A husband does not want a wife - what to do? A practical guide for unwanted wives. If the husband does not want a wife - this is fixable


If you are not a complete alarmist, then a week or two without sex will not bother you much.

You never know what happens in people: stress, feeling unwell, trouble at work. But if the situation drags on, and for months you have to beg your husband for warmth and affection in your own bed, then it's time to ring the bells. Not very loud, of course: the piercing howl of a siren scares off the last vibes in the soul and body of a man, even if they still remained.

So, we must determine the level of hopelessness of the problem. There are only two of them: the end of a relationship and a break, giving a break and a chance for a new outbreak. In any of these cases, most of the useful tips of this article will be universal: both options require not to lose shape, self-respect and respect from the partner, even if his desire is lost forever.

What to do in the first place, when the husband does not want his wife?

To start stop the tantrum. Panic attacks, jealousy scenes, angry suffocation and other accompaniment of such situations are normal and standard. Even for those ladies whom surrounding consider owners of cold blood of a reptile, and husbands - frigid statues, the similar periods pass painfully and painfully. There is always a place wounded pride, if not love.

So make breathing exercises, count to ten, buy rags, get drunk with a friend and pay her shoulder, in the end. Just do not torment your man with ugly scenes, losing your face in his eyes and the remnants of warm friendly, if not sexual relations.

A rare exception: if your husband is a pathological masochist or a very peculiar extremist, then a small whipping, perhaps, will stir up former desires. But here we must be very careful: these games are not everyone’s liking, but two or three random “reconciliations” will slightly correct the weather in the house, but the general climate will remain the same.

So, you are outwardly calm and ready to talk, plan and correct the situation. Your heart beats evenly or almost exactly. The fight for her husband begins!

What to do with yourself if the husband does not want you as a woman?

Why does the husband not want a wife?

The main reasons for the cooling of sexual ardor

Parental efforts

If you are a young mother, the absence of sex is an easily understandable thing. A beloved, but restless baby requires all your attention, and when a tired breadwinner comes home, then his father's too. Physical and moral strength is running out, and the bed is associated only with sound sleep. If you do not have a separate nursery, then the newly-made father, unusual for a small roommate, may even become isolated. He already has an infant in his arsenal, whimpering at the most inopportune moment, his spouse dying of fatigue, not having time, moreover, to take care of himself, and even, do not bring the Lord, mother-in-law or mother behind a thin wall. In this situation, the main thing - to survive, and not to libido.

• Such cases are by no means hopeless if your husband is not from that nasty breed that can stop loving because you are overweight after giving birth or the shape of, say, your chest has changed. Unfortunately, there are quite a few such finished egoists. And, no matter how painful it is for you to lose such a husband, his loss will be your step towards a normal life.

But let's be optimistic: your husband, although he does not want his wife, but he loves. Ask mom, mother-in-law, neighbor, girlfriend or nanny to pick up the baby for at least for the evening. Take advantage of this time rationally: take a fragrant bath, tidy yourself, light candles and order dinner from the restaurant if you have not managed to cook something edible. Seduce your husband like a femme fatale from a movie. He will surely be stunned by surprise so that your victory should be easy.

The husband does not want his wife: stress, problems, overwork

It is not uncommon for a husband to want a wife, but he cannot: constant tiredness after work, labor stresses and various similar problems. In most cases, the culprit in this situation is work. In this case, the husband is physically and mentally exhausted. On his shoulders - an overwhelming burden of worries, "on his head" sits the authorities, the engine jams around the car. Moreover, the son of a blockhead brought home three deuces in mathematics - and to whom he is so stupid!

Most likely, he will withdraw into himself and prefer to spend any free minute alone - at the computer or with a book in his hands, rather than in bed with his wife. Because in this state, the idea of ​​sex is associated with another frightening duty - this time a conjugal one.

Seduce this man again, once you have already succeeded. Since he is still benevolent, respectful and caressing with you, and after work he drags his mortal body exactly home, to you, perhaps, all is not lost?

Husband has fallen out of love or simply does not want a wife

This problem is much more complicated than the previous ones: the husband does not want his wife due to the loss of attraction to her as a woman.

If he simply missed, got bored, he got fed up with your same everyday routine, your home "outfit" in striped socks and a molted robe, then positive changes can be achieved simply by changing the scenery. Then the beloved grandmother’s extended robe will go to the closet or to the trash, socks will take their rightful place in the dresser, and they will be replaced by a glossy penyarchik or a knitted tight pantsuit.

And do not forget to get rid of the hellish sloppy "horse" tail on the crown that nests on your head at home! There is nothing sexual in it, so comfort will have to be sacrificed.

• He sees in what shape you go to work: well-groomed and attractive, in the best outfits. Is he, the husband, not worthy even of the shadow of that beauty that passers-by and employees see?

