What is the dream of the plane


Why the plane dreams - according to Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed that you were flying in an airplane, you will soon find out some interesting news. In order for this knowledge to be useful, you need to take out all the hours from your home for a day.

The dream in which you make the plane may indicate that you will have a forced trip.

Any transference in a dream means spiritual development. You should carefully study the events following the dream and draw your own conclusions about how to best interpret it.

What the plane dreams about - according to Wangi’s dream book

In a dream we flew on an airplane - you need to approach any undertaking more creatively and decisively. We had an accident on it - a dream calls to become bolder and take the next step with greater firmness. I dreamed about a plane on the ground - your development and further advancement of affairs is hindered by cowardly, overly shy people. You see a plane flying in the sky - fateful events will happen in fate.

What the plane dreams about - according to Freud’s dream book

When you dream that you are flying on an airplane, this testifies to your peculiar life approach: it seems to you that the present is a draft, which can be easily rewritten whiterly. But for some reason, the fact that we were given only one life and the years fly by like a plane in a dream escapes your attention.

You see the trace left after the plane - you will lose something very important, and this will not be your fault, as you make great efforts to ensure that everything is still the same. Most likely, from the side of the second half there will be treason.

What the plane dreams about - according to the modern dream book

I dreamed of a personal seaplane - in the near future new opportunities will open before you. They wanted to buy it - future difficulties will be caused by some rash act.

If you see a seaplane taking off, you will start a new big business. Sami took off on a seaplane - will overcome the memories of the past. Your soul will be filled not only with nostalgia and bright sadness, but also with pleasant emotions.

What the plane dreams about - according to Loff's dream book

When you dream that you are confidently driving the plane, it means that you can calmly control any situation in reality. A dream plane crash betrays your uncertainty; You think that you do not meet the requirements at all.

What the plane dreams about - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

He talks about the implementation of claims and the fulfillment of desires. We were at the helm of the plane, and there was no disaster - in the fulfillment of desires you will encounter sudden changes.

What the plane dreams about - according to Hasse's dream book

See how the plane flies above your head - it will be very difficult to avoid danger. If the bride saw such a dream, then the wedding is not destined to take place. Fly on an airplane - business success is guaranteed. Buy it - because of the not entirely successful placement of capital, large financial losses will occur.

What the plane dreams about - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

Aircraft serves as a means of contact with alien civilizations or other worlds. It is a designation of obsessive memories of a sleeping person about any situation, even one to which he had an indirect relationship. The repeating image of the aircraft indicates a future external disaster or predicts the actions of the person himself, as a result of which he may die.

What the plane dreams about - according to Longo's dream book

A dreaming airplane testifies to your aspirations for higher spiritual goals, development and liberation. It also serves as a sign of racing at maximum speed, the desire for success. A plane crash may indicate that you need to refrain from flying for some time.


Watch the video: What does plane crash dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).