Hair coloring at home: how not to spoil the hairstyle (video). The best hair dye at home


In order to dye your hair, it is not necessary to rush to the hairdresser. Thanks to a variety of professional hair dye products on store shelves, this can now be done at home.

You should read the step-by-step instructions and carefully read the article until the end, so that you do not have to read the instructions “How to wash hair dye from hair at home”

Hair coloring at home: types of funds

In specialized stores you can buy hair dye for every taste. On the shelves there is a large selection of paints, balms, foams, tonics and toning shampoos.

For lovers of everything exclusively natural there is henna and basma.

Theoretically, all funds can be divided into three groups:

  1. Paints. These funds are divided into two categories: persistent and semi-resistant. The first category lasts much longer on the hair. The composition of the paints includes ammonia, but there are products without its content. It is these paints that are considered harmless, but their price is quite high. At a high-quality manufacturer, the paint lasts on the hair for up to 6-10 months. The color scheme can please any woman. The disadvantages of all colors are burnout under direct sunlight, after which the hair becomes brittle and dry. Despite the fact that this staining has a long-lasting result, the roots will still require tinting, as the hair is constantly growing. If there is damage to the scalp, it is recommended to use only paint without ammonia. The most popular and sought after brands are Syoss, Garnier, Wella Wellaton, Palette.
  2. Natural dyes. Henna and Basma are a natural hair dye. They are a greenish powder. The substance is sold in a package of 100 grams, this is enough to process the whole head. Basma turns black, and henna red, closer to a copper tone. Hair color is very close to natural. In addition, these substances have a beneficial effect on the hair, strengthening it and giving a natural shine. For those who want only to improve their hair without dyeing, colorless henna is offered. There is a variant of a white plant substance for easy clarification of curls. Quality goods are exported by India and Pakistan. Among the shortcomings, an unpleasant smell and difficulties with leaching the agent should be noted.
  3. Tonics. These funds are only enough for a couple of months, and they will suit lovers often change their image. Their huge plus is considered complete safety for hair and ease of use. Enough 15-20 minutes, and the result will be, as they say, on the face. Tonics do not penetrate deep into the scalp. This category includes all tint shampoos, gels and coloring foams. In use, all these drugs are simple, they do not leave stains and stains. But such remedies are not suitable for women with dark hair. In order to get the desired shade, do not use the tonic immediately after perming or lightening the hair. The result may be unexpected. One package is usually enough for 1-2 times, depending on the length and density of the hair. Manufacturers are offered light brown, chocolate, red and plum shades.

Hair coloring at home: tips

If you decide to dye your hair at home, and not in the salon, then it is recommended to take the advice of those who already have such experience:

  1. Be sure to do a sensitivity test before using the paint for the first time. It is necessary to apply a few drops of paint on the wrist and leave for half an hour. If there are no changes on the skin, then you can start the procedure.
  2. The back of the head should be the first to be painted, because the temperature in this place is lower and the paint may take worse, and the color will turn out not so saturated.
  3. The strands are painted from the tips, after which they are distributed along the entire length.
  4. After applying all the dye, the hair must be combed through with a comb for uniform coloring.
  5. If the purpose of dyeing is only roots, then a few minutes before washing off the paint, you should go through the hair with a comb along the entire length.
  6. It is necessary to observe the procedure time, do not overexpose the paint. The color will not become brighter, but there will be harm to the hair.
  7. Rinse off the product thoroughly. Do not leave paint residues.
  8. If the scalp is covered with wounds or scratches, then the painting should be postponed.
  9. It is not recommended to dye your hair during pregnancy or critical days due to hormonal disruptions during this period.
  10. If the hair is weakened or chemically treated, dyeing should be postponed and treated.

Following these recommendations will help to avoid mistakes and not harm your hair.

Introductory video "how to dye your hair in blond:

Hair coloring at home: common mistakes

Often women make mistakes without having experience in self-coloring hair.

  1. Color selection. Usually girls choose a color from the picture on the package, which is completely wrong. You should not rely on one image. Each woman has her own individual pigmentation, which affects the final result. It is necessary to check the palette of the initial hair color and the final shade, which is expected after dyeing. Such information is located on the back of the package. The wrong tone will lead to disappointment. Hue should be chosen two tones lighter or darker.
  2. Use of cosmetics. Shortly before the procedure, you can not use balm or conditioner. They have an enveloping property and will not allow dyes to penetrate the hair shaft. For the best effect, do not wash your hair on the eve of staining.
  3. Safety precautions. Precautions should be observed during the procedure. It is recommended to cover your shoulders with a towel and wear gloves.

The desire to change the appearance does not have to be extremely cardinal, it is necessary to weigh everything well and think it over.

Features of hair coloring at home

If you know the features of this procedure, then dye your hair yourself is not difficult. You must follow the step by step instructions:

  1. The first step is to mix the paint itself and the oxidizing agent. Dishes should be made of glass or plastic. Stir well with a wooden stick.
  2. Any greasy cream should be applied to the skin along the hairline, ears and neck so that no paint stains remain.
  3. Wear gloves to prevent damage to your skin.
  4. Short hair divided into two parts, long into four. You can fix them with clamps.
  5. Apply paint to the back of the head, then the hair roots and tips, spread over all the strands.
  6. Be sure to use a comb at the end of the procedure.
  7. You can not wrap your head in polyethylene. Hair must breathe.
  8. After the set time, it is necessary to wash off the paint.
  9. Apply the balm to the curls and after a few minutes wash your hair with shampoo.

The use of folk remedies in hair coloring

For those girls who do not want to spoil their hair with paint, you can recommend folk recipes that help change the tone of their strands:

Onion peel

The prepared infusion will help give your hair a golden hue. Regular shampooing will help to achieve a bright golden color.

Coffee infusion

Washing your hair with such a solution will give a chestnut tint to your hair.


If 200 grams of the plant is poured with 500 ml of white wine and boiled until the volume is reduced by 5 times, and then washed with a hair, then the hair will acquire a light brown hue. To fix the effect, put a plastic cap on the head for 20 minutes.

In addition, you can lighten your hair with herbal decoctions. Such procedures will not only change the shade of the hair, but also strengthen the roots and relieve dandruff. The lightening effect can be achieved with chamomile. After each shampoo, it is recommended to rinse the hair with her infusion.

If it is not possible to turn to professionals, then following the detailed instructions and following the right tips, you can easily conjure your image at home.


Watch the video: How To Color Your Hair At Home. Quick & Effortless (June 2024).