Recipes of the best facial cleansing masks


The skin on the face is more polluted than on other parts of the body. It is possible to get rid of dirt, dust and prevent clogging of the pores using cleansing masks. It is recommended to do cosmetic procedures for both oily and dry skin. You can buy the right product in a specialty store or make your own.

Principles for the use of cleansing masks

A cleansing mask will help to even the tone of the face, narrow the enlarged pores and make an easy peeling on problem areas. To achieve a positive result, you should properly prepare and use a cosmetic. For this it is necessary to follow some recommendations.

Principles of use of cleansing masks:

  • Facial cleansing with homemade masks is allowed from the age of 16;
  • In the preparation of funds should be used only fresh ingredients. The latter are selected depending on the type of skin;
  • Apply a cosmetic mixture on the epidermis should be immediately after mixing all the components. After 30 min. the tool begins to lose useful properties;
  • It is recommended to prepare a cleansing mask in glass or earthenware. In this case, metal containers should be avoided, since this leads to the oxidation of many products;
  • Before the procedure, the skin of the face is pre-steamed and cleansed. This will enlarge the pores and facilitate cleaning;
  • Be sure to apply a wrist allergy test before applying a cosmetic to the epidermis;
  • Keep a cleansing mask on the skin for a maximum of 30 minutes. Exceeding the duration of the procedures will lead to the occurrence of adverse reactions;
  • Rinse off better with cool or warm water.

Cleansing masks require regular use. The procedure should be carried out at least 1 p. in Week.

The best masks for cleansing the face at home

The effectiveness of cleansing masks depends on the proper conduct of the cosmetic procedure. As a result, the skin on the face becomes smooth, the pores are cleaned, black spots and small acne disappear. With regular use of home cosmetics the result will be more long-term.

The benefits of home cleansing masks:

  • All dirt, dust and sebum is removed from the skin;
  • The pores narrow, which favorably affects the appearance;
  • The cells of the epidermis are more rapidly saturated with oxygen;
  • Metabolism of the skin returns to normal;
  • The nutrients of cosmetics, thanks to cleaning, penetrate deep into the epidermis;
  • Disposal of toxins;
  • The facial skin is saturated with vitamins and minerals;
  • Improving blood circulation.

Prepare a cosmetic product at home is quite simple. All the ingredients can be found in most cases in the kitchen. However, during the cleansing procedure, the principle should be followed: to expand the pores, remove harmful elements, to narrow the pores. In the latter case, when washing, use cool water or wipe the skin of the face with an ice cube.

As the best masks for cleansing the face at home, the following are distinguished:

  • With honey and egg;
  • With oatmeal and banana;
  • With tincture of calendula;
  • With activated carbon;
  • With cosmetic clay.

Other ingredients are also used to create the most effective facial masks. These include: kefir, lemon juice, cottage cheese, soda, eggshell, vegetable oil. Components are selected individually depending on the skin type and individual reactions of the epidermis.

Black Mask Purifying Mask

Black spots or, scientifically, open comedones are cysts that are formed as a result of blockage of pores with sebum and cornified skin particles. On the face localized mainly in the forehead, chin and nose wings. Get rid of black dots can be at home.

Alcohol cleansing mask with calendula ideal for owners of oily skin. For dry skin, this tool is not recommended to use, because alcohol has a drying property. Make cosmetic procedures should be 3 p. in Week.

To prepare the cleaning mixture should:

  • Mix 50 ml. alcohol, 2 tbsp. l dried flowers of calendula and 30 ml. cologne;
  • All ingredients are mixed and placed in a glass dish;
  • Capacity is placed in a dark place for 3 days;
  • At the expiration of the prescribed period, 5 grams of alcohol are added to the alcohol tincture. boric acid and glycerin;
  • Moistened with a cotton swab moistened with the skin of the face twice a day.

Get rid of black spots in the home can be more budget, but effectivemask with soda. However, its use is contraindicated in the presence of inflammation on the skin. Dilute 1 tbsp. l baking soda in 1 tsp. boiled water. The mixed components are applied to the skin with light rubbing movements. After a quarter of an hour the mixture is washed off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, the face is moistened with a cream.

Acne mask

The appearance of acne on the face due to various reasons: hormonal disruption, diseases of the organs, unbalanced nutrition, etc. Often, acne appears from a lack of daily skin care. To cope with the problem will help regular cleaning procedures.

