Folk remedies for wrinkles: in the struggle for youth, we turn to nature! The best recipes for folk remedies for wrinkles


The desire of every member of the fair sex is to look great at any age. However, a woman does not have power over time. The first wrinkles do not please at all. But do not despair.

If expensive cosmetic procedures are not affordable for everyone, and you don’t always have time to go to salons, then you can get rid of wrinkles, tighten the oval of your face, and make your skin fresh and rested at home.

Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive. Therefore, it is not surprising that the first wrinkles appear here. Traditional medicine offers the following recipes to give delicate places elasticity:

1. Parsley contains in its composition substances necessary for the skin. She is able to bleach small grooves, make them invisible. Parsley tones and smoothes the skin.

Just chop the greens with boiling water (choose the proportion yourself) and let it brew. While the infusion is preparing, do not sit back. Grate one small potato on a very fine grater.

Mix 2 tablespoons of parsley broth with 1 tablespoon of grated potatoes. Be sure to add olive oil to the mixture - a product that has undoubtedly won fame thanks to its anti-aging properties.

2. Olive oil. The recipe for wrinkle treatment based on it is prepared in the evening. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a water bath, soak 2 cotton pads in it and apply on the skin in the eye area.

Lie down, relax. Only after 40 minutes you can safely wash your face with water. The procedure must be performed every evening.

By the way, if you need to remove makeup, use a soft and gentle method: dip a sponge in olive oil and carefully remove makeup. The product not only cleanses well, but also moisturizes the skin.

3. Potatoes widely used in folk medicine, including wrinkles. This product in its composition has all the amino acids that are generally found in plants. Grind a small fruit on a fine grater, add fresh cream (sour cream) in a 1: 1 ratio. Spread the mixture on cotton pads and apply on eyes for half an hour. Then rinse everything off.

4. Aloe contains many biologically active substances that fight skin aging. Every day, just brush a fresh leaf of the plant where the first wrinkles appear. Be careful not to get the product in your eyes.

5. Bread is part of the wrinkle mixture. Tear a small crumb from the crust of bread, moisten it in milk and apply gruel to the eyes.

In order for the tender places around the eyes to stay longer elastic, do not treat the skin roughly and do not stretch it.

Apply the wrinkle remover lightly, barely touching the skin. If applying a mask, do not skip the cheekbones nearby.

Instead of moisturizers, use linseed oil if you go out in the cold. And in the summer, keep delicate skin using sunglasses.

Folk remedies for wrinkles - masks

There are many interesting recipes for making masks that you can do yourself. The advantages of such tools are obvious. Firstly, you make them yourself, and secondly, use only natural ingredients.

It is important to know that all masks must be done on a cleansed face and best of all at bedtime. This will maximize the effect. After the procedure, wash yourself with water at a comfortable temperature, and then apply a moisturizer to the skin.

So, the most effective masks to get rid of wrinkles:

Honey Masks

1. Cook a rather thick semolina without sugar in milk (preferably homemade). Mix 2 tablespoons of warm porridge with 1 egg yolk - a product that contains not only 12 vitamins, but also a lot of useful trace elements that are stored in a raw egg as much as possible.

Add 2 teaspoons of good liquid honey and 3 tablespoons of juice (apricot, apple, carrot) to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and drop a pinch of salt. Stir again. The composition is ready!

2. Heat a couple of tablespoons of honey and add aloe juice. Tear off the leaves at the base of an adult plant. The tips of the leaves should be slightly dried. Stir and apply on face skin.

3. Chop 1 small onion on a very fine grater. Onions are considered an omnipotent vegetable. He gives energy, strength. This product is detrimental to harmful microorganisms. Mix onion gruel with 1 tablespoon of milk and with the same amount of honey. Knead the mixture well and apply on face.

4. Mask for dry skin. Combine 2 tablespoons of good cottage cheese and fat milk. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the mixture. Thoroughly mix the composition so that there are no lumps. Apply on the face with a thick layer.

5. Take a tablespoon of honey, oatmeal, brewing black tea. Stir all the ingredients and add a tablespoon of milk to the mixture. Stir again.

Fruit masks

1. Banana is a unique product that does not give an allergic reaction and helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Mash half a banana with a fork. Add a little flour from oatmeal and homemade sour cream to the mixture. Shuffle the composition and use as a mask.

2. Combine half a glass of natural grape juice without sugar and milk. Soak gauze napkins in the mixture, squeeze them lightly and apply on face and neck.

Multicomponent masks

1. Pre-cook mashed potatoes. Mix 2 parts of the product with 1 part of homemade sour cream. Apply the mixture on your face and hold the mask for 15 minutes.

For oily skin, egg white can be used instead of sour cream. After the procedure, use a cream that suits your skin type.

2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Mix 2 tablespoons of the product with sour cream or olive oil (1 tablespoon). Add freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tablespoon) to the mixture. The mask is ready!

3. Beat the egg whites until foam, adding a pinch of salt. Combine the protein with the juice of half a lemon, mix and use as a mask.

Folk remedy for wrinkles - ice cubes

With regular use, you can get rid of wrinkles by massage with ice cubes. Thanks to the action of their constituent components, skin tone improves, pores are narrowed, and facial contours are tightened.

To prepare anti-wrinkle products, pour decoctions of medicinal herbs into ice molds. For normal skin, use a decoction of mint, St. John's wort, sage, for dry - roses, linden, lemon balm, and for oily - calendula, wormwood, coltsfoot.

Perform the massage procedure with ice cubes strictly on the massage lines daily. Wipe your face gently without injuring your skin. Massage should last only a couple of minutes.

The procedure has its contraindications. It is not recommended for sensitive skin, rosacea, wounds, inflammatory processes.

Proper care at home will allow the skin, as they say, to shine.

Folk remedies for wrinkles with regular use will give a beautiful and toned skin.

The result of your efforts will be noticeable to others. So nice words and compliments - you are guaranteed!


Watch the video: How To Remove "WRINKLES" I झररय स छटकर कस पए I Anaysa (July 2024).