Prayer to the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God "quick-hearted"


A lot of icons depicting the Virgin are recognized as miraculous. These icons flow myrrh, radiate with light energy and heal the grave diseases of the suffering people. It also happened that even experienced doctors would spread their hands, but the “hopeless” patient would be completely healed, having sincerely prayed before the Face of the Virgin Mary.

Most of the healing images of the Mother of God are in Orthodox Temples in Russia. One of these miraculous images is the icon of the quick-hearted. But how to pray before the Face of the Virgin Mary? What should the Mother of God be forgiven before the icon, and what should not even be thought of? How to properly prepare for prayer before the "surrogate"? Answers to each of these questions can be found in our article.

How to pray the icon of the Mother of God "Hearkenness"?

Prayers The Divine Advancer of God is one of the strongest prayers in Orthodox dogma.

Therefore, when referring to the Mother of God through this image, you should follow certain rules:

  • It is necessary to offer a prayer in front of the Saying Novice icon with a pure heart, soul and mind. It is not necessary in the process of prayer to think about enemies, to think about hatred and revenge, to wish anyone harm. The Virgin Mary listens only to those who turn to Her with good intentions;
  • The standard text of the prayer is read necessarily. It is these texts that were compiled by our wise ancestors and, over many centuries of Orthodox Christianity, are so obnoxious that they have turned into a connecting energy link between the praying and the Highest forces. The canonical prayer text is recommended to be recited by heart. But if a prayer has memory problems, he can read the prayer book "Skoropluslushnitse" from the sheet. After reading the main prayer, you can ask about immediate needs in your own words;
  • By the Mother of God should be treated with respect, befitting Her divine status. In no case can you demand anything - the Mother of God is not a servant of the worshiper. In the process of prayer, one should beg the Virgin and ask her to descend to the prayer of the sufferer — not otherwise;
  • The prayer in front of the icon of "quick-witted person" should be read confidently and distinctly, but not loudly. Saints are more willing to heed the reverent whisper than to loud demands;
  • In the process of prayer, in addition to the above-mentioned icon, it is recommended to use the religious symbols of Orthodox Christianity - a pectoral and wall cross, temple candles, consecrated incense, holy water, Holy Scripture;
  • The one praying must be a Christian believer. No matter how powerful the prayer icon of the Hearted One would be, it will not bring the expected result if the worshiper doubts his faith even a little.

By offering a prayer to the Virgin Mary, following the rules described above, one can not only get what one wants, but also enlist the support of the Mother of God for the rest of his life.

How to prepare for the reading of the prayer before the icon of the "quick-hearted"?

Such a responsible act as a prayer for the icon of the Virgin, "Surprise", requires appropriate preparation. In particular, it is necessary:

  • To tidy up in the room where the prayer service will be carried up. Higher forces are unacceptable chaos, dirt and disorder. You should also wipe the dust on the icon itself and under it;
  • To place the icon of "quick-hearted person" on a sublime and dark place, to light church candles in front of the icon;
  • During the preceding week - to keep the fast, refusing flour, meat and fried;
  • Every day, go to the church of God, where you should repent in transgressions, pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of all sins, put candles for the dead and the health of the living;
  • During the week, give up the pleasures that secular society offers.

In some cases, it is possible to do without preparatory procedures. However, it is with proper preparation that the prayer for the icon of the Mother of God, the Hearing Riser, becomes the most effective.

What to ask the Virgin before the icon?

The All-Merciful Virgin Mary is the most compassionate Saint of the entire Divine host. For this reason, the strongest, most desperate prayers are offered to Her. But what can the Virgin Mary be asked to do at the prayer of the Humble Mistress?

When praying before this miraculous icon, you can voice the following requests:

  • On healing and health promotion;
  • On success in business and aspirations;
  • About the health of children, relatives and friends;
  • On a strong marriage and mutual loyalty of husband and wife;
  • On the return of the prodigal spouse to the bosom of the family;
  • On success in school and at work;
  • On the aversion of evil forces from the house and the soul reading the prayer;
  • About assistance at birth and in the process of pregnancy;
  • That the Mother of God should pray for the man and his relatives who offered her the prayer and become their Intercessor before the Lord God.

Important!In no case should the Mother of God be asked to harm anyone. You cannot ask for your own happiness if the prayer knows that it will make his neighbor unhappy. You can not ask for death and disease for their enemies. Hoping for the mercy of the Blessed Virgin, man himself must show mercy towards his enemies.

Text of the first prayer

The original text of the most powerful prayer for the icon in question - the prayer “quick-hearted” - is presented below:

  • Topar:

“To the Mother of God, a prince of the earth in misfortunes, and the holy Icon of Her now fall, with faith, calling from the depths of the soul: soon hear our prayer, Devo, for the sake of the surrender, For the sake of your Rabbi in need, the ready assistant of the imam.”

