Why are pregnancy tests wrong?


Delayed menstruation, nausea, drowsiness, weakness - symptoms that occur during pregnancy. Many women, having noticed these signs in themselves, do not rush to a specialist. They run to the pharmacy and get a test, thinking that they will get a reliable result. However, you do not need to 100% trust this method of determining pregnancy. What pregnancy tests are there? Why the result may be false? Let's find the answers to these questions.

Variety of pregnancy tests

In modern pharmacies you can see the following pregnancy tests, designed to determine the onset of an interesting situation:

• strip tests;

• tablet;

• jet;

• electronic.

The use of a strip test is a method for determining pregnancy, characterized by simplicity and low cost. Such pregnancy tests are made from paper. They are treated with a special substance that takes on color when it reacts with chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is produced in the female body only when the onset of an interesting situation. Test strips are the very first pregnancy tests to appear. That is why they are considered less reliable.

Tablet pregnancy tests are available in the form of plastic boxes. They are better. On tests there are a couple of windows. One of them is intended for urine. A few drops are enough to get the result, which will be shown in another window of the tablet test.

Inkjet test - a method of determining pregnancy, with a lot of advantages. One of the advantages is ease of use, since they can be substituted directly under the urine stream. Another advantage of inkjet tests is high sensitivity. Results are considered more reliable.

Electronic pregnancy test is similar to the tablet test. It also comes in the form of a plastic box. The electronic test has a digital display on which the result is displayed. Some models also show the number of weeks that have passed since conception.

Why might a pregnancy test result be wrong?

Not always tests give reliable information. The result may be erroneous due to non-compliance with the instructions, improper storage of the test or due to the expiration date. However, even with the use of high-quality pregnancy tests and the fulfillment of all conditions, there is the likelihood of a false-negative or false-positive result.

A false-negative result (a woman’s pregnancy has come, but the test has not confirmed this) in most cases arises from the fact that the fair sex is too early. HCG begins to be produced only when the fetus is attached to the uterine wall. This happens not immediately after intercourse. To carry out the test earlier than 2 weeks after the merger of the egg and sperm, meaningless. An incorrect result may be in the following cases:

• there is a frozen pregnancy;

• used diuretic drugs;

• there is a threat of miscarriage;

• a lot of liquid was drunk;

• there are diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys.

A false positive result (an interesting situation has come, and the test proves the opposite) is observed in cases where a woman takes medicines that include hCG. During treatment, testing does not make sense. After the last dose of the drug should take at least 10-12 days. Tests "cheat" and in the presence of tumors. In addition, a positive result may be after abortion for 2-3 weeks or with a high level in the blood of other hormones, similar in structure to hCG.

How to avoid an incorrect pregnancy test result?

To reduce the likelihood of receiving an incorrect result, it is necessary when buying a pregnancy test to pay attention to its shelf life and package integrity. The principle of operation of all tests is almost the same. Despite this, the instruction still needs to be read and strictly follow all instructions.

You can determine the occurrence of pregnancy at any time of the day. Experts also recommend taking only the morning portion of urine for the test, since the level of hCG in it is maximum. Before use, you should not use a lot of fluid and avoid the use of drugs that increase the excretion of urine from the body. To obtain the result, a pregnancy test is lowered into a container with a biological fluid for a short period of time or substituted for a stream of urine. The result can be seen, usually in a few minutes.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that tests should not replace a visit to a specialist. To come to the gynecologist in any case necessary. Behind the positive result may be a serious illness. You also need to remember that the test can detect pregnancy, but it will not show whether it is uterine or ectopic.
