Swelling after sunburn: what to do, first aid and treatment. Swollen legs and face after tanning - find out about the causes and possible consequences


Such a long-awaited, beloved, probably, summer has come without exception. Finally, winter dreams of relaxation, of the sea, of the beach and of a beautiful tan will come true!

Now the main task is that the wonderful tan that was dreamed of in slush and cold does not bring serious problems in the form of sunburn and edema. These unpleasant consequences are a lot of trouble and require long-term treatment.

Therefore, before plunging into the sun's rays, you need to firmly remember several rules of conduct on the beach and learn about the consequences that occur after burns with edema.

Swelling after tanning - what to do

Everyone knows about sunburns, and few in their lives have managed to avoid them. Especially in the first days of vacation. But often, in addition to burns, edema also occurs. Under the influence of the scorching rays of the sun, as with any other burn, fluid accumulates in the tissues. In the body, microcirculation in the capillaries and small lymphatic vessels is disturbed, the permeability of the walls of these vessels increases. As a result - the ingress of fluid into the intercellular space, the formation of edema.

To avoid this, you must be metered to be on the beach at the right time. Everyone knows the right time from childhood: until 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m. To be - not under the open rays of the sun, but in the shade, where the body also tans. Before going to the beach, in about twenty minutes, you need to apply a good cream with a high degree of protection from the sun. The degree of protection depends on the type of skin, that is, on its “white skin”. And on the beach, continue to use the cream at certain intervals (you can learn about them from the annotation for the cream). A headdress is required. Alcoholic beverages are contraindicated. After bathing, pat your skin with a towel, because drops of water focus the sun's rays and can cause a burn. To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of cool liquid.

These are the most common rules for sunbathing.

Swollen legs after tanning - causes

Often, leg burns result in edema. As already mentioned, high temperature disrupts the removal of fluid from the tissues, and this leads to the formation of edema. Edema causes pain, as with any burn.

The first thing to do right away - go into the shade so that the skin of the legs calms down, and to stop the further development of the burn, since the next stage - blisters - will deliver even more unpleasant sensations.

Urgent Care: Spread the burned areas with burn cream.

It is contraindicated to use vegetable oil: it will aggravate the edema, and the pain will not decrease. But the treatment will last.

Next step: take an antihistamine because A burn also includes an allergic component.

Further You can use home remedies.

The classic recipe for home treatment if your legs are swollen after sunburn: dairy products. Gently apply cold sour cream or kefir to the burn site. This must be done as quickly as possible. Sour cream (or kefir) will reduce pain, swelling and other unpleasant sensations.

The use of chicken eggs. If your legs are swollen after tanning, you can spread these places with cold egg white. This will relieve pain and discomfort, will lead to a decrease in edema.

Another effective treatment at home if your legs are swollen after tanning: sprinkle swelling with a thin layer of potato starch. Starch will quickly remove hyperemia, heal the burn.

Known healing properties of aloe; if this plant is at home, you can successfully use it.

The use of these therapeutic measures at home is quite effective. But it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of edema on the legs, so that in case of possible complications consult a doctor on time.

Swollen face after tanning - causes

Swelling of the face after tanning - Also a very common complication of a burn. Everyone had to face this trouble. Before going to the beach, you need to remember that, in addition to problems with the appearance, premature skin aging occurs.

The mechanism for the appearance of edema of the face after tanning is the same as with any other edema. Under the influence of large doses of ultraviolet rays, microcirculation in the capillaries of the skin of the face is disturbed. The liquid “sweats” from the vessels, accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, which leads to the formation of edema.

If the face is swollen after tanning, then, the edema is localized in the lower and upper eyelids, around the nose, on the forehead. There are times when only one eye or half of the face swells. It depends on how much of the face received an excessive dose of ultraviolet light. Edema of the face can be so strong that it can hardly open the eyes.

The reasons that the face is swollen after sunbathing are as follows:

- an allergic reaction to a large dose of ultraviolet radiation or sun protection,

- sunburn.

With allergies, edema suddenly appears on the eyelids, lips, swelling of the tongue, and mucous membranes of the mouth. Accompanied by itching and rash.

Possible sudden deterioration: cold sweat, sharp pallor, threadlike pulse, suffocation, loss of consciousness. This is a classic picture of anaphylactic shock - a life-threatening condition that requires resuscitation. At the first sign of shock, an ambulance should be called urgently.

Sunburn, leading to swelling on the face is very painful, accompanied by redness of the skin, burning. Edema passes in about a week.

If the face is swollen after sunburn and this edema is still allergic in nature, you need to take any antihistamine (Tsetrin, Tavegil, Suprastin, etc.). If there is no improvement, go to the doctor to correct the treatment.

Since the pain is strong enough, an anti-inflammatory drug from the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), for example, Ibuprofen, Dalaren, Ortofen, Nise, or an anesthetic - Pentalgin, Ketanov and other

There are special masks for edema. Or you can use the funds from burns that led to edema: "Panthenol", "D - Panthenol", "Bepanten."

If these drugs are unavailable for some reason, you can use home remedies to treat facial edema:

- potato masks - used both in raw (grated potatoes applied to the face), and in boiled form (mashed potatoes with sour cream);

- classic masks from fresh cucumbers, pumpkin, parsley;

- lotions from tea leaves of black or green tea;

- Apple cider vinegar: add two tablespoons to a glass of warm water, gently wash your face without wiping. Repeat the procedure several times after the face has dried;

- 20 minute sauerkraut mask - also very effective for swelling

If, after the measures taken, the condition has not improved the next day, you should consult a doctor.

Another reason for seeking medical help is severe burns, which cause swelling of the face and are accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, excruciating headaches, fainting conditions, or loss of consciousness. This is the so-called "solar poisoning." In such cases, qualified medical assistance is required.

In any case, we must not forget that after severe swelling on the face there may be scars, damage to the integrity of the skin. Therefore, all activities carried out at home should be carried out with the utmost care and accuracy. It is advisable to use all available means, to carry out complex treatment. And then success will be ensured.


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