Why does the stomach ache during pregnancy - is it dangerous? In what cases do I need to sound the alarm if my stomach aches during pregnancy?


Expecting the birth of a future baby, most women become especially suspicious. And the matter is not only in hormonal changes, concern about the baby’s health makes them more sensitive to any changes.

They listen to their feelings, catch any signs of a new life in their stomach, and any manifestations of ailments become an occasion for unnecessary experiences. If the stomach aches during pregnancy, anxious thoughts and panic moods arise. Are they always justified?

Causes of aching abdominal pain during pregnancy

Extra worries and stresses are no less dangerous for pregnant women than any pathologies. Therefore, if the stomach aches during pregnancy, it is best to immediately consult your gynecologist and exclude the possibility of pathological factors. In most cases, aching pains accompany natural changes in the body of the expectant mother and are not a reason for excitement.

Physiological causes of aching pain during normal pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural physiological condition. It is accompanied by a whole gamut of changes in the body that can provoke aching pain in the abdomen.

During implantation of the ovum into the uterine wall, aching pains may appear at 2-3 weeks of gestation. This process usually coincides with the period of the alleged menstruation and may be accompanied by spotting spotting.

Under the influence of hormones, changes occur in the muscles, ligaments, joints. Relaxin, produced by the placenta, impregnates and loosens them, gradually preparing for stresses during gestation and childbirth. Due to the divergence of the pubic bones, the capacity of the pelvis increases, and the process itself can provoke aching pains in the abdomen and lower back.

The stomach aches during pregnancy also due to an increase in the uterus, which presses on the connective ligaments and stretches them. Pain is intensified during a strong cough, sneezing, lifting heavy objects and sharp turns. As soon as the growing uterus can rest on the ilium, the tension of the ligaments will weaken and the pain will go away.

A growing tummy presses on the bladder. Frequent urination and mild aching abdominal pain during pregnancy is a common occurrence.

If surgery was performed on the abdominal cavity or previous delivery was performed using cesarean section, postoperative adhesions and scars can give pain, stretching with growth of the abdomen.

At a later date, the abdomen aches during pregnancy due to the pressure of a significantly enlarged uterus on the abdominal press and ligaments.

In the prenatal period, minor aching pain caused by discrepancy in the pelvic bones may be disturbing.

Do not be afraid of pain caused by "training fights." They can be sharp, cramping in nature or accompanied by aching, pulling sensations.

Pregnancy pathologies in which the stomach aches

Aching pain in the abdomen during pregnancy can signal the beginning of pathologies that threaten the life of the fetus or mother.

Risk of miscarriage

The appearance of aching pain in the abdomen can be an alarming signal of a spontaneous abortion. Pregnant women face this threat more often in the early stages. In this case, hypertonicity of the uterus can be observed when it becomes as if stone. In the future, bloody or brown discharge appears. Pain caused by contraction of the uterus can develop into a sharp and cramping.

You can stop the pathological process and prevent the loss of the fetus by contacting the doctors on time.

The appearance of heavy, ongoing bleeding confirms the irreversibility of the process.

Premature birth

After 22 weeks, the abdomen aches during pregnancy, if there is a threat of premature birth. In this case, the pain spreads to the lumbar region, spotting may appear, pressure may rise, late toxicosis and swelling may be present. Until cramping pains confirming labor, the possibility of inhibiting the process is very great.

If premature birth cannot be avoided, do not hesitate to call an ambulance. It is likely with the help of experienced doctors to give birth to a healthy, albeit premature baby.

Ectopic pregnancy

With the pathological location of the embryo, when the fetal egg has fixed, not reaching the uterus, in the fallopian tube, the abdomen begins to nag at 7-8 weeks. Muddle the embryo stretches the walls of the tube and provokes aching pain that occurs when moving, changing position and giving to the leg, to the anus, under the rib. Such a pathology requires urgent surgical removal, since without intervention it ends with a spontaneous abortion or a rupture of the tube.

Cervical pregnancy makes itself felt at 5-6 weeks of pain, localized in the middle of the abdomen.

Frozen pregnancy

Fetal death, especially in the first trimester, may not have pronounced symptoms at all, except for the disappearance of signs of pregnancy. Only after a couple of weeks do aching pains appear, accompanied by bleeding.

Partial detachment of the placenta

The stomach aches during pregnancy if the placenta begins to exfoliate. In this case, the uterus is in good shape and painful. The development of pathology is fraught with rupture of blood vessels and heavy bleeding.