Oatmeal Mask soothes the skin and reduces inflammation. In the pounded in mush 5 ripe plums add 3 tbsp. l oatmeal flour. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin with massage movements. After a quarter of an hour, the therapeutic mixture is washed off with warm water.

The appearance of acne is more susceptible to people with a fat type of epidermis.

Oil cleanser with dimexide widely used to treat acne. For the treatment of the face, a concentration of up to 30% should be used to avoid burns. In 20 ml. 3-5 drops of rosemary or lavender oil are added to the treatment solution. Mixing the ingredients thoroughly, the mixture is applied to the entire surface of the skin. After 5 minutes put the second layer. After half an hour, rinse off with warm water.

Masks should be done regularly for maximum effect. Home-made cosmetics gently cleanse the pores and prevent the appearance of new acne.

Facial cleansing mask

Every person should regularly clean the pores on the face. This will prevent their blockage with sebum, and acne and black dots will appear in smaller quantities. Self-made means, unlike purchased products, penetrates deep into the epidermis and nourishes the skin with vitamins and minerals.

Recipes for effective pore cleansing masks:

  • Pour 50 gr. Oatmeal with a glass of hot water. Apply the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour, then remove the residue with lukewarm water. To diversify the recipe of this tool is allowed by other ingredients. For each skin type, the composition will vary. For example, adding to the oatmeal mixture 1 tsp. lemon juice or egg white will remove oily shine, and replacing water with milk, you can get rid of peeling on the skin.
  • Mix the juice of half a lemon and 1 tsp. heated liquid honey. In the mixture, add 2 tbsp. l homemade yogurt, top season with 1 tbsp. l cornmeal. Taking a hot shower and steaming the pores, the resulting tool is applied to the skin of the face. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. Removing remnants of the mixture is made with warm water.
  • Mix the flour of boiled egg shell, 1 tbsp. l curd mass and 3 tbsp. l milk The epidermis is prepared in advance for the cleansing procedure. The mixture is applied for a quarter of an hour. Using warm water, the mass is washed off the face. Due to the presence of eggshell in the tool, the mask produces a light peeling. Fat-free cottage cheese will improve the condition of fatty skin type, a fermented milk product with a fat content of 19% is suitable for dry.

With the help of masks, the pores of the face are effectively cleaned from sebum, dust and dirt.

Purifying Mask for Dry Skin

The dryness of the epidermis can and should be fought with the help of home remedies. The composition of the therapeutic mixture should be enriched with ingredients with a high percentage of fat content: essential oils, egg yolk, some vegetables and fruits. As a result, the skin is sufficiently moisturized and gets protection from harmful weather conditions.

Prevent premature aging due to dryness of the epidermis will help sauerkraut mask. 200 gr. product is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the face. It is best to perform the procedure in the prone position, putting oilcloth under your head. In 20 minutes. wash with warm water. To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to do cosmetic procedures with sauerkraut 4 r. in Week.

Dry skin needs more hydration than other skin types. Due to the masks you can achieve a positive effect for the monthly course of procedures.

Egg and oil mask fights flaking and saturates the epidermis with beneficial substances. It is necessary to mix 1.5 tbsp. l rice flour, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l unrefined olive oil and 1 tsp. heated honey. If necessary, dilute the thick mixture is allowed with milk or water. The finished product is applied to dry skin. After a quarter of an hour, the egg-oil mass is washed off with warm water.

Mask for oily skin

Bold gloss on the face spoils the appearance of any girl. To cope with the expanded pores and settle the work of the sebaceous glands, you can use home cosmetic procedures. In order to dry the skin, you should add lemon juice, flour or products with a low percentage of fat to the medical mixture.

Egg and Honeycleansing mask beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, removing oily sheen from the face. For cooking means you need to mix an egg, 1 tbsp. l rice flour and 1 tsp. honey and lemon juice. Mixed ingredients are diluted with water to obtain a thick mass. The mixture is applied to the skin with a uniform layer and washed off with cool water after 10-15 minutes.

For girls with oily skin is useful to do kefir masks. Due to the content of acids in the product, the tool quickly cleans the pores of excess sebum. A slightly acidified kefir is applied on the pre-steamed face. After half an hour the mixture is washed off with warm water.

