Wrapping clay at home - the best recipes. How to make homemade clay wraps.


How many women exist in the world - so much is known about the problems in appearance that they need to overcome on the way to the ideal. Naturally, each representative of the weak half of humanity loves to spin in front of the mirror, but not everyone does it, because many are ashamed of themselves, having many complexes with which they lack the strength to fight. Since such women are even shy of themselves, then just imagine how it is for them to communicate with other people, meet men, go on dates with them. In order to find his beautiful prince and go to the ball, Cinderella needs to have the courage to get out of the dark into the light, to appear before a general review. And in order for the prince to pay attention to her, she needs to prettify herself. This is all metaphorical, but in real life things are exactly the same.

Not only one good makeup and beautiful fashionable clothes will be in order to have a feeling of self-confidence. Many women are especially shy of their figure, and if they are asked about this, they will list a lot of flaws that they are not satisfied with. It seems to one that they have too big butt, others would like more toned legs, and still others want to get rid of cellulite in order to be able to defile on the beach in a bathing suit with confidence in their beauty. For years, you can fight with excess weight and cellulite. There are a great many ways that all newcomers in this business will have to try. To my great regret, there are few ways that really work, but I want to lose weight as soon as possible. To resort to surgical intervention is certainly not an option, because it is dangerous, too expensive, and the excess weight will soon return again. It is good that there are less dangerous, but more effective methods. These include wrapping.

The procedure for wrapping clay and how to do it correctly

This is the safest and easiest method to lose a few pounds quickly. The easiest is because every woman can learn how to wrap and make them herself at home. Now such procedures will cost you a pretty penny if you want to visit a specialist, so many women prefer to do body wraps themselves. On the Internet, many different recipes for a variety of mixtures for wrapping, which can be prepared from absolutely any products and components. Each beauty can choose for themselves what suits her and prepare such a mixture for wrapping, which will not cause an allergic reaction on her skin.

If you have already prepared the mixture, then you will be fine with the second stage of the procedure. Do not forget to stock up on cling film, which you need a lot. It is better that then you have a little more than not enough. The film must be of high quality, durable. Do not buy the one that will cost too cheap, because, most likely, it will simply crawl right in your hands when you want to rewind a little. Check at home and the presence of a very warm blanket, which you can hide when you put the mixture on the body and wrap it with cling film. This plays an important role, because the essence of the procedure lies in creating the effect of a sauna and steaming a certain part of the body. Thus, excess fat is removed from the body, which is split into other components in the process.

What is a slimming clay wrap

The procedure is not much different from wrapping made from mixtures. The only difference is that you need a medium-sized unwanted sheet. It will be necessary to completely “bathe” it in the clay, so that it will not just be absorbed by the sheet, but evenly envelop your body. Yes, you understood correctly. Wrapping with clay is done on the whole body, and not only on its separate sections (although, it is possible that way, if you really want to do that).

So first you need clay. There are several varieties of it and each differs from the other in its properties, which will be discussed a little later. Clay will need to be diluted in a basin with warm water to the state of gruel. Often, how to do it step by step is signed on the package with clay. Follow the instructions, because it is very important that the consistency is not too liquid, because then the clay may harden badly and will not want to stick to the body, but will simply drain on it. After you have already spread the clay, take a sheet and dip it in a basin with it so that no part of the sheet is left dry. Now you need to wrap the sheet around your body so that it clings tightly to it. This is followed by the step of wrapping with food film. Please note that you yourself can not cope with this, you need someone's help. You need to wrap the cling film directly over the sheets in the clay. Now it remains only to wrap up well with a blanket and lie in that position for half an hour. It is forbidden to move and walk, because then the clay will not be able to harden and the procedure will not bring the desired result.

Clay wrap - which type of clay to prefer

The article already mentioned that there are many types of clay. You can distinguish them by color. The color of clay depends only on the main component in it. What are the types of clay and how do they differ? Below is a list of those types of clay most commonly used for wrapping.

1. The advantage of white clay is that it dries the skin remarkably. Wrapping white clay is completely unsuitable for women who have dry skin. This type of clay helps to remove harmful substances from the upper layers of the skin that have accumulated there and do not allow the skin to breathe. Wrapping with white clay improves blood circulation and nourishes the skin with useful minerals.

2. Blue clay is good because it is considered the most pure and skin friendly. Wrapping with blue clay is effective for those who wish to say goodbye to those extra pounds and to maximally correct their figure, making the waist more pronounced and their tummy flat. Wrapping blue clay helps to remove toxins from the body and saturate it with those beneficial substances that clay contains.

3. Wrapping black clay will bring a lot of benefit to your skin, and help you lose weight. This type of clay contributes to the speedy removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body. Wrapping black clay will help exfoliate dead skin cells to the skin, which will speed up the process of the emergence of new ones. Your skin will become beautiful, healthy and velvety to the touch.

Wrapping clay for weight loss - a few basic rules

1. Do not buy clay for wrapping in questionable places. Good quality clay is sold only in pharmacies and cosmetics stores. No need to give preference to the cheapest clay. If you do not want to spend extra money, then choose something average for the price.

2. It will be better if you do not eat anything a few hours before the wrapping.

3. Carefully read the information on the type of clay that you are going to use. There may be a chance that it simply does not fit your skin type or does not apply to what you need it for.

4. Clay can slide into lumps, so when you dilute the powder with water, carefully make sure that these lumps are not. Stir the mixture constantly until all the powder is completely dissolved in water.

5. Please note that the clay may contain substances that cause you allergies. In order to avoid such situations, before applying clay to the surface of the skin, a test should be conducted on any small area of ​​skin. If you feel that the skin has begun to itch or redness has appeared, then this can only mean that you cannot use this type of clay.

6. If you are going to lose weight only on clay wraps, then I will hasten to disappoint you. Few will succeed. It is necessary to do not only wrap clay, but also completely reconsider your diet, lifestyle and add a lot of physical activity that you want to perform daily.

Slimming Clay Wrap - Cinnamon Recipe

This is one of the most common recipes for a wrapping mix. And this is because it is considered the most effective. Many of you may be wondering why there is cinnamon in the wrapping mix. The fact is that cinnamon has been used since ancient times by women from all over the world to get rid of cellulite. Cinnamon helps to improve blood circulation and helps remove harmful substances from the body that they have accumulated there.

In order to prepare a mixture for weight loss based on cinnamon and clay, you will need to take the clay and dilute it with lukewarm water. Pay attention to how much water you add, because the clay should turn out to be of medium thickness, and not too liquid. Now take half a packet of cinnamon and add to your clay, mixing it all up well. Apply the mixture to the body and wrap it tightly with a film. It will burn a little, so keep the skin on as much as you can.

Wrap clay and algae

The recipe is quite simple. It is required to take a little kelp and pour them with water, leaving it to brew in a secluded place for a quarter of an hour. While you wait, don’t waste your time - dilute your clay. It is desirable for this recipe to take exactly the blue clay.

When the laminaria is swollen and the clay is ready for use, it is required to mix these components together. It will result in a rather thick mixture that does not spread on your body, so make some compresses on the problem areas and wrap with cling film. Relax well and lie down for half an hour. After this time, remove the compresses, and wash the body with warm water.

Wrapping clay will certainly bring you a result that you could not even dream of. There is nothing difficult in this, as you can see. Just a few sessions - and you already conquer passers-by with the beauty and sophistication of your ideal figure.


Watch the video: Best Homemade Airdry Clay and Tips to keep in mind Cold Porcelain Clay On Gas Stovelamasa clay (June 2024).