90-day diet of separate nutrition: the habit of eating right forms? A varied 90-day menu


"On what bottom are you?" - You can often hear not only in Europe, but already around the world.

Now we can safely say that the 90-day diet of separate nutrition has conquered millions of people. The author’s diet was invented by two Slovenian teachers - Breda Hrobat and Moycea Polyanshek, and is described in their book.

According to a survey of a third of people who followed the proposed principles of nutrition, even after five years, the weight lost did not return.

Diet allows you to reset 90 days to 25 kg excess weight. After the expiration of the main diet, the authors propose to adhere to its principles constantly. Already from the beginning of the diet, the symptoms of diseases associated with metabolic disorders are reduced, and by the end of the term women say that they lost several years with kilograms.

In order not to harm their health, but to get an excellent result, the authors and nutritionists advise reading the book in the original. We will only briefly talk about the basics of the diet, and what can expect you in these three months.

Separate nutrition concept

The authors argue about the effectiveness of the separate consumption of certain groups of food products based on their chemical composition. We are talking about proteins, carbohydrates, starches, and vitamin products. But the diet involves not just the intervals between their use during the day, but the allocation of certain days for a particular group of products.

The 90-day split diet is divided into three stageseach of which provides for a clear sequence of cycles of four days, which you need to eat mainly:

• proteins;

• starchy foods;

• carbohydrates;

• a group of vitamin products.

But this does not mean that one day you can’t eat another type of food - just its percentage on this day is limited.

Very important in this food system are intervals between mealsdue to which all products are completely absorbed and the body is not busy with constant digestion of absorbed food.

This diet attracts people by the fact that it provides many tasty and healthy, familiar dishes, and also allows you to eat sweets. As a result, there is no feeling of hunger, you enjoy your favorite snacks, but lose weight.

The results of the diet depend on compliance with its principles and on regular physical activity.

The validity of the 90-day split diet

Every day, the body needs replenishment of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The lack of one or more of them leads to disruptions in the functioning of all body systems. Hence the constant hunger, saggy skin, flaky nails and brittle hair, and many, many other problems, many of which are caused by obesity.

But how rarely do we think about the balance of these substances, and eat what is tasty, not paying attention to the “cries for help” of our own body. It is for the control of good nutrition that a 90-day diet of separate nutrition was created, because on every allocated day you have to eat one of the indispensable elements of nutrition.


The basis of the building material of tissues and cells. Protein does not accumulate in the body on its own. Together with proteins, the body receives essential amino acids, so you need to regularly eat meat, fish, cottage cheese, beans, mushrooms and nuts.


Provide energy reserves. By oxidizing and burning, fats give us strength. When eating fats, we get vitamins A, D, E, K. Both animal (lamb, pork, beef, fish, etc.) and vegetable (corn, olive, sunflower, and other) fats are indispensable. A good source of fat is nuts.


Energy "bombs", movement stimulants and guarantors of the full functioning of vital systems. Cereals, potatoes, flour and pasta, fruits and vegetables - all of them contain complex carbohydrates. Sugar is also a carbohydrate, but "empty", it does not produce a powerful and lasting energy effect.

Why products cannot be combined

For the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the isolation of various enzymes is necessary. Due to the lack of one of the enzymes, it is difficult to digest and assimilate all the food obtained at a time. Carbohydrates for digestion must get into an alkaline environment, and proteins - into an acidic one. As a result of the joint use of both, fermentation and decay of undigested food residues occur.

What main foods are compatible with:

• meat, poultry, fish - green, low-starchy vegetables;

• eggs - sour cream, vegetables with a low starch content;

• cereals, legumes - vegetable oil, sour cream, vegetables;

• sweet fruits - nuts, vegetables without starch, dairy products;

• dairy products - cheese, vegetables, fruits, nuts;

• tomatoes and sour fruits - green vegetables, cream, butter and vegetable oil, sour cream, nuts, cottage cheese.

Pure milk is better not to use at all.

In a diet for 90 days, it just seems to be possible to combine products in dishes most harmoniously, while not changing the usual diet too much. All family members can follow the diet, so it is not very difficult to pass the test.

Sample menu of one stage of the diet

For those who decided to follow the 90-day diet of separate food, we selected an approximate, most diverse, menu of one of its three stages.

You won’t have to break your brain over what to eat for breakfast. The authors of the diet recommend every day to eat one or two different fruits in the morning, or a handful of berries. As for the size of the servings, they should not exceed 400 grams. Dinner should be half the size of the lunch portion. Serving sizes on vitamin days are not limited.

Main products by day cycle:

• protein - meat, eggs, dairy products (sugar free), fish and seafood, non-starchy vegetables;

• starch - potatoes, cereals, legumes, flour products;

• carbohydrate - bakery products, pasta, cereals, vegetables, sweets (moderately);

• vitamin - vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, seeds and nuts.