  • Kontak:

“In a mori zhiteystey oburevaemii, disturbance fall passions and temptations. Give the Lady a helping hand, like Petrov and Thy Son, and deliver us from misfortune, let Ti be called: rejoice, good-natured Speedmaker. ”

  • Prayer:

“The Most Blessed Lady, Mother of God, The God of the Word, who gave birth to every word for our salvation, and His grace most abundantly than all who received, the sea that appeared to Divine talents and wonders to flow into the river, pouring goodness to all, resorting to You with faith! Miraculous to your image pripadayusche, we pray to you, all the heads of the Mother of a humanely lord of the Lord: Surprise Your grace and your petition, brought to You, the Surveyor, hurry to do everything, otherwise for the benefit of consolation and salvation. Visit, Prevlagai, your servants with your grace, support the ill with celiba and perfect health, silence, captive freedom, and various images of those who are suffering comfort. Deliver, All-Merciful Lady, every hail and country from eyes, sores, coward, flood, fire, sword and other punishment, temporal and eternal, By Your boldness to avert the wrath of God; and soulful relaxation, obsession of passions and the fall of sin, free your servants, just as well as the welfare of all this piety who lived in this house, and in the future of eternal blessings we will be granted the grace and humanity of your Son and God; By the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen."

Prayer should be read in the evening or before going to bed.

Second prayer

It is recommended to read the second prayer "Skoropluslushnitse" immediately after the first one.

The text is presented below:

“To the Theotokos the prince of the earth in misfortune, and to the holy icon Her now fall, with faith, calling from the depths of the soul: soon hear our prayers. Debo, as the quick-witted pretender. To you, slave your gods in need, ready Imams Assistant. Amen"

About marriage

A girl who wants to get married successfully can offer up the prayer to the Mother of God, the Assistant Mother, for help in finding a worthy groom. Also, this prayer can read the bride on the eve of the wedding.

The text of the prayer is given below:

“Most Holy Theotokos of the Lord, the Most Holy Mother of God! I pray You in your impotence - send me, Thy servant [Name], to give me a righteous life in a godly marriage! Pray for me, Virgin Mary, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen! ”

About healing

The Healing Prayer to the Surprise Man is strong and one of the fastest. Both the patient and his relatives can pray.

The text of the prayer is presented below:

"O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord above, quick-hearted intercessor of all, you who have come to believe in You! Besell Him, let my gloomy soul light upon the Divine grace of His own and purify my mind from the thoughts of vanity, let my suffering heart die and heal his wounds, make me mindful of good deeds and strengthen my work with fear, forgive all my evil deeds will save you from of torment and will not deprive of His heavenly kingdom. Oh, blessed Mother of God! To Bose, all my hope and hope of salvation, and I entrust to Your veil and intercession for yourself forever and ever. Amen "

Contacting a request with the help of a pregnant childbirth

Generic Prayer The surrogate should be read in the following cases:

  • A woman cannot become pregnant for a long time;
  • Pregnancy or childbirth are difficult;
  • The woman is very worried in the process of carrying a child or is afraid of the process of childbirth.

The text of the generic prayer for the Shitter icon is presented below:

“Oh, Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy servant, and come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers with which all poor daughters of Eve give birth to children. Remember, O Blessed in wives, with what joy and love You went hastily to a high country to visit Your kindred Elizabeth during her pregnancy and what wonderful action your gracious visit made in both mother and baby. And because of your inexhaustible mercy, grant me, your humbler servant, be relieved of the burden; Grant me this grace, so that the child, now resting under my heart, having come to his senses, with joyful levity, like the holy baby John, would worship the Divine Lord Savior, Who, out of love for us, sinful, would not abhor himself to become a Child. The unpalatable joy that filled your virginal heart with your gaze on the newborn Thy Son and Lord, may the sorrow that grieves me in the midst of the illnesses of birth. The life of the world, my Savior, begotten by You, may save me from death, which end the life of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be among the elect of God. Hear, Blessed Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look upon me, poor sinner, with Thy eye with grace; Do not shame my hope on your great mercy and fall upon me. The Christian helper, the Healer of Diseases, may I also be honored to experience for myself that You are the Mother of Mercy, and I will always glorify Your grace, which has never rejected the prayers of the poor and redeeming all who call upon You in times of grief and sickness. Amen."

Important!It is recommended to read the prayer to the woman herself. But in the process of childbirth or strong contractions for her relatives can read prayer.

Testimonies of the miracle of the quick-hearted icon

The legend says that in 1664 a certain monk-trapezar often walked around the icon "quick-hearted" with a lit torch. At some point, he heard a voice telling him not to smoke near the holy image. However, the monk did not heed the instructions, and after a while he went blind. The repast bitterly repented of his sin, and finally saw again, being forgiven by the Most Pure Virgin.

The modern wonders of the considered image of the Holy Virgin include the following:

  • In 1999, a resident of Moscow, Svetlana Aksenova, was recognized by doctors as completely fruitless. The girl wanted children very much and daily the Mother of God prayed about this, kneeling before the image of the Quick Listener. After a while she was able to conceive, and later - and give birth to a healthy son;
  • In 2007, Vladimir S., a resident of Chernigorod, flew an airplane to Turkey. The plane hit the storm front and the lightning hit the fuselage. It would not be possible to avoid a disaster if the sincere believer Vladimir would not offer up the prayer to the Virgin Mary on the icon of "quick-hearted", which he always carried with him as a talisman.

These traditions and testimonies of living eyewitnesses prove not only the miraculousness of the icon, but also the power of prayer, ascended in the presence of faith in a Higher Power.


Watch the video: The Most Holy Mother of God Pencils & Prayer Ropes (July 2024).