Delicate and tasty low-calorie cake - recipes for delicacies for slender sweet tooth. Cream and dough options for low-calorie cake


Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows how hard it is to deny yourself a sweet and tasty high-calorie meal. Sweet tooth is especially affected. For them, a glimpse of the cakes is not just a temptation, but a real torture. However, due to the interchangeability of some products, you can cook wonderful low-calorie cakes, the recipes of which are not much different from high-calorie basic products.

Low-calorie Cake - General Cooking Principles

To sharply reduce the energy value of the cake, you just need to reduce the amount of sugar, replace high-fat products with low-fat ones and, if possible, refuse to use flour. It seems to be tasteless, but in fact, such a replacement is just a matter of habit.

Sugar can be replaced with natural sweeteners. It can be stevia or xylitol. They are safe, low-calorie and have almost no effect on the taste of the dish. From chemical artificial products need to be.

White flour in the cake is easily replaced by bran, ground in a coffee grinder. It turns out, of course, a coarser product, but this has little effect on the taste of the finished dish. Another option is to simply reduce the amount of flour by adding to the total amount of bran, or choose desserts without flour at all. The advantage of bran is that they pass through the stomach and intestines, without affecting calorie content and carbohydrate metabolism. At the same time, bran absorb harmful substances and fats, which contributes to weight loss.

Creams for low-calorie cake according to the recipes below are best prepared on the basis of low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt. Gelatinized creams are of low calorie content, reduce calorie content of berries and unsweetened fruits.

Low-calorie cake "Curd Tenderness"

A delicious cake can be prepared on the basis of a hand-made or purchased biscuit. If you want to make the calorie content minimal, then instead of regular flour, you can take oat bran flour, and replace icing sugar with a natural sweetener. But even without this replacement, a low-calorie cake according to the recipe below will contain only 150 calories in a 100-gram slice.


• four eggs;

• 120 grams of wheat flour or bran flour;

• 250 grams of sugar (120 per dough, the rest into cream) or the amount of sweetener equivalent to this volume;

• half a teaspoon of baking powder;

• 150 grams of store sour cream;

• 250 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;

• 10 grams of gelatin;

• 200 grams of any berries or pieces of fruit.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with sugar or substitute in a dense elastic mass. This usually takes 15 minutes.

Stir flour with baking powder, sift and add to egg mass.

Mix gently.

Cover the demountable mold with baking paper, pour out the dough.

Preheat oven to 190 °, bake cake.

Leave the cake to cool completely.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Large berries and fruits cut into small slices.

Mix cottage cheese with icing sugar and sour cream.

Pour gelatin with cold water, dissolve in a water bath in half an hour.

When the gelatin has cooled, pour it into sour cream, mix.

Lay berries and / or fruit slices on the cake.

Pour the curd cream on top.

Refrigerate overnight or 5-6 hours.

Low-calorie cake "Napoleon diet"

This delicate low-calorie cake will present real pleasure - its recipe is really an analogue of the famous Napoleon.


• four glasses of flour;

• four tablespoons of oat or wheat bran flour;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• water.

In cream:

• half a glass of fructose;

• half a liter of soy milk;

• half a glass of flour;

• half a glass of water;

• a bag of vanillin.

Cooking method:

Mix soy milk with vanilla and fructose.

Heat the mixture in medium water until it boils, then reduce the heat to a minimum.

Add flour a little to milk, stirring the lumps.

Simmer on fire until thick.

Remove the finished cream from the heat and cool.

Stir flour with salt and bran.

Pour in oil.

Add a little water, kneading the dough. It should turn out soft and elastic.

Divide the dough into 7 parts.

Roll each part into a thin layer and bake on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.

Trim the cakes so that they have smooth edges.

Grease each cake with oil.

Grind the scraps into crumbs and fill it with the top.

Low-calorie Kiev cake

An excellent recipe for a low-calorie cake - an analogue of the famous "Kiev Cake". The lack of flour, butter and sugar does not spoil the amazing taste.


• eight eggs (only proteins are needed);

• three tablespoons of oat bran flour;

• a tablespoon of corn starch;

• an incomplete glass of hazelnuts, almonds or cashews;

• sugar or stevia to taste in the dough;

• citric acid at the tip of a knife (can be replaced with tartar).

In cream:

• three yolks;

• a teaspoon of cocoa;

• half a glass of milk;

• half a teaspoon of corn starch;

• a tablespoon of fructose;

• a slice of tofu (30-50 grams);

• vanillin;

• three tablespoons of casein or bran flour to thicken the cream.

Cooking method:

Dry the nuts in a dry frying pan or on a baking sheet, chop with a knife into small crumbs.

Combine bran flour, starch and nuts.

Separate the seven proteins, add citric acid, a sweetener and beat until a firm foam.

Add walnut to the base for diet biscuit, mix gently.