This case of male reluctance smoothly flows into another: you are so different at home and in public that the most dear man in the world simply does not understand why and for whom such a carnival, if you have to be alone with Baba Yaga. And you were, relaxed, decided that he loves you and so, you can not try.

This myth is inspired to us by novels and serials: love and desire must be fed, provoked into flashes, constantly stroking it on the head and watering nectar. Perhaps then she will take root and bloom wildly according to all known patterns deduced by old Freud.

Sexual apathy: the husband does not want his wife organically

He treats his wife extremely warmly, as a dear and close person, but does not consider him as a sexual object. Anything takes place: friendship, understanding, agreement, but not attraction. It may even happen that the mere thought of having sex with a wife-friend in a man will cause hostility. It is impossible to predict which path your relationship will take in this situation. It all depends on whether you are ready, like Assol, to wait for the red sails by the sea, on which there are no ships? Are you patient enough to hope for success in a situation where your husband does not want you, and most likely will not want to?

The husband does not want a wife because of a rival

Sex without love is devastating. This is unanimously claimed by many psychologists. If the husband no longer wants you, then maybe he just fell in love. And the point is not that he has enough sex on the side, just the objects of his languid sighs and serenades at the moment is another woman. You remember how proud of his ardent looks, turned only to you.

• Do not look for a meeting with a rival, do not try to determine who is better. This will deprive you of the last strength, already undermined by a long sexual hunger.

• Resolving this situation also depends on your willingness to wait and forgive.

• The love of a husband can pass. Romance - evaporate. The course of life - to return to the old course.

Many real cases confirm this: husbands returned to bed with their wives after the most dizzying novels. They came back, cooling down after the intrigue, and remained in this bed forever, "nagulyav" ardor, experience, a variety of impressions "on the side."

Awaiting spouses again got faithful and sexually strong machos, ready for the exploits of the sexual front.

A husband does not want a wife because he cannot want her ...

In a disease of this kind, not every husband admits to himself, not so much to you. These circumstances force men to withdraw into themselves much stronger than in the first cases. After all, here He, still young and strong, feels flawed, crippled, inferior man. He is driven into a corner and "rewards" with severe depression the impossibility of arousing at all: neither from your erotic lingerie, nor from watching an overt video, nor from taking magic pills.

Diseases that affect the sexual function of men are divided into two groups: general and special.

• Special - diseases of the reproductive system that directly affect male sexual capabilities.

• General - the remaining ailments that, due to pain and discomfort, dull intimate desires.

Fortunately, 21st century medicine can solve many problems. And this case just belongs to the category of options, when you can press and present some ultimatum of moderate severity. After all, it is not so much about sexual bliss, as about the health or even the life of your second half.

A husband does not want a wife: general recommendations

What should be done in all variants of events without exception? In the worst case, you simply improve your appearance and do not lose self-esteem, at best - you return everything to normal.

1. Think carefully about the course of action and possible risks. Forcing a husband or under torture to find out the reasons for his reluctance from him is a dead end. Hysterics roll up useless, threaten - even worse.

2. Calmly and thoroughly talk with her husband "heart to heart".

3. If in his explanations you see the contours of any of the described situations - act according to our advice.

4. Regardless of the results of the "interrogation", engage yourself. Remember, when was the last time you visited a hairdresser, a massage therapist, a beautician? Sign up for a gym or just start jogging in the morning - perhaps even with your spouse.

5. Try to penetrate his world without signs of mental violence: go fishing or paintball together, yell at a football stadium or racetrack together. Probably, her husband is just lonely and he does not want to sleep with a stranger, a woman who does not understand his tastes.

6. Add to your life tenderness and romance. Diversify the weekend and do not overload the duties of the already heavy modern weekdays. Romantic evenings, surprises and relaxing vacations will help melt not only his heart, but also some of the functions of the male body you are looking for.

7. Tell your husband about your piquant fantasies. Sometimes curiosity can conquer even offense, not to mention boredom and despondency. Role-playing games within the tastes of two loving spouses will condemn perhaps the last hypocrite.

8. Feel that you are desired. In the end, convince yourself of this - such insolence can be contagious!

The husband does not want a wife, but he will definitely want

Being a desirable woman is a great science. At all times, women who sell desire at a high level were required to get an education, master the art of dance, music, and special grace. Japanese geisha and French courtesans were constantly caring for face and body skin, silky hair and soft hands, pursuing the one and only goal - to please men.

The ability to charm and seduce your man again and again, even imitating such seemingly unworthy persons - this is really a huge job. But the result of such work is worth the effort, is not it?


Watch the video: 10 Things Every Wife Needs To Do For Her Husband (June 2024).