Pork fingers - stuffed meat! Recipes of fragrant, juicy and ruddy fingers with filling for a satisfying feast


Meat fingers - delicious rolls with filling.

In fact, the dish is simple, it is easy to prepare, but it looks original and elegant, it has different options for the filling and sauces.

Cook with pork?

Pork fingers - general cooking principles

For fingers, only the flesh of pork without bone, veins, and fatty layers is used. A piece is cut across the fibers with plates that are beaten with a hammer, smeared with spices. Then put the filling inside. There are many options: vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, eggs, meat products. All this is twisted into a roll, fastened with thread, toothpicks or breading.

You can cook your fingers in a pan or in the oven. Often after frying, the meat product is heated in the oven, sometimes with the addition of different sauces. They make meat more tender and softer. Fingers are served on their own, decorated with greens, or with side dishes, vegetables.

Pork fingers with lard and garlic

The recipe for making very juicy and tender pork fingers with a fragrant and simple filling. The number of spices is arbitrary, taking into account your taste preferences. Salo can be used fresh, salted or smoked.


• 0.5 kg of pork;

• salt pepper;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 150 oils;

• a little mustard (1-2 tsp).


1. Cut the pork across the fibers into plates, as for chop. If the meat is slightly frostbitten, it will be easier to do.

2. Now we beat off each plate. We do this carefully so as not to accidentally break.

3. Rub with salt and pepper, set aside.

4. Cut the fat into small cubes, add chopped dill and chopped garlic. We fill the filling with mustard for piquancy. If the lard is fresh, then you can slightly add salt.

5. Now we take a spoon and lay out the minced meat in all pieces to distribute evenly, twist the fingers, connect the joints with toothpicks.

6. Heat the oil in a saucepan. We lay fingers. Fry first on one side, then quickly on the other, the maximum fire.

7. Take out the pork on a napkin. Let the oil soak in, carefully remove the toothpicks.

8. Put in the form, cover with foil and heat for 15 minutes in the oven.

9. We shift the fingers to a serving dish, decorate with herbs, fresh or salted vegetables.

Pork fingers with mushrooms

The filling for such pork fingers can be prepared not only from mushrooms. But remember, if forest mushrooms are used, then they need to be boiled before cooking.


• 0.6 kg of pork pulp;

• 0.2 kg of sour cream;

• 0.1 kg of cheese;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 1 onion;

• 0.2 kg of champignons.


1. Cut onions and mushrooms. We combine everything in a frying pan with warmed oil and fry almost until cooked, at the end we add and pepper.

2. Cheese, add to the cooled mushrooms.

3. Next add chopped dill. But you can either take parsley or any other greens without it.

4. Mix the sour cream with garlic, it will be a finger sauce. It can also be salted, add any seasonings.

5. We heat the oven for 200.

6. Cut the pork into slices, gently tap each chop with a hammer, put the filling and twist.

7. Wrap the fingers with thread so that the molten cheese does not leak.

8. Fry the rolls with the filling in hot oil for two minutes on each side and immediately transfer to the mold.

9. Pour on top with sour cream sauce, send to the oven for twenty minutes.

10. We take out. Before serving with scissors, we cut the threads, carefully remove.

Pork fingers with prunes

A variant of the popular toppings for meat fingers. Pork and prunes are one of the most successful combinations that can only be. Cream for sauce is not necessary to take fatty, enough 15%.


• 700 g of pork;

• 0.2 kg of prunes;

• spices;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 160 ml of fresh cream;

• 4 tablespoons of oil.


1. Pork cut into slices, not very thin. We beat off a little, rub with spices.

2. If the prunes are dry, then they must first be soaked in warm water. Do not use boiling water and hot liquid, it will ruin the dried fruits, they will be sour.

3. Separate one protein, beat with a fork.

4. Lubricate the edges with chop protein, put 2-3 prunes on the nearest side, twist the tube. Fasten the edge with a toothpick. Form all the other fingers in this way.

5. Pour the remaining yolk, the yolk and the whole egg, beat again, add salt and pepper.

6. Roll the fingers in the flour, then dip in the egg, fry in hot oil until light crust. For a long time to keep the meat on fire and bring to full readiness is not necessary.

7. Now you can pour cream on all your fingers and put it out under the lid in a skillet for about 15 minutes. We make the smallest fire.

8. Or put in the oven and hold also a quarter of an hour at 160 degrees. In this case, covering the fingers is not necessary, you can even sprinkle the dish with a small amount of grated cheese.

Pork fingers with egg and cheese

A simple fingers recipe with a straightforward filling. Instead of dill, you can take other herbs at your discretion.