In the early stages, partial detachment of the placenta is eliminated medically. Late pathologies most often end in premature birth.

Cervical insufficiency

Pathologies of the cervical region violate the obturating ability of the uterus. There is a risk of infection, premature birth or miscarriage. The manifestations of the pathology are quite insignificant: the stomach aches during pregnancy, discomfort is felt.

Uterine hypertonicity

Uterine tension, when the lower abdomen hardens, is accompanied by minor aching pains that resemble menstrual cramps. Pain can be present in the lower back. It occurs quite often throughout pregnancy. In most cases, it is harmless, but being present for a long time, and when combined with other factors, can provoke a miscarriage.

Causes of aching abdominal pain not related to pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s immune defenses temporarily weaken, so chronic diseases can worsen. In addition, in the abdomen, under the influence of an enlarged uterus, squeezing and changing the location of the organs takes place, which affects their functions.

The stomach aches during pregnancy due to the following pathologies:

• intestinal problems in the form of constipation, diarrhea, accumulations of gases;

• gynecological inflammation in the form of adnexitis, salpingitis;

• urological pathologies in the form of pyelonephritis, cystitis.

Diagnostic methods if the stomach aches during pregnancy

If the stomach aches during pregnancy, do not hesitate. With serious pathologies, the future of the fetus and the health of the mother depend on the speed of care.

Determining the cause of the abdominal pain, the doctor relies on the sensations of the woman, visual signs, as well as additional examinations and studies in the form of:

• examination of the vagina to determine the condition of the cervix;

• palpation of the uterus through the abdominal wall to determine the tone of the uterus;

• listening to the fetal heartbeat;

• urinalysis, which can confirm the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;

• tapping in the lumbar region to identify kidney pathologies;

• ultrasound studies to determine the pathology of the structure of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy, the condition of the fetus;

• computed tomography, able to more accurately determine the clinical picture.

In urgent situations, when bleeding intensifies, aching pains develop into very strong and sharp, when the patient worsens, they undergo emergency surgery without resorting to additional examinations.

What treatment is needed if the stomach aches during pregnancy?

Aching pain is not a disease, but a confirmation of changes in the body or a symptom of a possible pathology. Treatment is required if, during the examination, real threats to pregnancy are found.

1. If there is a threat of miscarriage prescribe drugs in the form of sedatives, antispasmodics, which remove the tone of the uterus, conduct vitamin therapy. If the reason lies behind hormonal abnormalities, it is advisable to take synthetic analogues of progesterone. In severe cases, use the installation of a special ring on the neck, blocking premature opening.

2. Ectopic pregnancy definitely requires surgical removal of the fetal egg. Using laparoscopy, you can maintain the integrity of the fallopian tube and maintain reproductive performance.

3. At the initial stage of placental abruption peace, bed rest is required. Of the drugs used are antispasmodics and hemostatic agents, iron preparations and medicines that relax the tone of the uterus.

4. To solve intestinal problems a special diet is prescribed, excluding provoking constipation, bloating products.

5. Inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys, bladder treated with antibiotics that are not contraindicated during pregnancy, antispasmodics and uroantiseptic drugs of plant origin.

If surgical interventions are required to treat pathologies that are not related to pregnancy, if possible, they postpone it for the postpartum period and try to stop the symptoms. In emergency situations, pregnant women are advised not to have lane surgery, but laparoscopy.

What are the ways to prevent aching abdominal pain during pregnancy?

To reduce aching pain caused by physiological changes, it is recommended for pregnant women:

• wear a support bandage;

• do not overwork;

• engage in therapeutic exercises;

• do not forget about walks in the fresh air;

• take care of comfort during a night's rest;

• take a warm relaxing bath.

Avoid pregnancy pathologies will help timely consultations and examinations with a gynecologist, compliance with the recommendations of a doctor. Stressful situations, sudden movements, injuries, infectious diseases increase the risk of pathologies. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid them during pregnancy.

To restore the intestines and prevent possible constipation, bloating will help fractional nutrition on schedule, saturated with fiber and drinking plenty of water.

A timely consultation with a gynecologist will dispel fears associated with aching abdominal pain during pregnancy. And such discomfort will only remind you that the baby is growing and the process is developing according to the schedule provided by nature.

After all, pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life, accompanied by unforgettable sensations.


Watch the video: What to Expect in the 1st Trimester: Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).