To clean the epidermis of dirt and secretion of the sebaceous glands will help cucumber mask. Dilute blue clay in 1 tbsp. l cucumber juice and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Add whisk whipped egg white to the mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. After 15 minutes components are washed off with warm water.

For all skin types

Cosmetics, cooked at home, can be versatile. Such cleaning mixtures are suitable for any type of epidermis: for both fat and dry. They can be prepared from scrap products on their own.

Bread mask most effectively cleanses the skin. Rye bread is crushed and poured with a small amount of hot water. Soaked crumb is applied to the skin with fingertips. In this case, the movement should be slightly rubbing. After 10-15 minutes everything is washed off with cool water.

Another effective tool is tomato-oil mixture. In a shredded pulp of ripe tomatoes add 4 drops of vegetable or olive oil. Mix thoroughly, you need to apply the components on the skin and wash off after a quarter of an hour. A positive result can be seen after 10 procedures.

Cosmetic Cooked from green apple, not only cleans, but also smoothes wrinkles. Half an apple should be grated. In the capacity add 1 tsp. chopped horseradish and beaten egg white. All carefully mixed, apply the mixture on the epidermis. After 15 min. rinse with warm water. Regular cosmetic procedures will make the skin velvety and smooth.

Homemade Mask Recipes

Facial skin needs quality care and cleansing at any age. You can carry out the procedure both in the cosmetology salon, and at home. For many, the latter is preferable, since it is more practical financially.

Herbal mask suitable for owners of oily skin. Mix 1 tsp. sage, cut grass, chamomile, coltsfoot, marigold, St. John's wort, pusher. Pour over the herbal mixture of 0.5 liters. boiling water. After 15 minutes gauze is moistened in the infusion and applied to the skin. After half an hour the person is wiped with a paper napkin.

Strong cleaning effect yeast mask. Cooking principle:

  • Pour 20 gr. yeast a glass of water;
  • Add 1 tsp. cranberry juice;
  • Stir all ingredients thoroughly to obtain a uniform consistency;
  • Make up the skin of the face and leave for 10 minutes;
  • After the allotted time, rinse the mixture with warm water, apply a nourishing cream.

Mud mask suitable for dry skin. Dilute 4 tbsp. l mud treatment milk. The consistency should resemble a thick cream. Apply the mixture on the face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Cleansing masks should be done periodically to everyone without exception. They improve the condition of the skin and are a good prevention of the appearance of acne.

Egg mask

The benefits of chicken eggs due to its rich chemical composition. The product contains vitamins (retinol, B1, B2, B5, B9, B12, E, D), mineral substances (calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc) and fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmintin, etc.) . Adding egg white or yolk in the process of making cosmetics has a good effect on its qualities.

Ingredients for making an egg mask:

  • Boiled eggshell, crushed into flour;
  • Yolk;
  • Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Milk or sour cream - as required;
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp. l

The components should be mixed to form a thick and smooth consistency. Before the procedure, the skin of the face is cleaned. The resulting egg mixture is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour. Then the face is washed with warm water.

Egg Maskcleans the epidermis and is more suitable for oily skin. Mix crushed raw peeled potatoes with protein, 1 tsp. honey and a pinch of salt. Ingredients are mixed and applied on the face in a uniform layer. After 15 minutes wash with warm water.

Egg masks have a good effect on the condition of the epidermis. The effectiveness of cosmetics will increase if you add to the composition of other useful products.

Cosmetic clay mask

Clay is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It perfectly cleans and dries the epidermis. For people with oily skin it is especially useful to make clay masks. Such procedures improve blood circulation, tone and nourish the cells. As a result, the face becomes smooth, supple and rejuvenated.

For people with oily skin it is better to make masks with white or black clay. To eliminate dry skin, use a blue or pink.

A simple but effective home remedy is prepared very simply. The selected clay powder is diluted with boiled water. The mixture should be homogeneous and reach the consistency of thick cream. The product is applied to the skin and after a quarter of an hour it is washed off with warm water. It is not worth holding a mask for longer than the prescribed time, since the clay is capable of over-drying the epidermis. At the end of the procedure, the face is moistened with a nourishing cream.

