March 29: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays March 29th.


Holidays March 29

Good Friday (date for 2013)

On Good Friday, Christians recall the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross, his death, burial, and resurrection from the dead. In those days, the execution on the cross was considered the most shameful, cruel, long and painful. Only those especially guilty of the law were subjected to such a test: murderers, repeat robbers, rebels and naughty slaves who betrayed the master or repeatedly tried to escape. The torment of crucified people cannot be described in words. Pain compared with unbearable heat and thirst receded into the background. Many suffered on the cross for more than one day.

According to local laws, the criminal crucified on the cross was cursed and humiliated in every way. It was such a terrible death that the Jews prepared for Jesus Christ. According to legend, they tried to give the Messiah wine on the cross in order to alleviate suffering, but he refused, because he was destined to experience this suffering for the sins of mankind. Jesus prayed for everyone, including for his own killers: "Father! Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

The suffering of the Savior was seen by all his followers, Mary Magdalena and his mother. It is impossible to describe how her heart was broken at the sight of a crucified son. Meanwhile, a great eclipse happened in the city. The light faded, and there was total darkness, everything seemed to freeze in anticipation of something unpredictable. The Savior raised his eyes to heaven and called on Heavenly Father to help. God listened to the prayers of the afflicted, and right now Jesus lost his spirit.

Whether there was a solar eclipse on that day is unknown to scientists, however, the phenomenon was described in detail in the messages of pagan historians: Phlegontom (Roman astronomer), Fallom and Yuniem African. One of the philosophers of the time, Dionysius the Areopagite, described the eclipse as an observing witness. He seriously noted: "Either the Lord is suffering, or the world will end." After the incident, Dionysius believed in the Creator and converted to Christianity.

Heroes Day in Madagascar

A national holiday in Madagascar is timed to coincide with the start of a revolutionary uprising against French rule. On March 29, the people recall those who, having sacrificed their own lives, fought against colonialism. The power of the French over the island has never been so strong as to keep it in check for a long time. And in 1947, a powerful resistance rebellion broke out in Madagascar, which was crushed a few months later.

March 29 on the folk calendar

Cart Day (Savvin)

On March 29, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Monk Great Martyr Savin of Ermopolsky. There lived a saint in the third century on Egyptian land.

Savin (Savvin) the day in Russia, the peasants dedicated the cart. They repaired it, if necessary, strengthened the wheels, corrected the shafts. There was a saying among the people: "Leave the sleigh on Savin, and move the cart." However, sledding at this time was no longer destined to work, because the snow was melting at a tremendous pace. So people switched to summer transport. On Savvin, as a rule, streams already covered the whole earth, even if the sun was temporarily hidden: "Cool - do not cool, and spring has come into its possession." It was believed that if this day is kept warm and clear, then the whole spring will be fine.

Historical events of March 29

March 29, 1886 - John Pemberton created a Coca-Cola recipe

Coca-Cola is the most popular drink in the world. And it was created by Colonel and pharmacist concurrently John Pemberton. In fact, Pemberton’s plans were to create a “tasty” cure for headaches. Inspired by a good purpose, he cooked a special caramel syrup, mixed with an extract of coca leaves, added sugar and a little caffeine. Quite a stimulant was obtained from a pharmacist. He did not expect to get a result so gorgeous in taste. Without hesitation, Pemberton decided to implement the invention through a pharmacy network. The first coke was sold at a price of five cents. The drink sold out at lightning speed. A few years later, they decided to dilute Coca-Cola with sparkling water, which was when the drink got its name.

March 29, 1940 - The English bank for the first time issued paper money with a high level of protection against fakes

The function of protection against fakes began to perform a thin metal thread "woven" into banknotes. Thus, the bank stopped the mass distribution of counterfeit bills in Britain, which were introduced in order to wreak havoc on the country's economic sphere. The quality of the fakes was excellent, and with the naked eye it was impossible to distinguish them from real money. With the introduction of defense, the enemy’s plans failed, and all the production of fake pounds fell into the hands of the allies. The first ones under protection were banknotes of one pound sterling and ten shillings. In addition, the banknotes changed color - from green they turned into blue-pink, and a ten-shilling banknote - into mauve.

March 29, 1998 - Vasco da Gama bridge opened in Lisbon

The Vasco da Gama bridge connects the banks of the Portuguese Tagus River and is the longest bridge in Europe. Its grand opening was timed to celebrate the anniversary of the opening of the waterway from Europe to India. This event made the explorer Vasco da Gama famous throughout the world. The authorities did not skimp on the organization of the opening ceremony of the bridge. A festive table with a length of five kilometers was set along the building. Fifteen thousand guests occupied it, for the arrival of which the organizers rented about two hundred buses. By the way, we note that the longest bridge on Earth is located in China and it is called Hangzhou Bay. A truly magnificent 36-kilometer-long bridge connects Shanghai with the largest port in the East China Sea.

Born on March 29

- Dmitry Bibikov (born in 1792) - Russian statesman, Minister of the Interior, member of the State Council. He participated in the Russian-Turkish and World War II.

- Lavrenty Beria (born in 1899) - politician and statesman, Marshal of the USSR, General Commissioner of State Security. Member of the organization of Stalinist repression. During the Second World War, Beria played a major role in the State Defense Committee. After Stalin's death, he for a short time became the de facto leader of the country, or rather, the Minister of the Interior and Deputy Chairman of the Soviets. Subsequently, he was executed, but actually killed by Khrushchev and his entourage.

- Alexey Romanov (born in 1629) - Russian Tsar. He entered the throne as a sixteen-year-old teenager. The first years of rule was a supporter of religious and moral ideas, participated in the compilation of the Council Code in 1649. During the reign of Alexei Romanov, a church schism occurred.

- Stanislav Govorukhin (born in 1936) - Soviet, Russian film actor, film director and screenwriter (among his famous works: “The meeting place cannot be changed”, “In Search of Captain Grant”, “Voroshilov Shooter”, “Ten Little Indians”, “Bless the Woman”, "9th company", "Love-carrot", etc.). People's Artist of the Russian Federation, politician. Since 2005 - Member of United Russia.

Birthday March 29

Name days on this day will be marked: Anton, Alexander, Dionisy, Emelyan, Pavel, Ivan, Patricia, Savin (Savvin), Trofim, Julian, Denis.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).