Charlotte with strawberries - 5 best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook a strawberry strawberry (including a recipe without baking!)


Let's look at the complex and simple, but, as one, excellent recipes charlotte with strawberries. We will learn how to cook strawberry tarts using the oven and without it, we will make pastries for the family and distinguished guests. Go!

Products for strawberry charlotte

Such charlottes usually require butter, eggs, flour, soda, strawberries and other ingredients, the set of which depends on the cake recipe. Products need to choose high-quality and fresh. In the charlotte with strawberries add only washed and dried berries with leaves removed. A large strawberry should be cut, medium and small - it is allowed to add whole. The more fresh berries you put, the more aromatic and wet the pie will be.

A simple charlotte with a strawberry in a hurry

If time is running out or there is no desire to whip the whites and yolks separately for strawberries with strawberries, then you can make a quick version of such baking. Despite the simplification of some processes, charlotte, cooked in a hurry, still get fragrant and tasty. In general, this ordinary charlotte is a suitable dish for holding homemade soulful tea.


For an ordinary charlotte you need: a glass of flour, 140 g of sugar, about 60 g of good butter, 3 fresh eggs. You should also hurry up and look or make sugar powder, which we will use as a powder. Also find a handful of strawberries and half a spoonful of (tea) soda. Since soda needs to be extinguished with vinegar, then worry about it too.

Cooking method

Beat eggs and sugar. You should have white fluffy foam. Add flooded oil to it and work again with a mixer. Then the vinegar slaked soda goes into the egg mass, and after that the sifted flour is poured in and everything is mixed.

Pour dough into a parchment made of butter and greased, put the sliced ​​strawberries on top and bake the usual charlotte in an oven at t 180 ° C for half an hour. Sprinkle down on the baked cold and put it on a baking dish.

Charlotte with strawberries on kefir

We will learn to cook a charlotte with strawberries on kefir. This recipe for charlotte is as simple as the previous one, so there should be no difficulty in making this strawberry pie.


To make a charlotte for a family of four, you will need: 80 g of butter, 300 ml of kefir, a small spoon of soda, a little less glass of sugar, flour (3 tbsp.). You also need to get 3 chicken eggs and 250 g of fresh strawberries.

Cooking method

Buttered kefir is added to eggs whipped with sugar. In the mixture put a spoonful of slaked soda and after stirring the mass, pour the flour into it. Thick dough is poured into a form, lined with parchment. On top of it lies chopped strawberries. It should be slightly pressed into the dough. Baking time - 45 minutes (half an hour at t 180 ° C, the remaining 15 minutes - at t 160-170 ° C).

Strawberry Charlotte with sour cream

The dough for charlotte filled with sour cream needs to be cooked more thickly than for the previous strawberry pie on kefir. And we should learn how to make the right cream sauce. So let's get started.


For the test: egg, a glass of sugar, 100 g of butter and flour (200 g).

For pouring: sour cream (300 g) and a glass of sugar, as well as 3 tbsp. l wheat flour, 3 eggs and a bag of vanilla sugar.

Do not forget about the strawberry. Buy it about half a kilo.

Cooking method

Grind the chopped chilled butter with flour, add the sugar, egg and mash the mass with your hands. Forming a ball out of dough, let it stand in a cold place for half an hour.

Prepare the sauce: pour together all the ingredients necessary for making the fill (except eggs) and mix them with a whisk. At the end, add the eggs and beat the pot.

Spread the dough in shape, going to its walls. Fork pierce all the dough, including the sides. Place the diced strawberries on the dough, pour the filling on top. It is necessary that the latter does not numb over the formed bumpers. Baking time - 45 minutes at t 180 ° C.

Delicious charlotte with strawberries and homemade savoyard cookies

Let's move away from the traditional cooking of strawberries with strawberries and make something incredibly beautiful, tasty, able to surprise those who are accustomed to eating ordinary household food. Instead of the usual for many culinary dough on a charlotte, we will make homemade biscuit cookies Savoyardi, which will become the basis of the strawberry masterpiece. In addition to cookies for the preparation of gourmet strawberries with strawberries, you will need a number of equally scandalous ingredients. Of course, an exquisite charlotte will cost a pretty penny, but the pleasure of tasting the culinary masterpiece on the faces of loved ones is priceless.