Cucumber clay mask suitable for all skin types. Mix 1 tbsp. l white clay powder with 1 tbsp. l cucumber and parsley juice. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. The tool is applied to the epidermis for a quarter of an hour. After the time, the face should be washed with warm water.

Regular cosmetic procedures with clay improves the complexion and eliminates wrinkles.

Banana and Oatmeal Mask

Banana pulp is very useful not only for ingestion, but also for external use. It is rich in vitamins (beta-carotene, B1, B2, C, PP) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium). It contains a lot of fiber and pectin. In combination with oatmeal, banana masks are suitable for both oily and dry skin types.

Banana and oatmeal masks cleanse the delicate skin of the face and give a slight lifting effect.

Well cleans the epidermis of sebum apple-banana mask. It is prepared according to the recipe:

  • In a blender, you should chop the pulp of a ripe banana, half an apple, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 4 tsp. liquid honey;
  • In the mixture add a little steamed boiling water of oatmeal;
  • On steamed skin gently applied means with fingertips. At the same time it is necessary to gently massage the skin;
  • After 20-30 minutes wash your face with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

Honey Banana Mix indicated for use with excessive dryness of the epidermis. In crushed banana with a fork add 1 tbsp. l liquid honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice. For thickening mass additionally put 1-2 tbsp. l oatmeal The mixture is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Honey Mask

Such a beekeeping product, like honey, has a beneficial effect on any skin type. Its mandatory inclusion in the recipes of masks due to the presence in the composition of many useful substances. В меде содержатся витамины группы В, каротин, РР, Н, С, фитонциды и минералы: кальций, магний, медь, цинк, железо и т. д.

Медовые домашние средства убирают раздражение, очищают поры, избавляют от угревых воспалений.

Для жирного типа кожи подойдет медово-солевая маска. Заранее подогретый мед смешать с морской солью в равных пропорциях. Добавить в смесь сок половины лимона и стакан ромашкового отвара. Все ингредиенты тщательно перемешать и нанести на лицо. Через 15 мин. умыться теплой водой.

Улучшить состояние эпидермиса можно с помощью лимонно-медовой маски. Смешать 0,5 ст. л. меда, 2 ст. л. крепкой заварки чая и 1 ч. л. lemon juice. Добавить в смесь 0,5 ст. л. геркулеса и перемешать. Нанести средство на лицо на 10 мин., затем очистить кожные покровы смоченным в воде ватным диском.

Кефирно-медовая маска способствует очищению кожи как сухого, так и жирного типа. Смешать 60 мл. кефира, 5 гр. прополиса, 10 мл. сока лимона и 50 гр. меда. Смесь 5-10 мин. подогревается на водяной бане и наносится на лицо массажными движениями. Через 10-15 мин. смыть состав теплой водой и увлажнить эпидермис кремом.

Маска с активированным углём

Польза активированного угля для кожи лица неоценима. Препарат нормализует работу сальных желез и подсушивает кожу. Также эффективно борется с прыщами и черными точками, улучшает цвет лица и убирает морщины. Приготовить косметическое средство с активированным углем достаточно просто.

Угольная маска с желатином глубоко очищает эпидермис и избавляет от черных точек. Смешать 0,5 таблетки активированного угля, 0,5 ч. л. желатина и 1 ч. л. молока. Смесь ставится разогреваться на 15 сек. в микроволновку. Перемешав тщательно все ингредиенты, нанести средство на проблемные участки лица: нос и подбородок. Через 10-15 мин., когда маска хорошо подсохнет, стянуть пленку по кусочкам. После процедуры нанести увлажняющий крем.

Маска с глиной и активированным углем подойдет для жирного типа лица. Смешать 3 ч. л. измельченного угля, по 1 ч. л. зеленого и белого глиняного порошка, 3 капли лавандового эфирного масла и 1 ч. л. измельченных розовых лепестков. Ингредиенты следует залить чайной заваркой или любым соком до достижения густой консистенции. Смесь аккуратно нанести на кожу. Когда маска подсохнет, ее смывают теплой водой, а лицо увлажняют кремом.

Косметические процедуры с активированным углем полезно делать раз в неделю. Это позволит не пересушить чрезмерно кожу лица.

