The meaning of the name Alain


Name Alyona - This is an interpretation of the Greek name Helen ("helenos" - sunny, radiant). It received this form on Slavic land in ancient Russia. The Slavs associated Alena with the fire element and called it - "fire", "solar". There is a version that the name could come from the name of an ancient tribe - Alans - the ancestors of the present Ossetians. Ossetia is still sometimes called Alanya.

Alena - character traits

Little Alena is cheerful and cheerful, but she opens only in front of well-known people. In the presence of strangers, the girl closes, often removed from the team, so the baby is sometimes difficult at the initial stages in kindergarten or school. Adults should help the girl to adapt as much as possible, involving in games and activities with other children.

Adult Alena behaves more relaxed. She is smart, the girl has a unique memory - she remembers literally everything to the smallest detail. Alena is an actress in life, often changes masks, but at the same time remains a sincere and kind person. The whole world is a theater for her, and she is a director. The representative of this name is a rather versatile person, trying to do everything a little.

Alena is very impressionable, painfully enduring the problems and troubles of loved ones. It is simple and open; it cannot hide lies. The secret of her charm lies in artlessness. Sometimes too trusting, even disappointed, she does not cease to trust people; inquisitive, sometimes, often sticks her nose out of business, for which often gets into skirmishes.

Alena is well versed in men, requires a combination of stability, ardor, romanticism and high spirituality in him. The girl loves male attention and expensive gifts. As a rule, Alena gets married early, believing that the main happiness of a woman is her family, and she becomes a good wife and mistress. The chosen one gives optimism, joy, sharing with her spouse misery and adversity.

Alena - name compatibility

A happy marriage with the girl is expected with Andrei, Igor, Dmitry, Roman, Konstantin, Stanislav and Zakhar. Difficulties may arise with representatives of such names as Anatoly, Ivan, Vasily and Stepan.

Famous personalities with the name Alain

A. Khmelnitskaya is an actress, A. Arzamasskaya is a companion of S. Razin, A. Sidko is an athlete, A. Apina is a pop singer, A. Bondarenko is a tennis player, A. Vinnitskaya is a singer, A. Telpukhovskaya is a famous photographer.

Alena - interesting facts about the name

- the number of the name is 5;
- zodiac sign - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius;
- patron planet - the sun;
- favorable colors - blue, yellow, orange, white and purple;
- plants - rose, cherry, lavender;
- stone mascot - chrysolite, aventurine, diamond.

An interesting fact is that Alena has extremely powerful intuition, she often sees prophetic dreams. A girl is able to perceive information from the Cosmos, receive knowledge from above.


Alena 12/05/2016
Everything coincided, except: I’m a little zodiac sign, I can get frightened, what will happen to me in the future, I remember everything to the smallest detail and often am completely different: aggressive, kind, calm, funny and sad.

Alena 12/03/2016
I read everything here and it's all true

Alena 11/25/2016
everything about me only I am a calf and I do not like roses lavender and cherry

Alyona Anatolyevna 11/19/2016
everything to the point! except for the zodiac sign and the number — I am fish and my number 7. childhood converges. but for my appearance my friend calls me a witch))) "I look into your blue eyes and begin to sink! You're a beautiful bitch !! ! ”Damn nice to be honest to hear that. I don’t use popularity with men. I don’t complain about my appearance, but because of my distrust of men I don’t let them close to me until I recognize them well. So we are Alyonka good) )) with Alyonka everything is sweet and smooth !!!

Alyonushka 11/06/2016
Yes, the truth was that my intuition at school was excellent! The tests passed without prompts, but if I didn’t know the answer I called my intuition.


Watch the video: What does the name Alain mean? (July 2024).