In addition to sugar (130 g), potato starch and flour (40 g each), salt (at the tip of the knife), and four eggs, you also need: 250 g Italian mascarpone cheese, 1 tsp. lemon peel, 200 ml of cream (not more than 40% fat), 110 g of powdered sugar and 30 g of coconut chips. For the production of charlotte, which is also called French, you also need to buy milk (100 ml is enough for us) and 400 g of strawberries.

Cooking method

First make savoyard biscuits. Pour 80 g of sugar in a bowl, throw a pinch of salt there, as well as lemon zest. After that, take another container and, after separating the egg white into it, begin to beat it, armed with a whisk or mixers. When the proteins begin to turn into a white foam, start pouring sugar mixed with lemon and salt into it. Do not hurry. First, add one spoon and whisk the squirrels slightly, then throw the next portion of the flood. And so, until the lemon sugar is over. Squirrels should be whipped, as they say, until a solid peak, that is, until they finally thicken.

After you deal with the whites, take up the yolks. Beat them up to 10 minutes. The yolks should brighten and turn into a thick foam. When this metamorphosis happens to the yolks, they need to be joined together with proteins. After mixing the egg mass, flour and starch are added to it.

Now grasp the pastry bag and go ahead - shape the cookies. They should be seven centimeters in length, and about 1-1.5 cm in thickness. Cookies are slightly sprinkled with sugar and powder. Savoyardi should be baked in the oven at t 180 ° C on the strength of 15 minutes. In order for them not to stick to the form, cover it with parchment paper.

Prepare a cookie, soak it in milk and place in a high, round mold. Remember that cookies should be laid not only the bottom of the form - Savoyardi should close its sides. To achieve this, arrange them in a circle in an upright position. Cover the form with cling film before placing the cookies.

We proceed to the preparation of cheese cream. Mix mascarpone with powdered sugar and coconut flakes. Separate the cream from the cheese and add to the mascarpone. Our cream is ready.

Put about half of the cream on the bottom of the mold, lined with savoyards, and on top of it, put 200 g of sliced ​​strawberries. Place the remaining cream on the strawberries, leaving only a few spoons to decorate. We hide the last layer of cream under cookies soaked in milk. After that, the whole masterpiece is covered with cling film and placed in the fridge.

After three hours, open the charlotte and, turning it over, completely remove the film. Garnish your masterpiece with cream and sliced ​​strawberries.

Cooking without oven: strawberry charlotte with purchased biscuit

If you are very afraid or just do not want to bake something (like dough for the cake, and biscuit cookies for charlotte), then make a strawberry dessert, using a purchased biscuit roll. Best of all for making a quick charlotte with strawberries, strawberry roll is suitable. So, proceed to cooking charlotte with strawberries without oven, microwave and multicooker.


In addition to one finished roll and 200 g of strawberries, also stock up on milk and cream (250 g each), sugar (100 g) and four yolks. For our unusual recipe you will still need brandy (not more than 6 tbsp. L), 8 g of gelatin and vanilla sugar. If you have nothing against vanilla sugar, then buy two bags at once. To make a drunken charlotte, you will need a half bag of sugar.

Cooking method

Cover the bottom of a beautiful bowl with foil, placing three quarters of the purchased biscuit cut into pieces next to it. Before this, cut and skate strawberries with skate, and do not forget to sprinkle the berries with vanilla sugar. While the strawberries are drawn, prepare the cream.

Making the cream: soak the gelatin and start beating the yolks, combined with the sugar. Meanwhile, boil the milk. When it boils, add whipped yolks and heat the mixture until it thickens, and then throw the swollen gelatin. The latest whipped cream added to the cream. The third part of the cream is mixed with strawberries, the rest is laid out on top of the sponge cake. After that, on the first layer of cream settle the second - strawberry, which is covered with the remaining slices of biscuit. This cold strawberry charlotte must be infused in the refrigerator for at least three hours before use.

The main advice: always cook with the soul!


Watch the video: Easy recipe - strawberry dessert No bake (June 2024).