Lunch before 12:00 authors prohibit. Between lunch and dinner should pass at least three (in protein - four) hours. On a vitamin day, the intervals between meals are reduced to two hours. Supper after 20:00 is not worth it.

As a snack, if you can’t tolerate the main meal, you can use fruits.

What to cook with a 90-day split diet

1 day, protein:

• Lunch: tuna salad (optional 100 gram slice of whole grain bread)

• Dinner: salad with ham and cheese

2 day starch:

• Lunch: Chinese fried rice

• Dinner: fried potatoes with onions

3 day carbohydrate:

• Lunch: pizza with zucchini, tomatoes, onions, garlic and mushrooms

• Dinner: a large piece of chocolate cake, a slice of dark chocolate

4 day, vitamin:

• Lunch: boiled vegetables with pesto and pistachios

• Dinner: fruit salad with apples, pineapples, oranges and kiwi

5 day, protein:

• Lunch: baked chicken thighs with cream sauce and horseradish

• Dinner: squid salad

6th day, starchy:

• Lunch: chickpeas with curry and boiled brown rice

• Dinner: fried potatoes with mushrooms, zucchini and chili

7 day: carbohydrate:

• Lunch: pasta with spinach and mushrooms

• Dinner: a cake, a slice of dark chocolate

8 day, vitamin:

• Lunch: fried mushrooms with vegetables

• Dinner: baked apples with cinnamon and almonds

9 day, protein:

• Lunch: meat rolls with fresh tomatoes and sweet pepper (you can add a slice of whole grain bread)

• Dinner: Greek salad

10 day starch:

• Lunch: cauliflower and broccoli burgers, fried potato slices with hot pepper and garlic

• Dinner: baked potatoes with tomato sauce

11 day carbohydrate:

• Lunch: pasta with ratatouille sauce

• Dinner: 2-3 croissants with chocolate, a piece of dark chocolate

12 day, vitamin:

• Lunch: coleslaw with garlic and pumpkin oil

• Dinner: tomato soup with pumpkin seeds

13 day, protein:

• Lunch: boiled beef salad, beef broth with vegetables

• Dinner: slices of any cheese (feta cheese, "health", Dutch, goat, gorgonzola, brie, but not processed cheese), with tomatoes and sweet pepper

14th day, starchy:

• Lunch: risotto with mushrooms

• Dinner: any kind of potato

15 day carbohydrate:

• Lunch: pasta with broccoli in garlic sauce

• Dinner: 3 pancakes with apricot jam, a slice of dark chocolate

16 day, vitamin:

• Lunch: stewed zucchini

• Dinner: cauliflower soup

17 day, protein:

• Lunch: boiled sausage, green beans with lard and sour cream

• Dinner: seafood salad

18 day starch:

• Lunch: rice with red beans and sesame seeds

• Dinner: millet porridge with vegetables

19 day carbohydrate:

• Lunch: vegetable lasagna

• Dinner: cheesecake, chocolate

20 day, vitamin:

• Lunch: a salad of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and onions with pumpkin oil

• Dinner: stewed apples and quince (sugar free!)

21 days, protein:

• Lunch: burger with cheese

• Dinner: beef goulash

22 day, starchy:

• Lunch: potato and vegetable moussaka

• Dinner: thick pea soup with potatoes, salad

23 day carbohydrate:

• Lunch: pasta, tomato sauce with eggplant, pepper and onions

• Lunch: 2-3 slices of apple pie (depending on size), dark chocolate

24 day, vitamin:

• Lunch: salad of green peas, peppers and onions

• Dinner: mushroom soup (without potatoes or cream)

25 day, protein:

• Lunch: chicken salad with vegetables

• Dinner: omelet with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and mozzarella

26 day starch:

• Lunch: grilled vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, zucchini) with bean salad

• Dinner: potato salad with green vegetables

27 day carbohydrate:

• Lunch: mushroom lasagna with spinach

• Dinner: fruit salad with ice cream (2-3 balls), dark chocolate

28 day, vitamin:

• Lunch: peach puree without sugar

• Dinner: carrot, celery and beetroot salad

29 day drinking:

• plain water, mineral water, unsweetened tea or coffee, unsweetened compote.

After a drinking day, the next same stage begins, starting with a protein day. At the end of the last, third stage, there will be 1 day more days, that is, only 91 days of the diet will be drinkable.

To "get out" of the diet, no effort is required - weight will not return if moderation in food is observed and motor activity is maintained.

Despite the fact that the technique is quite loyal, and familiar dishes are allowed, it is better to reduce the amount of vegetable oil and salt during their preparation, and more often replace the frying process by baking or stewing.

Changing the order of days is pointless, as the body gets used to the regime, metabolism is accelerated, and a failure in the food system will lead to a violation of digestion, and all efforts will be in vain.

Repeatedly observe a full 90-day diet of separate nutrition is necessary no earlier than three months after the end of the current one.


Watch the video: Diet Doctor Podcast #24 Robb Wolf (July 2024).