Salads with apples are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty prepare a salad with apples.


Salads with apples - general principles and methods of preparation

Apples are very vitamin fruits. And, despite the fact that they are tasty by themselves, they are often added to all kinds of dishes, including salads. In salads, apples give freshness, make the taste of the dish special. And, importantly, apples do not require, as a rule, any pre-treatment.

Salads with apples - preparation of products

First you need to choose quality apples. You should buy solid fruits with a shiny skin - these will be the most juicy. There should be no dents or brown barrels on apples.

To add to salads, you should thoroughly wash the apples, remove the core with seeds (there are special knives that accelerate this process). Most often you need to clean off the skin, although sometimes it is worth cooking with it.

Salads with apples - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Australian Apple Salad

This light and hearty salad is perfect for a lunch break.


250 grams of apples,
4 tomatoes
2-3 cucumbers
200 grams of boiled chicken,
2 celery roots
green lettuce leaves
50 grams of ham,
Orange juice,

Cooking method:

1. Celery must be boiled, then peeled and cut into small cubes.

2. Cucumbers and apples should be cut into cubes, preferably the same size.

3. Sprinkle chopped ingredients in a bowl with orange juice and mix. There, add chopped chicken fillet pieces.

4. Ham should be finely chopped and rolled into pieces. Slices should be cut tomatoes.

5. In the middle of the salad bowl, put mixed apples, celery, cucumbers and chicken, pour with mayonnaise, decorate it all with lettuce, slices of tomato and sliced ​​ham, lightly season with mayonnaise.

Recipe 2: Brandenburg Apple Salad

Very easy to prepare salad, which has a piquant taste. It will appeal to those who prefer spicy dishes.


sour apple,
200 grams of emmental cheese (or any hard cheese),
a tablespoon of coarse mustard,
a tablespoon of lemon juice
2 tablespoons almonds,
3 tablespoons apple yogurt,
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise,
a pinch of sugar, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Pear and apple must be peeled, core and cut into strips. Cheese must also be cleaned with straws. Grind the almonds into small crumbs. And put all the ingredients in a bowl.

2. In a separate bowl, beat mayonnaise, mustard, yogurt, lemon juice, sugar and salt.

3. Season the salad with the resulting sauce and put in a salad bowl.

Recipe 3: Salad of apples, crab and oranges

Unusual salad recipe with original sauce. This dish is more suitable for a festive table.


3 apples
a can of crab meat
green lettuce leaves
2 oranges.

For the sauce:
a tablespoon of tomato ketchup,
a tablespoon of sour cream,
Tabasco sauce
freshly ground black pepper, salt,
some cognac (add as desired).

Cooking method:

1. Apples should be peeled, seeds removed, cut into slices or cubes.

2. Peeled oranges should be cut into slices. Put lettuce leaves in a bowl, then put chopped oranges, apples and crab meat on them.

3. Separately prepare the sauce: mix sour cream with ketchup in approximately equal proportions. There, for the sake of spiciness, add a little Tabasco sauce and a little cognac. Mix everything thoroughly, find the right flavor combination, and then season with salad dressing and serve.

Recipe 4: Cabbage Salad with Pears, Apples, and Walnuts

This salad is very light and vitamin, suitable for a snack during the day.


large apple
head of Beijing cabbage,
2 tablespoons of honey
120 milliliters of unsweetened yogurt,
1/4 lemon (zest and juice),
salt, pepper, parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Carrots and cabbage need to be chopped, pear and apple cut into cubes, chop nuts, chop greens.
2. Mix all ingredients, season with sauce and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

Recipe 5: Warm Apple and Chicken Liver Salad

An interesting option for making salad with apples. Apples in this case need to be fried until they are lightly browned. The salad is not only hearty, but also incredibly tasty.


2 apples
300 grams of chicken liver,
a bunch of lettuce
3 tomatoes
olive oil,
saffron, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Apples must be peeled, cut into thick strips. Separately, prepared apples, liver and tomatoes should be fried in olive oil separately.

2. Washed and dried lettuce leaves should be torn by hand and put on a plate. Then put liver, apples and tomatoes on top. Season the salad with saffron and salt to taste.

Salads with apples - useful tips from experienced chefs

Apples are rich in iron, because they cut quickly darken, because in salads it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, apples cut into slices or cubes should always be sprayed with lemon juice. As an option - cut apples can be dipped in slightly salted water - the fruits will also not be oxidized.

It is worth experimenting in salads and with sauces. Yogurt and sour cream - this is too traditional. Apples and grape seed oil go well together. You can also try multi-component sauces that give apple salads a very unusual taste.


Watch the video: Salads: Broccoli Salad with Apples and Pecans - Natasha's Kitchen (June 2024).