Wedding spoilage: an excursion into the past. Why does a host need a whip at a wedding?


Our ancestors not only sacredly honored wedding traditions and rituals, they also observed increased vigilance during the celebration. On guard what they stood that guarded? Of course, the parents of the young, their family and friends carefully watched so that the couple would not cause damage.

Suppose a young man met with a girl. Everything was fine, and the matter was already going to the wedding, as ... Let us recall a song about the "beautiful and courageous" who crossed the road. Well, the "broshenka", like her mother or other relatives, with bitter grudge, began to harbor a plan of revenge. They turned to the sorcerer or independently carried out a magical rite of guidance to damage.

Jealousy and envy for the happiness of the bride and groom are the most common causes of negative wedding effects. What does it lead to? To the deterioration of relations between spouses, to disorder, violation of potency in her husband, to infertility .... There were frequent cases of causeless health problems and the birth of non-viable offspring.

Why is the bride dressed only by the closest women?

Damage could at any time of the wedding ceremony.

Even at the stage of preparation for it, relatives in every possible way protected the young from evil eyes and spoilage. For example, dressing the bride should have been exclusively the closest women - mother or nurse.

It was enough for outsiders, for example, to tie a ribbon on the girl with the wishes of all sorts of troubles - and that’s it: quarrels and illnesses are provided to the young family!

In the church

For the attackers there was nothing sacred, and they could do their dirty deed even in the temple, during the wedding.

Touching the back of the bride, supposedly accidental, and with evil wishes spoken mentally, promised disasters in family life.

It happened that already on the way from the wedding, the newlyweds began to ascertain the relationship with increased tones.

At the table

Passing between the young people was also undesirable and led to infidelity and scandals; it was not without reason that relatives were next to the bride and groom and made sure that no stranger approached them.

With great care, the couple should have taken food at the wedding table: she could have been slandered too.

The best option was considered complete abstinence from a meal.


In a big move in Russia there were so-called pads.

Damage was brought to wedding gifts, a dowry, wedding rings, some charmed things, including hair, threw these objects onto the road along which young people would go to the temple.

Given this probability, the road in front of their passage was swept.

The lining in the form of a needle, which was stuck in the threshold of the groom’s house, was also popular, so the newlywed brought his wife into his house in his arms.

Under the bed

In some places, such a method of impairment was also widespread, such as tossing young people under the bed of earth from the baby’s grave. It was believed that in this case, the child born to the spouses would soon leave this world. It is clear that the relatives made sure that none of the outsiders came even close to the bedchamber of those who entered into marriage.

Sorcerers were most often involved in spoiling, either wishing to avenge disrespectful treatment, or simply out of malice. They tried to appease such people, they were invited to the wedding and rendered all sorts of honors.

Protective rituals

Protective and protective rituals were diverse. In addition to the above, there was, for example, the custom of hiding under the matrimonial bed a poker, firewood or a frying pan. Rowan or juniper branches, with which they went around the bed, and then inserted into the wall, were also considered to be a guard against magical influence.

Responsible for the wedding defense was a friend or, as they say now, the host. This is usually a person known in the area or a relative of the groom or bride. He read conspiracy against corruption and had a whip with him, which he struck at the place where the newlyweds would be sitting, as well as at the doors of the groom's house and the wedding bed.

However, it also happened that no measures helped and the young ones constantly cursed, or the family was in trouble. In such cases, they turned again to the sorcerers, but to those who could remove the spoilage or told the young how to do it.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with David. March 13, 2019 (June 2024).