Onions in the garden - an overview of species and varieties, which is well adjacent to the beds


In the genus of herbaceous plants, Onions, there are about a thousand species that naturally grow in the northern hemisphere. Many of them belong to the oldest known to man and plants cultivated by him. Edible onions are also often valued as ornamental, medicinal plants.

And a short, but capacious acquaintance with popular varieties of onions can be very useful for farmers, and in addition - information about in what kind of plantings it grows more beautifully and best of all, benefits the whole garden.

RamsonIt’s also a bear’s onion, belongs to the plants listed in the Red Book, it is fanned from the XVIIth century, when its taste and healing qualities were highly appreciated during the period of the beginning of Siberia development. Ramson is an early vitamin greens, collected already in March-April for salads and soups, in the Caucasus they prepare cheese pies with it. It can be salted and pickled, but it is better not to dry it - the richness of taste will disappear. Edible leaves, stem and bulb of a plant. It is worth noting the weak-pointed variety "Bear’s Ear", which gives a rich harvest (up to 2.7 kg per 1 sq. M.) After 3 weeks from germination.

Slime, also called a drooping onion, also appears, the snow just barely melts and gives juicy moderately sharp greens (with a garlic smell) until autumn. And by the way - thanks to the purple flowers-balls, it can become a decoration of the garden. Good in salads and as a seasoning for fatty meat. He likes fertile, well-loosened soils. Of the varieties "Green" and "Leader" are in demand, characterized by juiciness and frost resistance.

Leek many times surpasses the turnips of all other onions in the delicate delicate taste, is appreciated in haute cuisine (it perfectly complements fish dishes), and is also the national symbol of Wales. The green feather is almost never used, all its appetizing essence is enclosed in a massive white stem (the “leg” weighs up to 500 g). Of the varieties that are leading in sales of recent seasons, Columbus is particularly noteworthy - it is an early ripening and does not need multiple hilling, usually performed to bleach the stem.


Onion It is the most common culture in the world among "relatives" for over 4 thousand years, and it is also a unique honey plant that gives a lot of nectar (honey has no onion flavor). Varieties of onions are difficult to classify, including sharp, semi-sharp and sweet, according to purpose - to feather or turnip. Recently popular:

  1. "Red Baron" - lettuce, peninsular, bulbs painted in purple-red, characterized by an increased concentration of vitamin C and flavonoids.
  2. "Chalcedony" - suitable for collecting turnips (well and stored for a long time) and a feather, frost-resistant, ample in yield (about 5 kg from one standard garden bed).
  3. "Strigunovsky local" - bred in the forties, universal in the kitchen (consumed fresh, after heat treatment, canned), unpretentious, whitish flesh, beige-golden husk.

And it is worth noting separately that miniature varieties of onions, known as pearly (snow-white round and really like jewelry), or cocktail, used in the form of pickled, are also very popular in the West.

Shallot not the first century symbolizes Mediterranean cuisine, characterized by a delicate, sweet taste, spicy aroma, and still does not cause tears when cutting. And strictly speaking - it is a kind of onion, but very, very far gone from it back in the 9th century. In the botanical sense, shallots are notable for the small size of turnips and the fact that in the ground they form a nest of several units. Among the worthy varieties, it is worth noting the long-stored "Albik" and the early-ripe, "Family", especially piquant and resistant to diseases and pests.

Schnitt, or speed, chisel. Appreciated by landscape designers for their decorativeness, it was one of the most important plants of European healers of the XIV-XVIII centuries. It is cultivated primarily for the sake of juicy fresh herbs, piquant and spicy, well-known in French cuisine (omelets, salads, sauces) and Italian (risotto, pasta). It is completely unpretentious to the climate, and of the varieties it is worth noting the long-flowering crops "Medonos" and "Prague", as well as "Elvi" - the only one with white flowers.

Tiered, it is also horned or Egyptian, is a hybrid plant (bulb plus a batun). One of the main features is the perfect non-preservation of poorly ripening bulbs, suitable for eating, as they say, only from the garden - in the summer and autumn. Not only underground bulbs are used for food, but also airy ones (spicy, are still planting material), as well as feathers. Of the varieties, the frost-resistant "Memory", good herbs and "bulbs" for conservation, as well as the "Odessa Winter 12", with very spicy underground fruits, are in demand.

In fact, regardless of the species and variety of onions, gardeners, to increase the yield and quality of this crop, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips regarding its crop rotation, affecting many other plants:

  1. Each season, onion plantations (of most species) should be moved to a new place - growth after related crops leads to weakened plant immunity and increases the risk of ordinary rot.
  2. But onions protect strawberries from rot, the main thing is not to overdo it with watering the latter.
  3. But with cucumbers, because of the abundance of water necessary for them, onions cannot grow side by side at all - they simply rot.
  4. Onions on a bed mixed with beets contribute to the faster formation of its large root crops, and also carefully shade it from direct sunlight.
  5. But the sun does not share onions badly with kohlrabi and broccoli cabbage - by shading its rays, cultures inhibit each other's development. A classic cabbage harms him with his "appetite" for nitrogen substances, which also need a weaker onion.
  6. Onions in one bed go well with greens such as dill, cilantro, leafy salads. And also with vegetables - tomatoes and radishes, from which he repels rodent pests.


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