Corn Khinkali - little suns on the table! Recipes of different corn khinkali: with meat, cheese, pumpkin, nettle, cottage cheese


Khinkali are different. For some peoples, these are just cakes made from unleavened dough, for others products with filling, and for some, puff snails.

To prepare a dish in several ways, one of the interesting options is on cornmeal. Will we try?

Corn Khinkali - General Cooking Principles

To prepare the dough, you will need corn flour, you can buy it in a store or cook from cereals. In any case, it will be necessary to sift, only then proceed to kneading the dough. Sometimes corn and wheat flour are mixed.

What is used for the test:

• water;

• milk or kefir, whey;

• soda;

• salt;

• butter.

After the batch he is allowed to lie down for half an hour, but more can be. Then roll the cakes. Khinkal is being cooked. Or they make full-fledged products with different fillings, they also boil steamed or in water. Serve a dish with different sauces, the taste and appearance of which depends on the filling and other additional ingredients.

Dagestan corn khinkal on the water

The traditional corn khinkal in Dagestan is pieces of dough cooked in broth or on water. They are served at the table with various sauces, boiled meat, herbs, broths, vegetables.


• 120 ml of water;

• 300 g of cornmeal;

• 0.5 tsp salt.


1. Dissolve salt in room temperature water.

2. Sift the cornmeal, make a hole, add water. Take a spoon, start stirring clockwise in the center of the well.

3. Once the spoon becomes difficult to rotate, immerse your hands and knead the steep dough, as for dumplings or homemade noodles. We put it in a bag or leave it on the table, but cover it with an inverted bowl.

4. We give the corn dough to lie down so that it acquires the desired consistency, it becomes soft and supple.

5. Now we pluck small pieces from the dough, a little smaller than a quail egg, flatten in our hands to make a flat cake. Put on a cutting board. We make many such cakes.

6. Throw in boiling water or in broth, cook after boiling

Steamed Corn Khinkali

The recipe for traditional corn khinkali. They are steamed, you can use a pressure cooker.


• 500 g of corn flour;

• 250 grams of wheat flour;

• 0.2 liters of kefir;

• 300 g of lamb pulp;

• 100 g fat tail fat;

• 1 onion head;

• soda;

• spices;

• 1 egg;

• greens for serving;

• a little cilantro to stuffing.


1. Mix corn and wheat flour, sift on a table or in a large bowl, make a depression in the center.

2. Combine kefir with 0.5 tsp. soda and the same amount of salt, stir, add a raw egg. Pour into a hole, knead not very cool dough. Put in a bag, leave for half an hour, let it lie on the table.

3. Cut the fat chicken, put in a pan, start frying.

4. Chop the onion, add to the fat tail, and sauté together for a couple of minutes. Then cool slightly.

5. Twist the mutton, combine with the fried fat tail and onions, add salt and pepper, chopped cilantro. In general, it is better to use twigs, but you can also leave leaves.

6. We take out the dough, pluck off a small ball, make a deepening in it with our thumb, stretch the sides to make a kind of jug. We stuff the mutton stuffing into the hole, pinch. You get a round donut with filling. Put it on the pan of a double boiler.

7. We sculpt in a similar way further.

8. Turn on the double boiler, cook the khinkali after boiling for 25-30 minutes, depending on their size.

9. Put it on a dish, decorate with fresh herbs, serve with garlic sauce or ketchup.

Corn khinkali with boiled beef and garlic sauce

Oriental khinkali recipe made from cornmeal, which is not necessary to cook only with beef. Pork or lamb are also suitable.


• 0.2 kg of corn flour;

• 0.3 kg of wheat flour;

• 0.5 tsp salt in the dough;

• glass of water.

• 1 kg of meat.

For the sauce:

• 200 g of thick sour cream;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• salt, black pepper;

• any greens.


1. You can take any meat, if there are a lot of bones, then take more. Fill with water, about 3 liters, cook for 2 hours until tender, add salt. We take out the pieces from the broth. We will cook corn cakes in it.

2. Mix both types of flour, salt, knead the usual fresh dough, let it lie down to swell gluten.

3. Roll out the dough with thin cakes, several pieces can be sprinkled with flour so that the rolling pin does not stick.

4. Cut squares, rectangles or rhombuses from rolled flat cakes. The size is slightly larger than the matchbox.

5. Throw the cakes into the boiling broth from the meat, boil for 3-5 minutes, we look at the readiness. Remove with a slotted spoon in a bowl, grease with a few drops of oil, shake well.

