Maternal instinct found in men


Men also have a "maternal instinct", and it is in no way inferior to the female. This is evidenced by the fact that young fathers recognize their babies no worse than their spouses and determine their cries and cries, the researchers say.

Anthropologists have always believed that only women have a maternal instinct when they are carrying a child, and one of its manifestations is the ability to distinguish the cries and cries of their child from other people's children. As for men, they don’t have such an ability, scientists say, since they are supposedly biologically not interested in the survival of the child.

Scientists are now questioning such findings. French researcher Nicholas Mathevon and his colleagues from the University of Lyon decided to take into account the time that both parents spent with their children. It is likely that women are better able to recognize the crying of their children for the simple reason that they spend more time with babies, scientists suggested.

The researchers decided to conduct an experiment involving men and women who spent approximately the same time caring for their children. It turned out that men have the same ability to determine the voice of their child as women. Moreover, this ability is in direct proportion to the amount of time spent with children. That is, the more time a man or woman paid attention to the child, the more often they recognized his cry among the many voices of other children.


Watch the video: Maternal Instinct (July 2024).