Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva can not come to a compromise


It would seem that in the personal life of Hollywood celebrity Mel Gibson everything is fine. The former girlfriend of the actor Oksana Grigorieva went to the settlement agreement, and Mel is quite happy with the new lover - Nadya Lanfranconi. A talented Italian for several years living in Los Angeles, pursuing a musical career. However, this idyll may soon end. The press got information that Oksana wants to sue. It requires a review of the judicial transaction, which was concluded after breaking up with Gibson.

Recall that Grigorieva met the actor in 2007. Two years later, the couple had a daughter, Lucia, by the way a girl - the eighth child of Mel. Before the marriage, it did not come, although with the previous wife the actor lived 26 years.

Soon scandals began. Grigorieva went to the police and accused the star of beatings. The case ended with the fact that Mel was sentenced to a conditional term of punishment, a fine and community service. In 2001, the pair managed to settle all differences. Now Oksana accuses her own human rights activists in sabotaging her decision. Grigorieva said that the lawyers forced her to sign papers, according to which she lost the right to real estate, left to her by Gibson as compensation.

The Russian pianist now wants to "knock out" compensation from lawyers, arguing that it was their incompetence that deprived her of her home. The amount of compensation has not been disclosed.


Watch the video: Why Did Mel Gibsons Ex Oksana Grigorieva Lose $500,000? (July 2024).