• 500 g of pork;

• 2 eggs;

• 40 g of mayonnaise;

• 110 g of cheese;

• spices;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• butter, flour.


1. Cut the slices of meat tenderloin with a little hammer. Rub with spices, let the chops lie down for now.

2. Boil the eggs, clean. Take a piece of cheese. All together rub in a bowl.

3. Immediately rub three cloves of garlic, season the stuffing with pepper. If the cheese is unsalted, then salt can also be added. Put mayonnaise, stir.

4. We spread the minced meat on the chops, twist the fingers in the form of small rolls. Be sure to stab with toothpicks. If they were not there, then you can tie them with threads, just remember to remove everything.

5. Bone the meat in flour so that it does not lose its juiciness, and quickly fry it in hot oil.

6. Remove the toothpicks, lay out the fingers in the form.

7. Lubricate abundantly with salted sour cream.

8. Pull a piece of foil onto the mold, send the dish to the oven. Warm up at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. We look at the readiness.

Breaded pork fingers with mushrooms

A recipe for stunning pork fingers with a crispy bread crust. This dish is somewhat similar to Kiev cutlets, but much tastier. Mushrooms are used pickled, but you can take fried ones, for example, simple mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.


• 500 g of pork;

• 3 eggs;

• 150 g of mushrooms;

• 100 g of cheese;

• butter;

• deboning flour;

• different spices;

• breadcrumbs.


1. We make thin chops, gently rub each with spices. Be careful with salt, as pickled mushrooms.

2. Cut the mushrooms, mix with grated cheese. If desired, squeeze a clove of garlic to them, put the greens, various seasonings. Mix.

3. Shake the eggs with a fork.

4. Lubricate the chop inside with an egg that will hold the roll together. Put some filling. We form fingers, carefully tighten tight rolls.

5. We take two bowls, pour flour in one, and crackers in the other. Next to it we put the eggs that we prepared earlier.

6. Pour so much oil into the pan so that the fingers in it float freely. That is, we do deep fat. Warm up.

7. Bake the billets in flour, then dip in the egg and sprinkle with crackers. Gently press the "fur coat".

8. Deep-fry until cooked on both sides.

Pork fingers with carrots and onions

Recipe for juicy pork meat fingers with vegetables. Preparing a dish in the oven without prior roasting, which saves time.


• 0.5 kg of pork;

• 1 onion;

• 300 g sour cream;

• 120 g of cheese;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 1 carrot;

• oil, greens.


1. Fry the diced onion and grated carrot, but do not need to brown the vegetables very much.

2. We rub the cheese, put half into the vegetables, add half to the sour cream.

3. Grind the garlic and also halve it.

4. We season the gravy and the filling with spices, stir.

5. We cut the meat with plates, each beat off, salt, fill with the filling and form the fingers. Fasten the free edge with a toothpick.

6. Put the fingers in the mold, cover with sour cream sauce and grated cheese.

7. Bake for 40 minutes at 200 degrees. Do not forget to remove the toothpicks before sending the dishes to the table.

Pork fingers with pineapple and nuts

A recipe for delicious and very fragrant pork fingers that are baked in the oven. Pineapple is used canned, only hard cheese. He will not let the rolls spin.


• 0.5 kg of meat;

• 0.1 kg of cheese;

• 4 rings of pineapple;

• 2 tablespoons walnuts;

• 80 g mayonnaise;

• 1 egg.


1. Cut the nuts, cut the pineapple into small cubes. If it is not in rings, but in pieces, then we simply divide it into several parts. Cubes should not be more than 0.5 cm.

2. Cut the nuts, add to the pineapple.

3. Grate cheese, but do not mix with the filling.

4. Plast meat, beat off.

5. Rub chops with pepper, salt.

6. Sprinkle cheese on top of the meat. We distribute it between all the pieces.

7. We put pineapples at the near edge, twist the fingers. If you fear for integrity, then you can fasten in one place with a toothpick. Put in shape.

8. Beat the egg with mayonnaise.

9. Lubricate the rolls, put in the oven for 40 minutes. Temperature 180.

Pork fingers - useful tips and tricks

• If you do not like the taste of thermally processed greens, then do not add it to the filling, use dill or parsley branches to decorate the finished dish.

• It is not necessary to bake your fingers in a creamy or sour cream sauce; you can use tomato juice or diluted pasta.

• Flour breading will prevent the penetration of oil into the meat and preserve the juiciness of the fingers.


Watch the video: Sticky Pork Ribs - Gordon Ramsay (June 2024).