Duck in the foil oven is a great holiday choice! Duck recipes in the oven in the foil: the secrets of delicious stuffing and baking


Of course, the taste of baked poultry meat is familiar to many peoples who inhabit the planet, but in the traditions of Russian cuisine, duck in the foil in the oven is almost a genetic memory of the recipe for baked poultry, because in this way of baking old secretinherent only in Russian technology of heat treatment of products.

Duck meat is enough greasytherefore, if you fry it over an open fire, the fat will drain and the bird will become dry, stiff and tasteless.

Before the Russian stove firmly entered the East Slavic life, the meat was fried on the coals of a fire. In those days, there was such a dish: a calf was stuffed with a pig, a goose was placed in a pig, a quail was put in a goose, or what was managed to be hunted. It is possible that the duck baked in this way attracted attention. Later, when passed time such rampant pagan luxury, and the ancestors began to limit their meals to one type of meat, prey or poultry began to stick clay, before baking.

This method of cooking meat had an undoubted superiority: it did not burn on the outside and was baked inside, because the clay layer maintained the necessary temperature and humidity. After such baking, it was enough to knock down the clay shell, which was easily removed along with the feathers - and the dish is ready. Culinary progress came with the transition to a settled life and the advent of the oven, which both warmed and fed.

Flour appeared in the diet, from which dough was made and bread was baked. Instead of clay, the game was wrapped in rye dough and baked in the oven. The duck was languished in a dough shell, on hot coals.

After the Russian tsar “cut a window to Europe,” local, court cooks, in the fight against professional competitors brought to the master's kitchens from enlightened Europe, mastered new culinary technologies, enriching Russian cuisine with a wider and more refined assortment of dishes, but none the less less, while maintaining the tradition of cooking in the Russian oven. Despite the lack of technical progress, the Russian stove was created in such a way that the modern microwave, in terms of functionality, can be compared with its "distant relative" - ​​the Russian stove.

Food foil - a useful invention, which did not replace, but to help housewives and experienced culinary specialists. This kitchen accessory allows you to create the effect of a Russian stove in the oven. It holds the set temperature, at the same time bringing the dish to readiness inside and not allowing it to burn on the outside. In addition, the use of foil for baking saves time on the preparation of the dough, eliminates the need to clean the dishes from burnt fat.

Conveniently. But the taste of aromatic dough foil does not replace. Therefore, here it is already necessary to resolve the issue of preferences on an individual basis.

In the meantime, move on to the next question.

Duck in the oven in foil - basic technological principles

If the choice of chicken is relatively simple, then most likely a good duck for roasting you need to look for: if not at the farmyard, then at the market.

Not every duck can please with juicy, tasty pulp, with moderate fat content. To choose the right carcass, you need to get acquainted with some basic criteria for choosing meat of this type of poultry.

The best meat breed is considered to be musky or, as they are also called, indochka. At the age of two months, poultry meat is suitable for slaughter and eating. The carcasses of males are larger and can reach a weight of 6 kg; female weight - up to 3 kg. There are also Peking ducks, the meat of which has a lighter color and less characteristic taste. This breed can be found in the meat departments of supermarkets.

Complexity preparatory phase any bird consists in processing carcasses and removing feathers. Strictly speaking, regardless of whether the bird was bought in a store or in the market, you need to carefully examine the surface of the carcass. There should be no mechanical damage on the skin.

Any bird needs to be tarred, even if, at first glance, “hemp” does not stick out from it - traces of the recent feather cover. Firstly, almost invisible hairs remain on the skin of any bird, which can be easily removed with the help of a burner flame. Secondly, after grinding, the meat acquires a more pleasant smell. But it is necessary to pitch the duck very quickly so that the subcutaneous fat does not melt. After heating above the flame of fire, the deep-seated remnants of the outer feathers are easily removed.

After that, the carcass is washed with hot water and, after drying, proceed to cutting. Required remove the sebaceous glandlocated on the tail. This simple technique will help eliminate a specific unpleasant odor. The first phalanx of the wings and the heel of the legs are also removed. So that after baking, the wings fit beautifully and tightly against the carcass, they are wrung back in the uppermost joint. After this, they proceed to gutting, making a longitudinal incision on the abdomen until reaching the rectum. An incision is also made at the base of the neck to remove the larynx and esophagus through this opening. Then the bird is washed again and proceed directly to cooking.

The meat of the male musk duck is less greasy but stiffer. Partially removing stiffness will help marinade from wine, citrus juice, cherries, red wine. In addition, bird stiffness will help eliminate stuffing with sour apples or lingonberry berries, lemon slices. For baking, fat should not be completely removed, because without it the finished bird would be too dry. Excess fat can be removed after baking. By the way, it will be possible to cook delicious cereals or vegetable side dishes on it.

