Spider veins on the face: causes and manifestations. How to remove spider veins on the face: best practices


Spider veins on the face are dilated vessels that, due to a malfunction in the capillaries, become visible under the upper layer of the skin. This problem is considered not only aesthetic, but also physiological, since such asterisks signal violations in the circulatory system. Let us consider in more detail how to remove vascular asterisks on the face and what needs to be done for this.

Features of the appearance of spider veins on the face and the reasons for their appearance

Spider veins or rosacea may be venous, arterial, or capillary. Most people with sensitive skin are most susceptible to couperosis, as they are very susceptible to temperature extremes, exposure to cosmetics and sunlight.

It is important to know, that spider veins can occur not only in the elderly, but also at a fairly young age. Often, adolescents who have inherited rosacea through a genetic line suffer from such a problem.

Couperosis manifests itself in the form of redness and burning on the skin. Itching is sometimes observed. Later on, small vascular asterisks appear on the face, which will expand if they are not treated.

Spider veins on the face appear for the following reasons:

1. Weakening of blood vessels, because of which they lose their elasticity. This can be caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, or a general unhealthy lifestyle.

2. The hereditary predisposition of a person to this state.

3. Failure of the hormonal system.

4. Severe frostbite on the face. This also happens in people who constantly work outdoors in the winter.

5. Injury to the face.

6. Frequent visits to the tanning bed or sunbathing in the sun can also cause vascular asterisks on the face. This is explained by the fact that due to exposure to ultraviolet lamps or too bright sun, the delicate skin of the face is dried out. This leads to a violation of its structure and a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels.

7. An acute shortage in the body of a useful element called silicon. Its task is to give the brain the task of dilating blood vessels. If a person does not have enough silicon, then his "work" begins to do calcium, but the brain does not respond to his "team".

Moreover, without silicon, human vessels become more fragile and stiff. They are more prone to brittleness and the formation of microcracks, which leads to the appearance of spider veins.

Additional causes of rosacea on the face are:

1. Frequent overeating.

2. Hypertension or frequent changes in blood pressure.

3. Taking certain hormonal drugs, especially if such treatment is not controlled by a doctor.

4. Frequent use of coffee or chocolate.

5. Reception of excessively spicy or hot food.

6. Strong physical activity.

7. Various diseases of the digestive system.

8. Diseases of the female reproductive system.

Separately, it should be said about stress. It is he who in most cases gives impetus to the formation of spider veins on the face, since in such a state a person's blood pressure rises sharply, which provokes the rupture of small capillaries.

It is important to know, that untreated rosacea over time leads to premature aging of the skin, as it will not be enough nutrients. Because of this, the skin may lose its natural shade, become grayish and pale.

How to remove spider veins on the face: a treatment method

Before presenting the main ways to eliminate rosacea, it is important to say about actions that can not be done in this state.

They are:

• you can not do a vacuum facial cleansing;

• Do not wash yourself with cold or hot water;

• it is not recommended to use external ointments and creams that contain alcohol;

• Do not apply cold or hot masks to your face.

In order for treatment of rosacea to be as effective as possible, it is advisable to consult a doctor and determine the individual treatment tactics, since in each case kureposis is caused for various reasons, therefore it can be eliminated in different ways.

The most effective treatments for spider veins are:

1. Laser coagulation treatment. This procedure will help you quickly and painlessly "seal" the walls of the spider veins, so that they no longer receive blood and they will not be visible on the skin.

After laser treatment, the patient does not have any visible traces. Moreover, the general circulatory system will not be harmed.

Laser coagulation can be performed at any time of the year. The duration of the procedure usually takes no more than forty minutes. Depending on the complexity and neglect of the disease, a person may need from four to six such procedures. You need to do them with an interval of two weeks.

The final result from laser exposure is noticeable after three days. The main thing in this case is not to apply any makeup to the face.

2. Phototherapy. The principle of its action is the same as in laser therapy. Thanks to this procedure, it is also possible to quickly and painlessly eliminate vascular asterisks on the face. Moreover, photo rejuvenation can process even the smallest nets of blood vessels.

Another plus of the photo treatment is that after it the patient gets a firmer and softer skin without age spots. He also improves complexion. The duration of such a procedure is no more than twenty minutes. General treatment chickens should include 3-5 complete procedures.

It is important to know, that after laser therapy and photo treatment, the patient may experience side effects in the form of white spots at the site of the procedure. This can only be avoided if the treatment is carried out by an experienced cosmetologist in a professional clinic.

3. Drug treatment is also quite effective., which involves the intake of hormonal drugs. Despite its effectiveness, such therapy has a lot of nuances, so only the attending physician should prescribe it.

How to remove vascular asterisks on your face yourself: tips and tricks

To cope with rosacea yourself, you need to adhere to such tips:

1. Make fortified masks with vitamins of groups B, E and C. They will restore the elasticity of blood vessels.

2. Adjust your diet. Exclude spicy foods, canned food, alcohol, beer, coffee and pickles from the menu. You also need to limit the consumption of fatty foods (cheeses, liver, sour cream). The basis of the diet should be lean meat and fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and decoctions of dried fruits.

3. It is very important to quit smoking. At the same time, it is necessary to give up a bad habit not for a month, until the “sore passes”, but forever.

4. If you have problems with pressure drops, you need to see a doctor, make a diagnosis and start treatment.

5. You should eat foods rich in silicon. These include: oatmeal, buckwheat, beans and peas.

6. It is advisable to start playing sports. This will help get rid of cholesterol, which means it will protect against the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

7. It is necessary to abandon low-quality cosmetics that contain alcohol or acetone.

8. You can make a mask of raw grated potatoes and apply it to your face.

9. With prolonged exposure to frost, the sun or the wind, it is imperative to apply protective equipment to the face.

10. Do not take a hot shower.

11. To minimize the effect of hot temperatures on the skin of the face.


Watch the video: Varicose Vein Ablation. UCLA Vital Signs (July 2024).