Divide the dough into two parts, alternately bake two cakes.

Beat the three yolks with a mixer.

Add starch and sweetener.

Pour milk into a stewpan, two hundred to a boil.

Gradually pour all the milk into the yolks, without stopping the mixer.

Thicken the cream over low heat, stirring constantly. Allow to cool.

Break the tofu into small pieces, add to the cream and beat everything again.

Divide the cream into two parts. If the cream is too liquid, it can be optionally thickened with oatmeal or casein.

Add cocoa to one part of the dough.

Cut the completely cooled cakes into two parts with a thread.

Coat the first layer with white cream, the second with chocolate, the third again with white.

Coat the top and sides of the cake with black cream.

Squeeze the remaining cream through a confectionery syringe onto the top of the product in the form of a pattern.

Refrigerate before serving.

Low-calorie Berry Chic cake on yogurt

Light, festive and amazingly delicious berry cake made from berries with yogurt is a real culinary masterpiece.


• a cup of any berries, fresh or frozen;

• a glass of yogurt without additives or thick kefir;

• half a glass of water;

• a teaspoon of agar-agar;

• sugar to taste;

• one egg;

• a tablespoon of flour or bran;

• a teaspoon of starch;

• half a teaspoon of baking powder;

• icing sugar or sweetener to taste (half a teaspoon per dough).

Cooking method:

Pour water into the agar-agar according to the instructions, add a sweetener.

Beat the egg with sugar.

Stir in flour, baking powder, starch.

Bake thin cake.

Prepared agar-agar mixed with yogurt (or kefir).

Put berries in jelly cream.

At the bottom of the mold put a cake.

Pour cream and cool in the refrigerator.

Low-calorie cake with bananas and kiwi without baking

The calorie content of this cake is only 160 calories per 100 grams, despite the presence of butter and cookies in the composition. A wonderful low-calorie cake, the recipe of which can be noted for emergency cases (it is prepared very quickly).


• two hundred grams of ordinary cookies;

• seventy grams of butter;

• half a liter of drinking yogurt;

• four teaspoons of gelatin;

• seventy grams of sugar;

• five kiwis;

• two bananas;

• a spoon of lemon juice;

• a tablespoon of almond petals.

Cooking method:

Get the oil to melt.

Break the cookies into crumbs, mix with butter to make a dough.

In a detachable form, covered with paper, lay out the sand base, flatten and put to cool in the refrigerator.

Dissolve gelatin according to the instructions.

Peel and cut the kiwi and banana into cubes or circles.

Put the fruits in a saucepan, squeeze the juice from the lemon and warm everything over medium heat for three minutes until the juice is released. To sue.

Combine gelatin, yogurt, juice.

Put slices of kiwi and banana on the cake.

Pour everything with gelatin cream and put in the freezer or refrigerator until it hardens.

When serving, garnish with almond petals, slices of fresh kiwi.

Low-calorie Carrot Cake

A wonderful recipe for a low-calorie cake - light, tasty and beautiful in context.


• three eggs;

• two hundred grams of sugar;

• one and a half glasses of flour;

• one and a half glasses of finely grated carrots;

• one and a half tablespoons of soda;

• seven hundred grams of sour cream;

• one hundred grams of powdered sugar;

• a bag of vanillin.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs well with sugar and soda vinegar.

Gradually add flour.

Grate carrots and stir in the dough.

Bake the cake.

Make a cream of sour cream and sugar.

Cut the cooled cake into three parts.

Coat the cakes with cream, be sure to leave a part to smear the sides and top.

Sprinkle grated nuts on top.

Be sure to let the cake brew for at least six hours.

Low-calorie cake "Just a fairy tale"

Of all the recipes for low-calorie cakes, this is perhaps the simplest. It turns out to be tender and tasty.


• eight eggs;

• a glass of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• liter of drinking yogurt;

• sixty grams of gelatin;

• berries or fruits as desired.

Cooking method:

Bake a biscuit from flour, eggs and sugar.

Soak gelatin in cold water, then dissolve in a water bath.

Mix yogurt with sugar.

Combine with cooled gelatin.

Korzh put in shape with high sides.

To lay berries or fruits on top (or you can all together).

Pour in yogurt cream.

Cool in the fridge.

Low-calorie Cake - Tips and Tricks

Sponge cake easily falls off. To avoid this, do not open the oven while baking. After the cake is ready, it is also necessary to cool it, without removing it from the oven. You can slightly open the door.

It is convenient to bake a biscuit in a slow cooker. the process, depending on the volume of the test, will take from 50 to 60 minutes.

You can check the readiness of the biscuit with a match. If it is taken out of the dough dry, the cake is ready.

Sour cream with cream sugar can not be whipped with a mixer - it will turn out too liquid.


Watch the video: How To Make Sweet Shortcrust Pastry. Jamie Oliver (June 2024).