The cutest female habits through the eyes of men. Men, it turns out, notice our flaws! They also touch them


The first question is key: why do you need to know about this? Simple curiosity is unlikely to be adequately satisfied, but if you want to know a little more about your beloved, you should think a little about your own habits.

To begin with, let's make one important point: creating a verified list of what touches everyone, indiscriminately representing the strong half, is simply impossible. There is no such list, and it will not be, especially if we exclude the intimate sphere.

A conversation in a men's company about women's habits always comes down to one of the results:

• discussions about how these "female little things" are empty and useless, with the indispensable compilation of a rating;

• exchange of opinions - in whose half the habits are funnier, and one and the same can cause delight in some of those present, and in others a storm of indignation.

In general, about women's habits, from the point of view of a man, the opinion is as follows: "If I don’t do it, then this is a whim. If it doesn’t bother me, let it be strange to me, if it intrudes on my habits, there will be war." Is everything really so sad? Not at all, because we have been discussing men so far, without going over to specifics.

In fact, everything is somewhat different, because which of the girls is unfamiliar with the mesmerized look of a man admiring her? It is important to remember - this is YOUR man, but here are completely different criteria.

All the "habits" collected below are not in order to increase or decrease their attractiveness, you will have to check this in practice, but in general men are often fascinated by the following:

1. Put on HIS shirt! A dressing gown and a T-shirt are a little different, it is not the buttoned men's shirt with rolled up sleeves that gives the woman a mysterious appearance.

2. Wraps his head after a shower or bath with a towelthrowing woven ends behind the back. This is also a habit with a somewhat erotic connotation, although the true reasons why ladies do this cannot be understood by any of the men.

3. Everything is underperforming (or vice versa, though a wolf howls). Many women cook without taking samples at all - who are afraid to gain excess weight, who are just out of habit. The man does not understand how this can be allowed - to control the whole process in his style.

4. Iron everythingthat was removed from the washing machine. What for?! Well, socks, why?

5. Lie down to sleep in makeup. How is it possible to do this without having smeared a dash, but at the same time decorate glasses, forks, and even soup ladle with lipstick - you need a special talent combined with malicious intent.

6. Forget password from email, social networks, skype, and the like, even if it is made up of the numbers of the date of her birth, but remember the day, month and year of the wedding of the second cousin of her half-cousin’s half-brother. It's just chic and shine, so only women can!

7. Have "excellent" in drawing at school and institute, a bunch of diplomas in drawing olympiads, but measuring the length of the cornice to grasp the slopes, and ordering window frames half a meter wider is nothing, but the fact that the man is to blame is not in doubt.

8. Turn on the right turn, change into the middle row, turn left to the prohibition signal and prove that you "yourself went the wrong way", and the inspector girl will support her in all respects.

9. Xwound with special care a piece of photograph kindergarten group, regularly throwing out “all your rubbish”, in which a rare diamond needle for a vinyl player and a purse with a thousand dollars “for a rainy day” disappeared without a trace.

10. Wash a jacket with tickets on a flight and remembering them only on the day of departure - this is permissible, but if a man manages to drop a fork or knife - this is definitely an attempt to "chop everything in the house."

11. Argue with conclusionsand not with arguments it’s so feminine! Say a new family car. For a man it’s wider, because ... it’s just wider, but for the beautiful half it’s an attempt to excommunicate her from driving: “you know that I barely enter the parking lot”.

12. Be afraid to accept while ignoring the common sense and messages of the Hydrometeorological Center, right up to a campaign in a down jacket on May Day.

Basic knowledge is available, now we will begin to turn them into "cute habits" and take this quite seriously. No, of course, a young lady who has boyishly thrust her hands into the pockets of her trousers or whistled with two fingers in the stadium, from the point of view of a man, this is something. But not everyone will have such a style, and why should you change so dramatically? It is better and more effective to focus on what is already present in you. Let's start in order?

Applying makeup, from the point of view of a man, is a sacrament with an understandable result, but disproportionate to the cost of time. If you get used to painting 5 minutes before leaving the house, then rather send your soul mate. But you can try to persistently appeal to him with rhetorical questions: "Well, how do you like it? Is it better? And if there is a little more to be done?" Sooner or later he will be indignant with a 100% guarantee, because you have to admit that he does not understand anything, from the word absolutely. Well, one can always answer his confession: “Darling, firstly, this is for you, and secondly, what should I call girlfriends (we list eight) if I care about you?”.

He will, of course, but quickly enough your makeup from Tjagomotin will begin to migrate into the category of cute habits, only in no case will his remarks “last time be better” or “and Mishkin’s sister draws his eyes with blue” do not react like the poor fellow deserved it. Remember - he is a small child and does not understand anything at all, but the fact of commenting is already a part in the process, which, perhaps, infuriated him to hell a few days ago.

Heels on fashionable shoes are a separate thing, if you take the shoes to the shoemaker yourself, and after a couple of days it will fall apart again, you can read the whole lecture. The poor knowledge of mechanics, the lack of good craftsmen, the fact that you don’t need to find out a biscuit recipe from him, but “what you know better than me” is his exclusive prerogative, and you think it’s impossible to pop into it.

May you only draw parallels with former boyfriends and even with your own dad, but your beloved grandfather is an almost perfect object for comparison, even if not in favor of a partner!


Watch the video: 16 Things That Men Always Notice About Women (June 2024).