6. Prepare the sauce: mix all the ingredients with sour cream, which you need to grind, chop.

7. Cut the meat into pieces, remove the seeds.

8. Put boiled khinkal on the dish, on top slices of boiled meat, serve with garlic sauce.

Corn khinkal with cottage cheese

Curd version of corn khinkali. If desired, you can add a little grated cheese to the filling, it will also turn out tasty, interesting. You can cook in water or steam, as you like.


• 140 g of kefir;

• 300 g of cornmeal;

• 100-150 g of wheat flour;

• 0.3 tsp salts;

• 1 small egg;

• 0.5 tsp soda.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• salt;

• 1 yolk or small egg;

• 2-3 branches of dill.


1. Stir kefir with soda and salt, wait a bit until the quenching reaction passes. Add egg, shake well.

2. Combine the seasoned kefir with corn flour, then add the wheat flour, knead the dough. Allow to lie down for about half an hour.

3. Grind cottage cheese until smooth, salt, add a little dill, but not necessary. Introduce the egg. If the cottage cheese is weak, then you can not put or add only the yolk. Stir again.

4. We sculpt round khinkali of a classical form or just koloboks with a stuffing.

5. We shift to a greased tray, cook for 15 minutes for a couple.

6. Either pour into boiling water, boil after boiling for 3-5 minutes, look at readiness. We must salt water.

7. Served such a bullet with sour cream, garlic sauce. Greenery. It can be fried in butter.

Corn khinkali with nettle from Julia Vysotskaya

The famous TV presenter knows how to cook corn khinkali not only with meat. Julia Vysotskaya has a wonderful recipe for dishes with young leaves of nettle.


• 0.3 kg of corn flour;

• 80-100 g of wheat flour;

• 120 ml of kefir;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• soda 0.5 tsp;

• some salt.


• nettle fresh;

• boiled egg;

• 1 onion;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• salt.


1. Knead the usual dough by dissolving the soda in kefir, salt, add a little vegetable oil when mixing, it will make the mass more supple and soft. We remove to the side, cover with a film or an inverted bowl.

2. Cut the onions into small cubes, put them in a frying pan, pour in the oil and pass until golden brown.

3. Cut the boiled egg, mix with fried onions. Go through the nettle, you need a medium bunch, remove the leaves, cut, add salt and mash with your hands. Combine with the remaining ingredients the toppings, pepper to taste.

4. We take out the corn dough, divide it into pieces, sculpt the balls with the filling in any convenient way. The main thing is to pinch the edges well.

5. Put in a double boiler, bring to readiness 12-15 minutes

6. Or boil khinkali in hot water for several minutes.

7. Serve this dish with sour cream, pour butter.

Corn Khinkali with Pumpkin and Cheese

Variant of bright corn khinkali toppings. In fact, with a pumpkin you can cook a sweet dish, in this case, cheese must be replaced with cottage cheese, you can add raisins.


• 500 g of corn flour;

• 210 ml of water;

• salt;

• 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

• 0.2 kg of pumpkin;

• 0.1 kg of cheese;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• a little pepper;

• 50 g butter.


1. Dissolve in a glass of water a little less than half a teaspoon of salt. Add corn flour, knead the dough, pour vegetable oil at the very end. Stretch thoroughly, leave to rest.

2. Grate the pumpkin and squeeze slightly if it is juicy. Add the grated cheese, squeeze a little garlic into the filling, add pepper and mix. If you do not plan to sculpt khinkali immediately, do not add salt yet.

3. Roll the dough into a sausage, cut across the washer, dip in flour and roll a thin cake from each rolling pin.

4. Put the filling, collect the edges in a heap, press the knot so that nothing falls apart.

5. We put corn khinkali in a double boiler. Cook after boiling water for at least 20 minutes, since the pumpkin is raw. If you use stewed or boiled pumpkin, then the time can be reduced.

6. We shift the finished khinkali to the dish, pour with melted butter.

Corn Khinkali - Useful Tips and Tricks

• Khinkali will be tastier if you add a little wheat flour to the cornmeal.

• After cooking, any khinkali must be greased so that it does not stick together. You can use any butter or vegetable oil.

• If you add a little oil to the unleavened dough during kneading, it will become more convenient and easier to use, will not be very tight.

• When cooking, you do not need to mix khinkali often, so as not to damage the shape. But when boiling, it is important to mix well. Since products with filling are heavy, they can stick to the bottom of the pan.

• The dough does not give in? Is it difficult to sculpt khinkali? Get away from the classical form, blind ordinary dumplings or small pies. This is better than tormenting and spoiling food.

• If corn khinkali remains, they can be fried in a pan in butter or baked in the oven with sour cream, cheese, and any other additives. It will also turn out delicious.


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