - 0.050 kg;

• Ham - 0.050 kg;

• Tomato - 0.100 kg;

• Onion - 0,050;

• A mixture of herbs to taste;

The total mass of the semi-finished product: 0.779 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

The foundation.

Dissolve sugar, yeast, salt and butter in warm milk. Sift the flour. Knead the dough until elastic and smooth.

Form a ball and let lie in a warm place for 10 minutes.

Then we form a cake, the required circle is no more than 1 - 1.5 cm. We spread it on a greased form.


Cut the onion into rings, and cut the tomatoes and bacon into slices. We also cut the slices and ham, and then cut the circles in half. Rub the cheese.

Form and bake.

Lubricate the formed base with sauce. Then evenly distribute the cheese. Alternating bacon with ham, spread in a circle. Place slices of tomato on top of each piece. Season with herbs and set to bake in a heated cabinet up to 250 degrees, for 15 minutes.

Recipe 7. Pizza with cheese and tomato "Bolognese"


For the test:

• Flour - 0.250 kg;

• Butter - 0,100 kg;

• Soda - 0.010 kg;

• Vinegar - 0.010 ml;

Mass at the exit: 0,370 kg.

For filling:

• Universal sauce - 0.050 ml;

• Cheese - 0.100 kg;

• Minced chicken (raw) - 0.100 kg;

• Tomatoes - 0,100 kg;

The total mass of the semi-finished product: 0.720 kg.

Preparation Procedure:

The foundation.

Mix flour with soft butter. Add hydrated soda. Knead the dough thoroughly and form the base.


Forcemeat to defrost. Slice tomatoes, grate cheese.

Form and bake.

Distribute the sauce, cheese, tomatoes, then minced meat into the finished layer in order. Put bake in a preheated cabinet to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Pizza with cheese and tomatoes - tricks and tips

• It is advisable to roll out the pizza dough no more than 0.5 - 2 cm;

• The dough for the base is ready when it does not stick to your hands;

• When making a base for pizza with cheese and tomatoes, if possible, use time in between to prepare the filling;

• If you were unable to purchase at a Dalphi supermarket, you can prepare the required quantity yourself. To do this, take: 2 - 3 medium tomatoes of the "cream" variety, when blanching, remove the peel from them. Place them tightly in a small stainless steel bowl. Pour in tomato juice to barely cover the tomatoes. Add spices for the tomato marinade. Bring to a boil, turn off and let cool to 30 - 40 degrees. Then add half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Cover tightly and leave for a day;

• To prepare a thick and saturated pizza sauce with cheese and tomatoes, try to use “fleshy” varieties of tomatoes whenever possible;

• One gram of dry garlic can replace 3 - 4 grams of freshly chopped, in such proportions you can replace fresh herbs;

• To replace one gram of yeast, you need 3 grams of soda and 3 grams of citric acid;

• If you often cook pizza with cheese and tomatoes, you can prepare its base in advance;

• Or having previously formed a pizza completely and put it on thick parchment, you can keep it frozen for about a month;

• Cut all the ingredients for pizza with cheese and tomatoes into thin slices (no more than 1.5 - 2 cm), with the same slices, so the taste of pizza with cheese and tomatoes will be more harmonious;

• It is better to put the semi-finished product in the freezer on baking paper and wrap it in food film. It is convenient to use it when baking, without the use of excess flour;

• Put the pizza with cheese and tomatoes on a hot baking sheet, this will prevent the dough from rising and help to stay as thin as possible;

• Do not try to add the maximum number of toppings to pizza - pizza is not a pie.

Optionally, you can swap the way the pizza base is prepared in the same way as the filling. Using the basic rules, independently supplement or change various recipes.


Watch the video: Pizza Sauce Recipe - Chef John's Secret Pizza Sauce Recipe (June 2024).