An interesting feature of cooking fatty meat is the use of acidic ingredients, in combination with which fatty foods are easier to digest, and its taste acquires an interesting piquant shade.

It is important to remember that the breast of a duck is baked faster than the legs and wings. Generally, different parts of this bird not baked at the same time and therefore baking in foil is ideal for duck meat.

The foil creates an optimal baking mode. Duck need bake up to three - four hours, depending on its mass, but the temperature should not exceed 130-140 ° C. There is one more nuance of cooking duck in the oven: half an hour before the meat is ready, the oven should be turned off, but the meat should not be removed so that it comes to a simmer.

What does duck meat go with? Unlike chicken or turkey, red duck meat is a non-dietary product. Its aroma is also not neutral. But sometimes you want variety! A win-win option is to emphasize the taste of duck meat with sweet and sour berries and fruits. In this sense, grapes, apples, almost all citruses, barberries, blueberries, cranberries or lingonberries are leading. An aromatic sugar pear in combination with odor neutral sour berries will fit into the ensemble of a dish with duck. You can use the classic set of dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins and prunes. But it is necessary to add sweet and sour syrup.

If you want to cook a duck without an exotic gloss, then onions and buckwheat or potatoes with pickled cucumbers or mushrooms, or olives will be very useful. In general, onions are quite enough, without additional "accompaniment", but onions need to be selected from sweet varieties so that it, a rather large amount, does not convey bitterness to meat. Duck with onion - favorite dish of ancient Chinese emperorswho didn’t eat anything, without the consent of their court doctors, who are considered enlightened even today.

Spices need to be picked up more to a side dish, but not to a duck. As usual, one cannot be zealous so as not to drown out the smell of duck meat. The amount of added spices must also be selected, given the intensity of their aroma.

Everything else is very simple and already familiar. Cooking the duck in the oven in foil!

Recipe 1. Duck in the oven in a foil with buckwheat and mushrooms

Product Set:

Champignons (fried) 500 g

Spice mix and salt


Buckwheat (boiled) 500 g


2 garlic cloves

Onion, passivated 300 g

Order of preparation:

Soak the duck for several hours, with the help of paper napkins we remove excess moisture.

Rub thoroughly on top and inside with a mixture of spices and salt.

We mix mushrooms, buckwheat and onions, stuff the duck and sew in the belly.

We wrap the duck with a double layer of foil without pulling it too much and leaving free space for the accumulation of hot air: if the foil breaks and juice flows out, the meat will be spoiled.

We lay the bird on a baking sheet and set it to simmer for about three hours in the oven, at a temperature of 120 - 130 ° Ϲ. Mix honey with chopped garlic. 10 minutes before ready, unfold the duck, freeing the skin from the foil, grease it liberally.

Before serving, remove the thread from the abdomen.

Recipe 2. Duck in the oven in a foil with apples

Product Set:

Water 3.5 L

Vinegar (apple) 500 ml

Garlic 2-3 cloves

Red and black pepper (ground)

Ginger, fresh (grated) 100 g

Bay leaf 8 - 10 pcs.

Fresh dill stalks 50 g

Duck carcass

Apples, sour (large) 8 pcs.

Cranberries, fresh 200 g

Cinnamon (powder)

Juice, lemon 50 ml

Dried basil 10 g

Shallow kitchen salt

Refined Oil 50 ml

Honey 30 g


Add water to the water vinegar, half ginger, crushed stalks of dill, bay leaf. Lower the carcass cleaned from the rest of the feathers, lower it into the brine, setting the load on top, leave for 1.5 hours. Four apples peeled and cut into a large cube. Pieces of apples mixed with half of lemon juice, cranberries, cinnamon.

The remaining ginger and lemon juice mixed with honey, vegetable oil, chopped garlic.

Also mix spices separately: basil, pepper mixture, salt.

We rub the carcass with a mixture of dry spices inside and out, stuff with an apple and cranberries, sew with a thread or use a toothpick to slice the belly and grease the duck with half the sauce. Wrap foil several times and bake at 140 ° Ϲ for two and a half hours.

Ten minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil, grease with the remaining sauce, continuing to bake until a blush with four whole apples (the apples, if desired, clear of the core and stuff to taste).

Recipe 3. Duck in the oven in foil and pear syrup on rice "pillow"

Product Set:

Duck Breast 900 g

Hard rice 350 g

Salt, spices, garlic

Slices of peeled pear 250 g

Lemon (juice) 200 ml

Honey or molasses 150 g

Order of preparation:

Grate the prepared breast with spices, after making cross-shaped incisions with a sharp knife on the skin.