Очищающая маска с яйцом и лимоном

Яйцо и лимон в совокупности дают потрясающий очищающий эффект. Яично-лимонная маска подойдет для всех типов кожи. Для сухого эпидермиса используют преимущественно желток, для жирного - белок.

Рецепты очищающих масок с яйцом и лимоном:

  • Смешать 2 яичных белка и 1-2 ч. л. lemon juice. Смесь должна получиться однородной. На распаренную и чистую кожу кистью нанести средство. Через четверть часа маску следует смыть теплой водой. В завершении можно протереть лицо кубиком льда. Это закроет поры и усилит эффект от процедуры.
  • Во взбитое венчиком яйцо добавить 5 капель сока лимона и 1 ч. л. растительного масла. Ингредиенты тщательно перемешать и нанести на кожу. Умыть лицо теплой водой следует по прошествии 15-20 мин…
  • Смешать яичный желток, 5 мл. лимонного сока и 8 гр. измельченной лимонной корки. Добавить в маску немного овсяных хлопьев. Густую смесь нанести на кожу и через 10 мин. смыть теплой водой.

Чтобы не нанести чувствительной коже вред, лимонный сок добавляют в очищающие маски в разбавленном виде. На 1 ч. л. сока приходится 4 ч. л. water.

Маска с лимоном и яйцом противопоказана лицам с аллергией на данные пищевые продукты. Если появилась побочная реакция, следует незамедлительно смыть смесь с лица.

Как часто можно использовать очищающие маски?

Очищающие маски позволяют эффективно удалить с кожи лица излишки кожного сала, грязь и пыль. Регулярные косметические процедуры способствуют сужению пор и уменьшению воспалительного процесса. В зависимости от ингредиентов, состав средств подойдет в равной степени как для жирного, так и для сухого типа кожи.

Жирный тип кожи характеризуется расширенными порами и повышенным выделением секреции сальных желез. В результате на лице отмечается неприятный блеск, а прыщи появляются с завидной регулярностью. Такой тип эпидермиса следует чаще очищать, чем увлажнять. Очищающие маски рекомендуется делать 2-3 раза в неделю.

For сухой кожи характерно шелушение и дегидратация. Отсутствие должного ухода за кожей приводит к появлению морщин и микротрещин. Сухие кожные покровы лица нуждаются в большем увлажнении и питании, чем остальные типы кожи. Очищающие маски при этом следует делать раз в неделю.

Ухаживать за комбинированной кожей лица достаточно проблематично. Если наблюдается склонность к чрезмерному выделению кожного сала, то очищающие маски делаются минимум дважды в неделю. В обратном случае количество процедур сокращается.

For normal skinкомплекс мероприятий по уходу не такой расширенный. Для поддержания эпидермиса в хорошем состоянии достаточно делать очищающие маски 1 р. в неделю.

При определении регулярности процедур следует основываться не только на типе кожи, но и на возрасте. После 40 лет очищающие и другого рода маски следует делать чаще.

Уход за кожей после очищения

После применения очищающих масок, кожа нуждается в дополнительном уходе. Ведь процедура направлена глубокую чистку кожных покровов и может частично их травмировать. Поэтому важно наносить увлажняющий крем на лицо. Это поможет усилить эффект от косметического средства и улучшить состояние эпидермиса.

Выбор крема в зависимости от типа кожи:

  • Для жирного типа рекомендуется использовать крема с матирующим эффектом. Лучше всего применять косметические средства, в состав которых входит цинк. Они уберут лишний блеск и сузят поры;
  • Сухая кожа после очищающей маски нуждается в дополнительном увлажнении и питании. После процедуры лучше воспользоваться кремом с плотной консистенцией. Косметическое средство закрепит полученный результат и успокоит эпидермис;
  • Чувствительной, тонкой коже лица больше подойдет гипоаллергенный крем. В нем не должно содержаться консервантов и вызывающих раздражение компонентов.

После очищающей маски косметологи советуют использовать также тоник или лосьон. Их можно купить в магазине или приготовить самостоятельно в домашних условиях. Например, в качестве тоника применяют травяные отвары на основе ромашки, календулы или шалфея. Осуществление качественного ухода за кожей лица после очищающей маски - залог положительного, долговременного результата.


Watch the video: 4 DIY FACE MASKS For ACNE, OILY SKIN, DRY SKIN !! (June 2024).