June 4: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 4th.


Holidays June 4th

Nightingale day

The sounds made by the nightingale are very beautiful and inimitable. No wonder nightingale singing has long been valued in Russia. In almost every tavern, house of a merchant or a prosperous city dweller there was a cage with this sweet-voiced bird. A good singing nightingale was not cheap. It was necessary to go to the forest and listen to more than a dozen nightingales before finding such a "singer". Usually, they were listening to birds on one specific day - June 4. It was called that nightingale day. Bird hunting was so popular that at the end of the 19th century a law was passed in Russia that prohibited spring bird catching. Only such a radical measure allowed to save these amazing birds. Today, nightingale trills can be enjoyed not only in the forest, but also in parks, squares, green spaces.

June 4 on the folk calendar


Excavation work was not conducted on the Basilisk: it did not plow and sow nothing. It was believed that from the seeds planted on June 4 there will be poor seedlings and a poor harvest. Only wormwood and cornflower, which in Russia was considered a weed that clogs up fields sown with rye, will be freed. Peasant girls on the Basilisk weaved wreaths of birch branches and ran them along the river. It was believed that if the wreath drowned - be in trouble, but if it was floating on the surface, this promised a favorable year. Also on June 4, we noticed the weather. If abundant dew fell on that day, you could expect a rich harvest. The appearance of clouds from insect gadflies predicted an abundant crop of cucumbers.

Historical events on June 4

June 4, 1896 Henry Ford's first car was tested

The car was built in two years. Its two-cylinder engine had a power of 4 hp, which made it possible for the car to accelerate to 32 km / h. The wheels shod in bicycle tires were connected to the engine by means of a chain. The car had two high-speed gears without reverse gear. The test took place at 2 a.m. Due to unforeseen circumstances, it had to be postponed for an hour: the car itself was wider than the garage door, so the doorway had to be cut through urgently as well. Quadricyrcle, this is the name Ford gave his car, is currently located in Dearborn (USA, Michigan), the Henry Ford Museum.

June 4, 1897 The construction of the legendary cruiser Aurora began

At the New Admiralty shipyard in St. Petersburg, the construction of the Aurora cruiser began. He was launched into the water in 1900, and in 1903. joined the ranks of the Russian fleet. The ship received its first baptism of fire in the Battle of Tsushima, during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. At the end of hostilities, the cruiser returned home, and for a long time was used as a training ship. The midshipmen of the Marine Corps interned and went on campaigns on it. During the October Revolution of 1917, it was from his cannons that a volley was fired at the Winter Palace, which served as a signal for the start of an attack assault. During the Soviet era, until 1940, the Aurora was a training ship. Currently, the cruiser is a monument-museum, which stands on the Neva in St. Petersburg.

June 4, 2012 died Edward Gil

The velvet timbre of the voice of this popular opera, chamber, and pop singer was known to more than one generation of Soviet and Russian listeners. His repertoire included such hits as “Winter”, “Semenovna”, “Happy Day”, “Near the Forest at the Edge”, “Birch Sap”, “Lumberjacks”, “Don't Cry, Girl” and many others. In 2010, Edward Gil once again swept a wave of popularity. The vocalise video posted on the Internet, which Gil performed back in 1976, gained over 5 million views in several months and became mega-popular all over the world. The song instantly became a hit, and in the West Edward Hill began to be called Mr. Trololo.

Born on June 4

Socrates (b. 469 BC), philosopher of ancient Greece

The ancient Greek philosopher was born in Athens in the family of a sculptor. He is considered the founder of philosophical dialectics. He spread his teachings right on the city streets, markets, squares, trying to educate young people, or had conversations with representatives of various social strata. He wanted to direct the consciousness of people in the right, right direction, because I saw that they do not understand their true purpose, they live instinctively. Not all citizens, especially the wealthy, liked these conversations. Often, from meetings with a philosopher, they experienced some discomfort. As a result, confidential conversations for Socrates himself ended rather poorly. He was accused of anti-state activities and put in prison. Friends and associates tried to escape more than once, but he refused to flee and accepted death by drinking a goblet with poison.

Victor Tikhonov (born 1930), the famous Soviet hockey coach

Viktor Tikhonov himself was a famous hockey player: three times he became the champion of the USSR, was the owner of the USSR Cup. But he had the greatest success as head coach of the hockey team of the Soviet Union, which he headed in 1977. It was under his leadership that the USSR national team began to regularly win world and European championships and the Olympic Games, and in 1981 won the Canada Cup. He raised many venerable stars. Soviet hockey players by name were known not only to domestic fans. Such surnames as Tretyak, Kasatonov, Fetisov, Mikhailov, Makarov, Krutov, Mogilny and many others aroused respect even among recognized luminaries of world hockey - Canadians. Viktor Tikhonov left his post in 1994, when at the Olympics in Lillehammer the Russian team for the first time was left without medals, taking fourth place.

Angelina Jolie (born 1975), American actress

On June 4, the birthday is celebrated by the Goodwill Ambassador, Lara Croft, a talented actress and simply a charming woman - Angelina Jolie. She was born into a family of American actors Marcheline Bertrand and John Voight. Apparently therefore, Angelina did not have a long choice of who to become in the future. She chose a profession related to cinema. Her first debut took place at the age of 7, when she starred in the film "In Search of a Way Out". But fame came to her only in 2001, after the release of the film about Lara Croft. Jolie has many awards and bonuses. In addition to filming a movie, he is actively involved in humanitarian missions, is a co-founder of several charitable organizations and foundations. He has six children, three of whom are adopted. He is in a happy civil marriage with actor Brad Pitt.

June 4th

Ivan, Daniel, Vladimir, Pavel, Makar, Jacob, Zakhar, Sofia


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (June 2024).