Rinse and soak in water for at least three hours. Drain and dry the rice. Add chopped garlic, saffron, lemon juice, 2-3 buds of ground cloves, dried sweet paprika and basil.

Stir the rice and spices and place it in a prepared baking dish lined with foil. Lay duck meat on top of the rice pad.

Caramelize the pear slices: first, fry in a hot frying pan, then, transferring to a saucepan, pour honey or molasses, with the addition of water. Boil until syrup.

Pour the syrup onto the breast, lay the slices of pear around.

The top layer of the foil should cover freely so that the rice steamed during baking can fit in the space of the foil. Leave some syrup to grease the surface of the breast when it is baked. To do this, free the prepared breast from the foil and hold it in a hot oven to brown.

Recipe 4. Duck in the oven in foil with onions


White onion (sweet) 1.2-1.5 kg (net)

Lemon 350-400 g (1 whole and slices for serving)

Salt, pepper, bay leaf

Duck (prepared carcass) 2-2.5 kg

Mustard, spicy 50 g

Honey 30-40 g

Sauce (soy)


Straw a white onion.

Treat the duck inside and out with spices.

Inside the carcass, put a whole lemon and shredded onion. Sew the carcass and put it in the form covered with foil.

Put the remaining onions around the duck, grease the skin with a sauce of soy, honey and mustard.

Connect the edges of the foil over the meat, completely sealing it and send it to the refrigerator, for 6-7 hours.

Bake for about three hours, on average. A few minutes before the meat is ready, brown it by removing the top layer of foil.

Serve by removing the strings, laying the onions in a dish, and garnish with lemon slices. Remove the lemon from the carcass.

Recipe 5. Duck in the oven in a foil with oranges


Oranges 8 pcs.

Honey 200 g

Duck carcass

Provencal herbs 20 g

Soy sauce

Couscous 200 g

Allspice 10 g

Mustard 25 g

Dill, dried 8 - 12 g

2 cloves of garlic

Lingonberry 1 cup

Spices, salt

Order of preparation:

Grind the carcass, wash it with warm water and dry it.

Leave one orange for serving, squeeze the juice from the rest, after removing the zest.

Mix the juice of orange with honey, half Provence herbs and steam until thickened. After removing from heat, add mustard, a spoonful of soy sauce and mix. The sauce is ready.

Rub the carcass with a mixture of the remaining spices with oil, chopped garlic and soy sauce. Inside the carcass, put the orange zest, lingonberries and couscous, sew in the abdomen and grease with orange sauce, wrap in foil and set to bake until cooked at a temperature of 140 - 150 ° Ϲ. 15 minutes before turning off the oven, open the foil and grease again with orange sauce. Let the meat "rest" in a disconnected oven for a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 6. Duck in the oven in foil with dried fruits

Product Set:

Lemon 2 Pcs.

Dried Provence herbs 30 g

Garlic 10 g

Soy Sauce 50 ml

Rice, wild (slightly undercooked) 0.5 kg

Prunes, dried apricots, raisins 150 g each

Duck carcass

Onion, large (1) 1 pc.

Order of preparation:

Steamed dried fruits with boiling water for 30 minutes. Drain and mix with wild rice. Grind lemons with garlic and Provencal herbs in a blender, mixed with soy sauce. Peel and chop the onions in half rings. Grate the prepared carcass with the resulting sauce and wrap in a film with shredded onions. Leave in a cool place for five hours.

Transfer the duck onto foil, stuff with rice and dried fruits and bake until cooked at a temperature of 150 ° Ϲ. To get a golden crust, open the foil on top 15 minutes before cooking.

Recipe 7. Duck in the oven in a foil with potatoes and onions


Duck carcass (pickled)

Potato (peeled) 1 kg

Salt, spices

Onions, pickled 400 g

Mushroom sauce on sour cream

Cooking method:

Cut the carcass into pieces. Put chopped potatoes on the foil, put half the onion on the potato, lay the pieces of carcass on top and on top the remaining onion. Wrap in foil and bake the duck until cooked at medium temperature. Five minutes before readiness, remove the top of the foil, pour in mushroom sauce and simmer in the oven.

Duck in the oven in foil - useful tips and tricks

  • To soak meat quickly and efficiently cooked delicious marinade, use a pastry syringe. You can also use a medical tool if you can find a suitable needle to insert the marinade under the skin or in the flesh of the bird. It must be borne in mind that marinade may contain particles of spices that will not pass through a thin needle.

  • If a wild duck is included in the lunch menu, then its meat must be steeped for several hours to remove the smell of mud. It is advisable to change the water more often.

  • The characteristic smell of duck meat is more intense in carcasses slaughtered at an older age. Therefore, their meat is tougher.


Watch the video: How To Cook A Duck The Easy & Simplest Way (June 2024).